"Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 Week 3: Smoking Kills"

in STEEMIT HEALTH2 years ago (edited)



Hello Everyone. I am @mostofajaman from Bangladesh .

Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 Week 3 Smoking Kills (1).png

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Hello everyone, how are you? Hope everyone is well. Alhamdulillah I am also very well. Today my friend @ripon0630 mentioned this contest so I came to know about it so I came to participate. Thanks brother @ripon0630. So let's begin.

In today's world, both men and women are getting addicted to smoking.Smoking is such an easy drug in today's world that we see everywhere. Smoking is very harmful to the interest but still smokers continue to smoke. I myself am a smoker I know the harmful aspects of smoking but still smoke like me everyone who smokes does the same. I know this is damaging my body and finances. I keep trying to refrain from it. Very soon insha Allah I will go away from it.

Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 Week 3 Smoking Kills (3).png

According to the current world situation, the number of smoking is increasing day by day. People are moving towards smoking before they become adults. It is causing great damage to the family and the society and the country gradually which we do not understand. Being next to a smoker is just as harmful as smoking. So let's commit to not smoking today and not letting others do it. It is actually an important topic that has provided engagement challenges on the topic.

Give your views about the phrase "Smoking Kills!"

Smoking kills does not mean that you will die immediately if you smoke. Smoking is so harmful that it will destroy your body from the inside. Your breathing will destroy the lungs. Gradually you will find it difficult to take and your breath will accumulate phlegm. You may even get blood in your breath for prolonged speaking. It will hurt you more as you age. Speaking for a long time will start asthma or shortness of breath in your lungs. Your blood may come into the lungs along with shortness of breath. Smoking is such a bad habit that at first you will not understand anything but gradually you will understand but then it will be difficult to quit the habit. Cancer is caused by smoking. If you smoke for a long time you can develop cancer in your breathing or throat which is a death trap. This means that young teenagers are also being attracted to smoking and becoming addicted to smoking. All things considered you can sum up smoking causes death and smoking causes death.

What are the main reasons why people become addicted to smoking?

Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 Week 3 Smoking Kills (2).png

There are many reasons for smoking addiction. Like maybe you have failed in something or are in depression. When people fail or are tired then a kind of sensation is created in them. When such an environment is created, people become addicted to smoking to get some satisfaction.

I think the main reasons for smoking addiction is that it becomes addictive through association with different friends. When you spend time with your smoking friends, you have to smoke with them while mingling with them. This is how the journey of smoking actually begins. If the people you are traveling with are smoking or if they are addicted to smoking then surely you will also become addicted slowly.

Many people smoke to be stress free for a while. Again many have taken it as enjoyment. Then gradually became addicted to smoking. Hanging out with friends who smoke. The main reasons for smoking are smoking for enjoyment and momentary relaxation.

Are you addicted to smoking, or someone you may know have addicted to smoking? What changing have you seen after addiction?

Yes I am addicted to smoking and I have many friends who are addicted to smoking and my journey to smoking started through them.

Yes I have been addicted to smoking for a long time and I am trying to stop smoking. But it is a bad habit for a long time so it is not possible for anyone to change it very quickly.

Smoking is harmful to health smoking is cancer. Moreover, it does a lot of damage financially. A considerable part of your income is spent on this smoking. Smoking causes a lot of bad breath which is unpleasant for non-smokers. Smoking causes a lot of damage to the eyes and teeth if you smoke for a long time. Excessive smoking can cause lung cancer or asthma. I have seen a lot of physical changes after becoming addicted. Various types of diseases have appeared in the eyes, teeth and throat. If you are affected by smoking for a long time, it will surely create a bigger disease in the body.

What should we do to reduce the rate of smoking addiction?

Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 Week 3 Smoking Kills (5).png

There are many ways to get rid of smoking addiction. To quit smoking you must first tag your friends or people who are addicted to smoking. Always try to stay away from depression or different types of thoughts. Whenever you want to smoke, instead of smoking, you should drink something else that will reduce the addiction of smoking. Make a commitment to yourself that you will never smoke again. If you do not want to stop smoking, you will never get rid of its bad habit.

A lot of taxes will be imposed on tobacco products. Everyone can be banned from social media to your neighborhood community and holding meetings for no smoking. If necessary, the factories manufacturing tobacco products should be closed. Awareness should be created so that people can know the details about the extensive damage of cigarettes and can refrain from it.


Currently, people around the world are more or less addicted to smoking. Here both men and women are addicted to smoking day by day. Currently I myself am addicted to smoking but I am trying very fast to get rid of it. Those who are addicted to smoking should be told to stop smoking and separate themselves from them. Those who smoke should be well presented with the harmful aspects of smoking and all together should say no to smoking. Smoking is a bad habit for temporary gratification which leads us all to harm so we should all refrain from it.

Here is my achievement 1 link

Here is invitation @msharif @enamul17 @shohana1 @solaymann.

With best regards,

Thank you all for watching and reading my post. Stay well everyone. Hope you like my post.


 2 years ago 

Hola amigo
El cigarro es una muerte lenta para todos sus consumidores, y puede que por lenta es que muchos no logran dejarlo hasta que se ven muy comprometidos en alguna enfermedad.

Espero que en algún momento usted pueda valorar más la vida que se le ha regalado, y la cuide dejando este vicio que lo alejara de la vida verdadera y hasta de sus familiares .
Le deseo mucho éxito en su participación

Thank you very much for the nice comment. We should really go away from smoking. It is very harmful to our body. We cannot understand it. Best wishes to you.


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