Ethereum Flash Crashes By 96% After Status ICO Clogs Network. It was $13 for a few minutes today!

in #business7 years ago (edited)

by Tyler Durden June 21, 2017 4:27 PM

Holy smokes! Who get lucky enough to snag Ethereum at $13 today as a result of the flash crash that happened when a seller dumped $30,000,000 of Ether in one go!

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their is volatility in cryptos , at times good buying oppurtunity

That is indeed a great buying opportunity especially for the lucky fellow who made 1.5 million in that instant. That's it! I'm staying home and trading from now on!

Who said anything about staying home and trading full time? This happened at 3:30 pm. All you had to do was be on the exchange at the right time and submit an order. I can't tell of you're trying to be funny or condescending...

It actually dropped to .10 cents!. Someone got an order in for less than $500. Turned that into 1.5 million dollars in minutes.

Omg! That fricking crazy. I am kicking my own ass right now. That's insane! I can't believe it. A millionaire in an instant? Omg! Was it you? Lol where did u see this?

8k ethereum order was filled at 10 cents. Where did i see this? Have you been looking at any fill orders?

i couldda went to school to be a doctor
instead i dropped out and became a baller

Whut! Whut!

Funny how you just copy and paste an article from zero hedge rather than doing ur own research and writing ur own content. Maybe that's why you habe NO IDEA WTH you're talking about? Dude, get smart....quick!

Hey I like to bring news to the forefront as well as my own content. There are Steemians who appreciate it. If it bothers u so much look elsewhere...dude it's not that serious

Never said it was, but when ur commemts are made to make me look stupid, like i did absolutely no research before making my comments, it comes off as you jist being narcissistic. I mean, did u even bother to check what u was saying was true before replying?

I wrote my OWN content om the subject and posted it. I figured, hey...hete's another guy who's staying up to date with whays going on, and decided to read your post. What do i get for replying to your "content?" Basically you laughing at me saying someone filled a 1.5 MILLION DOLLAR ORDER FOR $500, as if im making it up.

Don't worry, I WILL be looking elsewhere to read content. I jusy figured id help a fellow crypto steemian out and WAS going to upvote and follow. Forget that noize now.

Damn, my first troll. You read it all wrong but I see your upset that you spent so much time writing your "own" content and I posted the news. Thats the way steemit is though. Freedom to post how and what you want. People have different ways of going about things. Look around the platform and you will see what I am talking about. I can spend 5 hours on a post and get more upvotes on one that takes me 10 minutes. I did look into the news of the flash crash. I just saw different things than what you found. It could have been your order that was filled. It's condescending to ask? Stop being salty man. It's really not that serious. I Upvoted your content because u included some thing I didn't read about and I like ur "doll hairs" comment. That's just the type of person I am.

I guess i must have interpreted your comments the wrong way. My bad. Uovoted and followed.

a seller dumped $30,000,000 of Ether in one go!

Looks like he's a noob

Either that or it was deliberate. Some are saying it was a glitch. Coinbase chimed in on reddit to say they were investigating ....dun dun dun

i dunno about if it was just gdax , shoudlnt it have been onall markets?
and @sdtraan told me toda that it ent down as low as 10 cents actyaly and a guy made a milion dollars uying ethereum at that price in a matter of seconds!!!!

see u should always be on poloniex or bittrex ready to buy coins with a STOP LOSS order!

u can simply set up a STOP LIMIT loss order and u cantell it to just buy ethereum for example, if it drops below $100 or $10 or whatever price u want! and that way if it EVER DOES happen to go gdown that far u will CATCh it AUTOMATICLY asthe trade is ttriggered!!!

This is WHY those ethereum prices went back up so fast! it was stop limit orders being roggered! some smart people have a bunch of orders set to automaticaly buy all sorts of coins if they ever drop below a certain number, and basicaly anyone who had a stop limit for under those pricees basicaly got in as soonas the price dropped that low

see thsi si why u need high freuency trading and why wall street traders install fiber optic conections anivest in higher faster data connections JUST to fuckin make faster trades!

eventually people trading on poloniex will just get tied of slow speeds but how can they trade any faster? they ned their own exchange! pay to get an un interupted inetrnt data connectionsomehow, a fast business line, and then maybe we can use UVO or the new PRISM by shapshift decentralized exchange but willl it be any faster?

Has it rebounded? Whats the current price. Someone just manipulated it i guess.

That's insane. Whoever it was, this action was kind of like a federal reserve no?

Dont pay attention to him. He appatently write posts about thinhs he has no idea about. He doesnt even realize that ETH dropped to 10 cents and ORDERS WERE FILLED!! He would rather be condescending and act like he knows all.

It gets crazier! Apparently it dropped to .10 and turned someone's $500 to 1.5million!

who is so lucky to buy at the dip ?

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