When there was just the two of us

in #relationships7 years ago

They say that when the baby comes it changes everything. I think we both understood it already when we decided to try to get pregnant. It makes sense, right? A third person will be a part of our family. Less time together as a couple, less time alone and way less sleep. So we were prepared. Or that's what I thought.

The change surprises you no matter how well you think you've prepared.

When our baby was born, at first everything was so new, weird and wonderful that it was all about her. I didn't even think or see anything else and it was all natural. It's of course part of the motherhood/parenthood since your job is to keep the newborn alive.

After maybe six months or so I started waking up from my baby bubble and realized that there is still someone called me and she has her own needs. I started missing time alone because I felt that I couldn't hear my own thoughts. I took the dog out for walks and sometimes sat quietly in the forest with him. I didn't even want to listen any music.

Besides missing the time alone I also started missing the time alone with my husband. Like I've told in some of my previous posts, we used to go dancing a lot. We also loved to travel to new places where we would just walk and walk probably hundreds of kilometers in only a few days, without any bigger plan. At home we used to watch TV series (like Breaking Bad, Friends, House of Cards and so on..) and enjoy good food.

Now we have the cutest tiny princess living with us, choosing the books we read, and the games we play. Making sure there is no time for TV or eating (she will eat!). I'm sure that after a couple of years she will love to travel with us and maybe even dance too.

But at times I just miss the easy living when there was just the two of us.

Hugs, Momone


Very beautiful @momone!

I am going through the same process myself at the moment though a few months behind yourself. It changes everything but makes everything better I feel! It is a little bit difficult transitioning to a new dynamic for sure but I feel more alive now than I ever did before!

You have a beautiful daughter! :)

Lovely photo also!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

I hope your day is going well!

Thank you. You are absolutely right about feeling more alive than ever before. Weird since the lack of sleep makes me look half dead. Enjoy your day!

I think my wife feels the same but to me she is more beautiful than ever! :)

Nicely penned. Your words resonate with every couple having a new born.

But the truth is that this thought might only be a small thread in the back of our minds. The little one's really take over our time for making the better person come out of us.

Every interaction with them means that you spend your time more wisely on building a relationship that is really going to last a lifetime. In a way they give more meaning to an otherwise mundane existence.

Thank you. Sometimes it's also scary how big influence you have on your child. Better choose the words/actions wisely as well.

Thanks for taking the time to comment.

i totally understand what you mean, the first week for me was hard as a dad because their was another human being in the house. i could not stop going in and checking on her at night like a bear looking after cubs. it does effect all areas of a relationship when a baby comes, everything changes even if at first you don't notice why. it's a hard time for sure. best to talk about the things on your mind with your partner and make time for you both.

I know the feeling when you need to go and check on her all the time. Our daughter was not a great sleeper so when she finally slept a normal nap I was quite sure she is not breathing anymore. ;)

Need to remember to take the time with the partner and alone. It's very important for the baby as well; having healthy parents with an okay relationship.

Thank you for reading and commenting my post.

I'm also having a baby soon and deep inside under all of the happiness there is sadness, it's going to change everything . I love being alone , and it's never going to be the same again

Oh! Such a nice time ahead. It will absolutely change everything but at the same time it's something so amazing. Enjoy every moment and remember to take a lot of videos, not only pictures. :)

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. And good luck with everything.

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