Monster, Love and Bloody Hands (Manuscript t02)

in #bigwaves6 years ago (edited)


If I get hold of you, I will send you to that moon and you will wish you never came back!!!.

My heart leaped in excitement in what seemed like a taste of a slice of a golden moment when that notification popped up on the screen of my phone, it was Tutu's reply, however, upon reading it, I needed no soothsayer to tell me it wasn't Tutu, it was her husband, and I'd just told Tutu I loved her to the moon and back. What do you think happened next?

It was late into my final year in University, during a short semester break, I was at home sitting in front of my TV, flicking through different channels when I saw her face, I knew it was a familiar one, someone I'd seen before, but I couldn't remember where. I ended up watching the entire broadcast whilst trying to figure out who she was, but to no avail.

Somehow from then, her face stuck to my memory.

Back to school now, my friends and I were walking down to the cafeteria after a long day of class, chatting away and getting the evening groove on, then I saw her walking from afar, about 9ft away from me and approaching, her beauty was as stunning as it was on T.V with her skin as radiant as sunlight, it really was her, she raised her head slightly to catch my gaze, she must have caught me smiling, because she smiled back and stole my heart away. My friends noticed the entire drama, but thought it was just the usual being me. I ran after her without thinking twice, I made a brief introduction and told her I loved what she was doing on TV, we exchanged a few pleasantries, she was really cool and that was it, I never saw her in school again.

During the course of our lives, we find ourselves in situations we never planned for nor envisaged, we get so caught up in trying to make the right moves rather than just moving, sometimes its out of pressure, sometimes its reason, however, other times we are courageous and resilient, and there's no stopping till we get the price our hearts beat for, at the expense of almost anything, which is what defines me, but, this one was way to costly though, and it ended in having his blood on my hands.



Be my peace when the sun is rising and my desire in the moonlight to cherish and adore at every embodiment of nature's call even to the core of our existence, my passionate affection for your being, a perfect gaze into the future of our revellings, a path to relive, a destination of relief and to forever by your side best believe.

The most important date to me in the entire lunar calender remains the 14th of May and I will tell you why. According to astrology, people born on such a date are classified to be under a zodiac sign called Taurus, they are exceptionally caring, they are selfless and will do anything to make another person happy, well I know that much about my mother, while she was alive, she was the Heart of gold whoever phrased that word must have had an encounter with her somehow. She would tear herself apart for others to be happy, they are creative, daring, adventurous, helpful and they can't help it, they have a smile that electrifies yet soothes, how can anyone not love them? Tutu was born in May...


My heart jumped out of my mouth as the left side of the tricycle tilted sideways as it sped past through the pothole, with my eye's wide open as if I was seeing a ghost for the first time, I grabbed and held on tight to everything my hands could find solid around me, the other two passengers went into panic mode and did likewise, the middle-aged lady who sat by my side was screaming the names of about 5 different gods which was quite disturbing, because she grabbed my thighs as well, then the tricycle bounced back on its third wheel, made few haphazard swerves, then fully regained its balance after about 30 quick seconds of maneuvering, and the journey continued, not of course without a ton of insults being hurled at the driver for over-speeding and failure to dodge the pothole.

Few minutes after, I jumped out of the tricycle as I had arrived at my destination, which was an eatery close to the roadside, the place had its sitting arrangements in such a way that its customers had a full view of the activities going on outside. A perfect spot for onlookers/ing.

In Lagos state where I grew up, it is quite easy to be an onlooker, just hang out there, watch the busy lives of everyone who sifts through the hustle and tussle of life and have an interesting time doing nothing, having quite a show. The downside to that, apart from the ample time being wasted, is the time wasted that can never be recovered. The metropolitan lifestyle of Lagosians can very well indulge you with its show off of wealth from the upper-class and their exotic cars, the middle class with their charade of packaging and the lower class with their big banner of hustle, all their humility, and appraisal of everything good the upper-class can offer them.

There are 4 main means of transport by road in Lagos. They are by commercial buses, motorbikes, and cars of different sorts. The most common is the motorbike, as it is deemed as the fastest though not always the most cost efficient means of getting to one's destination. It is also easily accessible as there are typically at almost every junction waiting to pick up passengers and zoom off to their destinations. You will also find a wide range of men between the ages of 18 to 70 being the riders of these bikes as it serves as a source of income for a majority of the lower class populace of the area.

The next most used means of transport is the KEKE NAPEP, a tricycle used to transport people, capable of conveying more than 2 passengers. It is averagely small compared to a car but not as small as a bike, even though they both have a striking resemblance. For some reason, the Keke is the most common means of transport available in most estates due to security measures adopted by estate contractors with the belief that they are safer and less prone to be used for robbery, unlike motorbikes. So if one is going out without a personal vehicle, chances are is very common that a Keke will convey such person at some point through the journey.

So there I sat, at this special seat made for onlookers, waiting for this friend who never kept to time, then I saw her walk by, she was an epitome of beauty. For that moment everything became nothing and though a long glass wall separated us, I could see her like she was right in my face. She saw me as well and that was the day I really met her again, by the way, the friend I went to meet didn't turn up, neither was Tutu able to go where she had planned, though I didn't ask her to stay,...maybe my heart did..

You swooshed into my life like a gust of the wind,
Yet you stuck to my cheek like a cold drop of rain.
You were like me in so many ways,
My soul has searched for you for so many days.
We were both disconnected souls in search for a different meaning from the core of the earth.
You were like the lily in my valley and I the rose in your sharon.
You put me on a different cruise, soft.



Hi guys, so I've decided to make a book out of this story. I'm too used to writing short stories and ending it abruptly in a to be continued way, but its time we are stepping that up. Its been over a year on steem of short story writing, lets get the books cooking shall we?

So I will like to call this my first manuscript, because it will be edited from time to time, writing a book can be tedious and time consuming, but they say the journey of a thousand steps begins with one right?

This project is open to suggestion and review, which will be very much appreciated.

The story aims to embody a lot of emotions such as love, passion, betrayal, hurt, fear and heartbreak. Filled with suspense and action, it is a kind of story that keeps you flipping from page to page with your concentration glued to the storyline, you will also find poetry as the natural style of the character of the writer.

I'm also yet to add a cover image, if you have any you'd like to suggest, kindly do so. I might end up designing one myself when the inspiration flows in though, but from the title, I will like to see what readers will have in their mind.


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lol blind bot!

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