Doing PLANK! 整埋

in #plank-contest5 years ago (edited)


感思這活動把"每日運動"的習慣注射入我的潛意識. 現在也有點不自覺或是不費腦力便運動起來, 我也很想學拉仔@davidke20每天發個運動帖但著實不夠時間用了. Wish to keep on posting the @dtube like @bluengel too but time is really running out for every day. Love the conclusion of @dearw too and I wish I can write a lot like her and make a good featured photo like her. 我也不知覺想起小迪@tydebbie和曾老公@stepbie的運動合輯, 這兩個人都令人感到好幸福!! 還想起村長@ericet的超級支持, 和#cn村聯合創辦人@honoru@softmetal精神上的支持. 近來也看見大師@sasaadrian已經被@dtube寵幸也很開心 (這當然是他旳努力),又看見@janicechua的超有心的影片, 一直和我們一起運動的@alvin0617, 榴槤挑戰@wongshiying, 公仔大集合@cherryzz, 超有耐性的北北@changxiu, 熊孩子@annepink unlimited supports by @paulag and super supports by @nathanmars, 暗地裡做起來的@hmayak, 超有愛的@liubao與麥先生等等...還有很多很多(又開始懶寫了)

當然最重要是茵茵@yanyanbebe建立了比我還勤力的運動習慣, 這比成為大鯨更開心

忘不了小p@pgr這張畫, 提示了第25天那日想放棄的我.

還有很多的但在第30日打了, Day 30/30 - Doing PLANK! Thank you ALL 多謝各位!! 我想重覆再一次感謝的但...

, 我愛你 <3 :D, 要繼續加油💪

[Day 22-2]#dtubesnap 22KILL 22 PUSH-UPs for 22 Days + [Day 1] Doing PLANK! for 30 Days @minloulou
[Day 22-1]#dtubesnap 22KILL 22 PUSH-UPs for 22 Days + [Day 2] Doing PLANK! for 30 Days @minloulou
[Day 22(Final)]#dtubesnap 22KILL 22 PUSH-UPs for 22 Days + [Day 3] Doing PLANK! for 30 Days @minloulou
[Day 4] Doing PLANK! for 30 Days @minloulou (+little extra)
[Day 5] Doing PLANK! for 30 Days @minloulou
[Day 6] Doing PLANK! for 30 Days @minloulou + remember to STRETCH
[Day 7] Doing PLANK! with @yanyanbebe by @minloulou
[Day 8] Doing PLANK! for 30 Days @minloulou, Knowing Dtube n DtubeFamily777
[Day 8 ->9] Doing PLANK! for 30 Days @minloulou w/ SLOW DOWN
[Day 10] Doing PLANK! for 30 Days @minloulou
[Day 11] Doing PLANK! for 30 Days @minloulou
[Day 12/30] Doing PLANK! and Our WEEKEND! @minloulou
[Day 13/30] Doing PLANK! n What's your Christmas?
[Day 14-15/30] "Doing PLANK" 1 min PLANK challenge for 30 days [30天平板支撐挑戰]
[Day 16/30] Doing PLANK! Bring Sally Up version
[Day 17/30] Doing PLANK! BSUV
[Day 18/30] Doing PLANK! -about engagement and encouragement
[Day 19/30] Doing PLANK!
Day 20 Doing PLANK! 3mins +
Doing Plank! Day 21 & Actifit : Dec 24 2018
[Day 22/30] PLANK! new posture w/ Bring Sally Up
Hiking day n Plank with Actifit -Dec 26 18
[Day 24/30] PUSH UPs PLANK! after holiday
[Day 25/30] Doing PLANK! It's challenge!
[Day 26/30] Doing PLANK! w/ Captain Nancy
[Day 27] PLANK! n Freezing
[Day 28/30] Doing PLANK! n New Year + Dapps used count down
Doing PLANK! Day 29 -simple
Day 30/30 - Doing PLANK! Thank you ALL 多謝各位!!

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Thanks! That was fun!

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That’s tough and fun

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你那里天气如何?请支持中文区的见证人, @abit @bobdos @ety001 @justyy @oflyhigh @partiko (首字母顺序),全投,一个都不要漏。如果不想再收到我的留言,请回复“取消”。


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Thank you so much for participating the Partiko Delegation Plan Round 1! We really appreciate your support! As part of the delegation benefits, we just gave you a 3.00% upvote! Together, let’s change the world!

Thanks and appreciate!

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哈哈.... 真的,精神上及點贊上及Dclick 上支持

但您們真的很厲害! 推展至其他國家.


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你犀利啲😂Call me

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@xiaoyuanwmm 村长夫人 迎着暴雨 开着拖拉机给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~


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客氣😂 都係你本身拍開片👍

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