Prevention manual: Prostitution

When we talk about prostitution, we refer to the exchange of some economic good in exchange for a sexual service, that is, a person must pay to receive or practice some type of sex, and this practice is performed by women and men, regardless of sexual orientation.

Relationship between poverty and prostitution.

Soledad Muruaga, president and co-founder of Women for Health, in Madrid / Spain, comments:

"More than 90% of prostitution comes from sex trafficking, controlled by sex mafias, which keep women in subhuman conditions, and each year incorporates some 500,000 new sex slaves. At the other extreme, a minority that does not reach 1% belongs to what is called luxury prostitution, with a high level of life and possibilities. Only around 5% affirm that they have freely chosen this activity because they like it and consider it a job like any other. The rest of the prostitutes, or 95%, argue that they do it out of necessity, because they have no other way to make a living and they say they do not like it or want it for their daughters." source

As Muruaga indicates, unfortunately, the precarious economic conditions of a person may motivate them to make the decision to prostitute themselves, sex mafias are constantly on the lookout for vulnerable men and women to offer them attractive packages of gain in exchange for offering sexual services, involving the people in promises that are not fulfilled, along with vicious cycles of alcohol, drugs and other crimes, sinking it more and more into that underworld.

Causes and consequences of child prostitution.

All over the world, child prostitution is illegal; it is a crime, that pays with jail those who traffic, trade or pay for these acts.

  • Children in street conditions, abandoned by their parents or representatives, due to death or simply irresponsibility of their duties; street children are the main victims of violations and participation in prostitution networks as an exchange to cover their basic needs of roof and food.
  • Cultural amoral myths, in Asia, unfortunately, the belief that having sex with girls increases the virility of man and even that can cure diseases such as AIDS is entrenched.
  • Extreme poverty.
  • Kidnapping for child trafficking.
  • Within child trafficking, child sexual tourism has recently become common, an unprecedented aberration that groups of mafias have developed.

As a consequence of the participation of minors in sexual exploitation:

  • Adolescents and adults without any kind of secular training, without access to any type of education.
  • Children and adolescents without civil registries, therefore, they cannot receive any type of medical, banking, academic service, etc.
  • Higher probability of suffering sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Severe psychological trauma.
  • Unwanted pregnancies, the cycle of boys and girls in prostitution continues.

Prostitution ring.

It is known as prostitution ring, any illegal organization which is responsible for managing the sexual services offered by men and women, can be in hotels, restaurants or brothels, generally associated with drug trafficking networks.

Legal regulations of prostitution.

There are countries where prostitution is legal, such as Brazil, Netherlands, Germany, among others; this regulation allows to "protect" the health of the prostitute, demanding continuous sanitary controls, providing contraceptive methods.
However, these regulations receive a lot of criticism, since it is the minority who are censed and receive authorization from the state to practice prostitution, and whoever requests the service is not regulated or educated.

Regrettably, laws fall more heavily on those who practice prostitution than taking preventive measures to diminish or eliminate this scourge, in addition there seems to be a silent complicity between prostitution networks and governments.

Social effects of prostitution.

  • Increase in venereal diseases.
  • Sexual degradation
  • Increase in violence against women
  • Risk or increase in trafficking of minors

Contributions from our authors:

UserContribution/ Comment
@yoliferPoema: ¡A la prostituta!
@anaparedesUn tema muy interesante; es cierto, es un oficio muy antiguo que afecta a la sociedad en general, en Venezuela como consecuencia de la crisis económica se ha proliferado, muchas personas han optado por dedicarse a la prostitución, tanto hombres como mujeres se puede ver en las calles, en los centros nocturnos y anuncios en la web. En este negocio se mueven grandes sumas de dinero y está en manos de gente inescrupulosa, que perjudica enormemente a la sociedad y no tienen consciencia de la magnitud del daño que causan. Además, de crear un problema de salud pública; un encuentro casual entre sus protagonistas, podría ser fatal si no toman las medidas de seguridad respectivas, podrían contraer enfermedades sexuales o se exponen a otro tipo de peligros. Por otra parte, los niños y adolescentes que acceden a la web y no son supervisados por sus padres, corren el riesgo de afectarse psicológicamente e incluso pueden ser víctimas de pedofilia. Es un tema bastante amplio, que afecta a mujeres, hombres, adolescentes, niños, familias, comunidades y a la sociedad en general. Por ello, es necesario educar a los niños, a los adolescentes en sus hogares y escuelas, cultivar los valores y que haya una buena comunicación entre padres e hijos. Crear instituciones que se dediquen a orientar a mujeres, hombres y familias a través de talleres y terapias familiares, para prevenir y superar este tipo de problemas. Revisión y creación de leyes relacionadas con la materia que castiguen severamente a las personas que están detrás de este negocio.
@mdavila26Actualmente con migración que vive nuestro país, muchos son los casos que estamos escuchando de personas que han salido voluntariamente a otros países y utilizan la prostitución como forma de vida para sobrevivir; también son muchos los casos en los que ofrecen desde el exterior oportunidades de trabajo que en realidad son fachadas para engañar a quienes por necesidad emigran y al llegar a estos lugares se ven comprometidas a prestarse a estos actos abusivos. Hoy como sociedad tenemos una tarea titánica, pues hay una pérdida de valores lo que origina que estas situaciones se presenten. Por esto, quienes tenemos conciencia acerca de lo que está bien y lo que no, debemos hacer un alto en nuestras vidas y convertirnos en portadores de valores a todos los que nos rodean. Tenemos a nuestro alrededor niños, hijos, sobrinos... con ellos debemos actuar, hablar, transmitirles mensajes con valores, cargados de motivación y de un amplio enfoque de lo que es la vida y la importancia que tiene el respeto por lo que somos, por nuestro cuerpo. Debemos hacer lo que está a nuestro alcance para formar a las próximas generaciones, comenzando en nuestra familia y luego en escuelas y centros de formación. Hacer publicidad sobre el valor que tenemos comos seres humanos y fomentar la buena educación, la salud y el respeto a la vida.
@kallisWhat is prostitution? Prostitution is a practice or should I call it a business where people engage in sexual services in exchange for money. Prostitution is also a sexual activity for financial gain or when someone get paid to have sex.
@zhanavic69Prostitution. If called as the oldest profession in the world. There are those who without knowing the meaning of this expression, say it so easily, that who knows what it means will look at it strangely or laugh. I believe that since the time of Jesus, it was already practiced in those bars so to speak, there were women to satisfy men. Or of those women who go to the mining areas who say "I go to the mines to work as cooks" of 5 who go, only 2 really to cook, the others imagine it. Women also did this profession but now men also offer this "service". Many did it for economic reasons, to help their families, their children, since they were left alone with them. But this profession has its great risks, as the transmission and contagion of diseases that can cause even death, for a time were controlled. But not now. In Ciudad Bolívar, there was a woman who was called the "snake", she was dedicated to this trade, she still exists but I think she retired, she began from very young, she would have about 8 years when I began to hear of this woman who looked like a legend, she was two and her sister, the latter was called the "mediecito", because that was what charged a half 0.25 cents of those. Her area to seek or hunt customers was on the boardwalk of the Paseo Orinoco. With the passing of the years, I worked in a school when I grew up, when I came back around 5 in the afternoon, the snake saw her every afternoon, she got on the bus where I came, with those tight clothes, short skirt, a set very close to the body, panties stockings, high heels, her long black hair, a whole monumental body, but ....... face was not at all pretty, if she went to her work. When I went to work in the mornings, sometimes she would come on the same bus back home from work, not as neat as in the afternoons. Who knows how much she has earned, how many night customers. It is not a dignified profession, but many made it out of necessity, on some occasion I got to say his real name, but I do not remember. She is already retired, retired, sometimes I see her in the mornings in the community, in a robe, without makeup, without anything to see the one I saw in the afternoons, she is older, her long hair bao a turban that lets you see some gray hair, years do not pass in vain and that kind of life, people end up. Society sees these people with repudiation, they are labeled, bad seen, but in reality you do not know what reason or motive they have or had to do that. Now today this profession is still active only that they changed the name "DAMAS DE COMPAÑIA", always with someone who controls that call him CHULO, are those who seek customers or have their DATE HOUSE. Thank you for your attention, if it was very long but I was inspired by that woman LA CULEBRA, who is now my neighbor our communities with close.


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