Prevention Manual: Drugs

Nothing about drugs is a mystery, everyone knows the consequences of their uses, the illegal production of them, the big international mafias that coordinate their distribution. Millions of dollars are spent annually on informative and preventive programs aimed at children and adolescents, there is military planning for the detection and elimination of fields and distribution of drugs, but even so, it seems that it is not enough, it generates so much money and so many people are enriched that it is a lucrative business wchich is almost impossible to eradicate, however, it is worth to continue reporting, human life is important.

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"Drug" is a generic term used to indicate psychoactive substances, which directly affects the central nervous system of the human body, altering the behavior and perception of the user.

The drugs are classified according to the direct effect that they cause, among the most common we have: sedatives, stimulants, hallucinogens and aphrodisiacs, you can also distinguish between legal drugs, used by pharmaceutical companies, which are obtained under medical prescription, and illegal drugs, which are distributed by criminal gangs.

Some common drugs are: alcohol, opioid derivatives, amphetamines, nicotine, caffeine, and others of chemical or synthetic origin, most of which are of illegal origin.

What are the consequences of the inappropriate use of drugs?

  • Neurochemical damage: drugs can cause changes in brain neurochemistry causing permanent harm, for example, the production and release of neurotransmitters called dopamine and serotonin that cause functional damage at high levels. Neurochemical harm can also be due to the alteration of the neurons synapses and, even worse, the drugs accelerate the aging process of brain cells.
  • Emotional changes: our brain is the source of our emotions, drugs inhibit the ability to control them, therefore, people can experience sudden emotional disturbances, depression, irritation and aggression.
  • Addiction: drugs have the ability to deceive the brain, making people feel that they need them to survive, the "drug addict" person has an induced need that causes an uncontrollable desire to consume the drug again and again, becoming capable of doing anything at all costs to get it.
  • Deterioration of social relationships: at a macro level, a drug addict can be dangerous for the community, his mood changes make him a dangerous and violent individual, his addiction makes him a potential criminal. In the household, the drug is the common separation or divorce and family violence cause, when the mother is the drug addict there are high chances that the child is born with deformities or a weak immune system, in the case of male drug addicts, they may suffer erectile dysfunction affecting their relationship.
  • Cardiovascular conditions: the prolonged use of drugs affects the heart and the circulatory system.

Causes of drug's use without medical supervision?

Although there are risks of addiction with the use of medically controlled drugs, most cases occur with illegal drugs; but if the consequences of these acts are already known, if the vast majority of the population knows the harm of drug use, why are they still popular?

  • Group pressure, the social need that human beings have, the desire to be accepted, leads many people, young and old, to let themselves be carried away by the vices of others, without stopping to think about the consequences of their actions, just for the desire to feel accepted by a group of "friends".
  • Liberating effect, drugs cause a kind of momentary illusion in the brain, which makes the person forget their problems, fears and concerns. Unfortunately, there are those who are unable to face a difficult circumstance and find in the drug a momentary escape to take refuge.
  • Living to the fullest, there are those who fall into drug addiction by maintaining a lifestyle full of parties and wasting, they usually find in the drug a means for increasing the pleasure of experience and "enjoy" more.

Relationship between disappearances of people and drugs.

  • Use of drugs as an instrument to carry out kidnappings.
  • Use of drugs to force the abductee to submit to the will of the abductor.
  • Quarrels between bands or gangs that sell drugs.
  • Use of drugs to induce addiction to women to be exploited for prostitution.
  • The drug cartels are the main criminal entities that disappear someone, either by revenge, debts or because they put their business at risk.

Are there good drugs?

No, there are no good drugs, there is adequate use of drugs, drugs under medical supervision can cure or prevent various diseases, sometimes they are also used to relieve the pains of a degenerative disease.

Contributions from our authors::

UserContribution / Comment
@marsolaireLas drogas pueden llegar a cualquier persona, de cualquier estrato social y cultural, hace falta voluntad y fortaleza, pero sobre todo un espíritu plenamente feliz donde no exista ningún tipo de vacío que llenar con ninguna droga.
@zhanavic69Las drogas que al pasar de los años se van apoderando de más y más personas, sobre todo los jóvenes y desde los niños en el vientre de las madres si están son drogadictas; se han dicho sobre el mal de ellas y aun así se consumen, también están las drogas bajo prescripción médica, pero son drogas al fin, crean adicciones, hay quienes han llegado a la muerte por el exceso de las drogas o quien esta drogado causa la muerte a otros. Como ha sido llevado a las escuelas, es algo como que se salió de control, se ha hecho difícil poner fin a este mal.
@karolinesA mi criterio el consumo de este tipo de sustancias es, una decisión propia. Recuerdo mucho que estudie en el mejor liceo (católico estricto) y yo era una niña muy humilde, mis padres hacían mucho sacrificio para pagar mis estudios. A diario en el baño me ofrecían mucho y nunca la consumí por decisión propia. Esto no se trata de quien tiene más carencias que otras. Es lamentable ver a tanta juventud perdida, sumida en esta terrible situación. También tenemos el otro lado de la moneda: la droga como medicina; yo en mis tiempos de enfermedad no podía dejar de tomar pastillas que me ayudaban a calmar el dolor. Lo único que puedo decir es que TODO EXCESO ES DAÑINO
@janruja42Las drogas son un mal que aqueja a la sociedad humana desde su existencia. El problema es cómo lidiar con ellas. Son muchas las acciones que como padres o educadores podemos realizar para prevenir su consumo. Algunas de estas acciones pueden ir dirigidas a desarrollar la parte emocional y social de nuestros niños y jóvenes. Además, debemos aprender como adultos a ser modelos saludables y no evadir nuestras responsabilidades sino afrontarlas. Puede pasar que en algunos casos, aun realizando estás acciones no evitemos su consumo, pero algo estaremos haciendo, mucho más que si nos quedamos de brazos cruzados.
@concertofhealthControlar el vicio de las drogas no es tema fácil para todos los entes que luchan día a día para tratar de erradicar la adicción de estas drogas en las personas que quieren recuperarse. Es muy difícil erradicar estas drogas y su circulación, hablamos del mayor negocio multimillonario en el mundo y todo eso mueve otras embarcaciones de igual preocupación, prostitución, mercado negro de órganos y demás que se nutren del narcotráfico hoy en día y forman parte de la sociedad. Solo que en parte muchos no somos afectados por ello directamente.
@miguelmedericoMil demonios blancos, un escrito tipo reflexión y reclamo social, una historia de lo que generan las drogas, de esas historias que te dejan ver como las ambiciones y la necesidad pueden convertir a alguien en un esclavo y un empresario a la vez.
@fun2learnDrugs are used without supervision when people assume that others would be responsbile to use them wisely according to the specific dosage. When one goes into depression and addiction, the usual self-control would be gone and they would abuse the use of even so-called safe drugs that are meant for medical reasons.
@ilukzymooreLet me talk on the inappropriate we of drugs especially by youths. It hurts me big time to see youths pop up pills for enhancement or to get extremely high. What happens after the highness? Same problem or more problems. Go to parties in recent times and you see youths pop up tramadol, refnol or ecstasy. Dreams are crushed and dangerous things after. Go to YouTube and watch funny videos about high people, imagine being in that state. Highness can not solve your problems, it makes them go away temporarily and when you are sober, they are back. Seek counsel and find a solution before it turns to an addiction. Life is too short to be cut short before time. Live healthy and drink more water.
@ilukzymooreA drug is a substance that causes certain chemical reactions to the body. Drugs always come with prescriptions because our body might not be able to withstand a certain amount of it. But then, we see people especially YOUTHS destroying their lives by using drugs carelessly for fun and self-exuberance. This is drug abuse and there's always a negative side effect. For depressed and mentally unstable people, medical counseling is adviced, pivoting attention to drugs without supervision is sucidical. It kills the body slowly. Disappearnces are so common with drug abuse. At parties, young ladies are drugged-out and they are raped/killed in the process. Some become victims for much happens. There should be morw campaign against drug abuse. Young people should be enlightened more on the effects of drug abuse. Help a drug addict today, by recommending therapist for their predicament. Drug abuse is destructive....say no to it.


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