About reincarnation / Personal opinions.

in #reincarnation7 years ago

Today I approached a subject that fascinates me: reincarnation. No photo, no cryptocurrency. A rather controversial topic. Is there reincarnation? Of course we can not say for sure, but we can not deny certain arguments that support this theory. Hinduism and Buddhism are the two religions in which the idea of ​​reincarnation is the most important. The concept of reincarnation gives hope to many people. If we do not do the right thing in this life, we still have a chance in a later life.

However, even those who believe in reincarnation admit that the vast majority of people do not remember their previous lives. Then how can we learn from past mistakes if we can not remember them? It seems that just to be able to have a genuine and unique experience we must look at the past. Use is another law of the universe. It must exist so that man can annihilate karma. Do you think if you knew you were getting married to your other life killer, would you? Can you accept that your sister is the person who destroyed your life and killed you? We seem to be making the same mistakes again and again. The choices of this life will be intuitive. Until we learn our lesson, we will not be able to move on.

Also, reincarnation claims to provide justice. According to the karma law (an impersonal and inflexible law of the universe), in every life we ​​get what we deserve. Our good deeds attract good results after them, and our evil deeds attract bad results from one life to another. We each carry karma from one life to another

What would be the arguments in favor of the existence of reincarnation?

Hypnotic regression

Discussed in the eyes of many, hypnotic regression is perhaps the most popular proof of reincarnation. As you can see from his name, in this controversial technique, subjects are hypnotized and led in the past through their present lives in childhood, and still in the pre-natal period. Once "come" there, they are asked to describe what they are experiencing. In this state of hypnotic trance, subjects often manage to accurately report personal details of what their past lives are supposed to be, details such as geographical location, occupation, relatives' names and other relevant historical and cultural relevant details .

Although in many of these cases the subjects provide multiple and consistent information that they apparently should not have known, no such situation has been accepted as an indisputable proof of reincarnation, as errors always slip through correct accounts, errors likely to cast a shadow of doubt on the whole matter.

Also, many of those who have had a hypnotic regression are described living in Egypt or Rome. Many of these people describe kings, queens or important people. But normal people, have existed in previous lives? What is real and how is imagination in hypnotic regression?

Memories of past lives

There have been various studies in the world on this aspect. During these investigations, the specialists studied thousands of children aged four to ten years, finding that in many cases the little ones remembered their identities in past lives, as well as details of the historical and geographical context of the invoked periods, details of relatives from past families, as well as details on the moment of death. Interesting in all these memories is that "patients" have not been hypnotized or "regressed" in any way to access latent memories, but have exhibited from very young age perfectly knowledgeable, spontaneous, information of past lives. Some of these children fluently spoke the language of the place where they claimed to have lived. I mention that some of the children spoke French or Italian, although they were born in the UK. Beyond these facts, the dialect or accent was unknown at the time.

While all these accounts and tendencies tend to become unclear and even disappear with the years, they remain among the best evidence in support of the idea of ​​reincarnation. A fairly famous case is the child of Taranjit Singh (Alluna Miana, India). From the age of two, he claims that his real name is Satnam Singh and was born in another village, 60 kilometers away.

He claims to have been a 9th grade student and his other father called Jeet Singh. One day, when he returned from school, he was injured and died on September 10, 1992. Taranjit says he has a lot of blood on his books and he has 30 rupees in his wallet. So insistently the child was with this story that his father started to look for whether this really happened.
So he came to a professor who confirmed the story and linked him to the dead student's family. They also confirmed the details of Taranjit's cupping of books and money. When the baby showed pictures of the dead family, he correctly identified each one.

Curiosity pushed them further and Taranjit's parents came to investigator Vikram Raj Chauchan. He took a notebook and one of the deceased to compare his writing. Surprisingly, Chauchan found that the two types of writing were almost identical, despite the fact that Taranjit had just learned to write. As you can see, it is difficult to fight this case. And in the world, there are hundreds of such cases. What do you think? Believe in reincarnation?

Image source: /www.sikhanswers.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Reincarnation2-700x511.jpg




Thanks for this interesting post. I am a Christian and I hope after this life I will spend eternity with God.

Thank you. And I'm all Christian! But that does not stop me from reading the concepts of other religions.

You are so right. There are many things to understand and reading and understanding as much as we can is helpful.

Dying and living is nothing more than to sleep and awake, we constantly change or body when we realize that something has changed the experience of continuity is simply an idea created by the thoughts you identify your self with. Thees thoughts are the only mortal part of our wast consciousness, which is eternal. Making reincarnation a guarantee unless your experience is complete :)


I don't think we really need to worry about reincarnation. I think it's likely real, but I'm not sure how our consciousness works, like how are we in this body right now, and if we die is there a timeframe for how long we stay "dead" before reincarnation or are we simply outside of time with the potential to reincarnate anywhere in the timeline?

I think most people wonder about reincarnation because of the fear of death or the fear that we don't get a second shot at life, but better to turn things around here and now than to keep worrying and wondering in my opinion.

Also, have you read Many Lives, Many Masters? My girlfriend was reading it while we drove to the eclipse this summer and this post reminded me of it. Interesting stuff.

Of course, I do not worry if reincarnation is real or not. Reincarnation could explain many injustices and inequities on Earth. Time does not exist beyond. But to speak in the earthly terms, it may take a few hours to recharge or may take decades. Time seems to be beyond our spiritual development. The more a soul is older and more experienced, it evolved implicitly, the less you descend here on Earth. I have not read Many Lives, Many Masters. I read a lot of other books on this topic. Nothing happens at random! That's what I learned.

Hmmm, very well put, as far as earthly life a system of reincarnation would make sense, basically teaching us the "rules," like what you put out you get back.

Do you have any thoughts about what our time on earth is meant for, what we are supposed to be learning? And I agree, nothing happens randomly, yet there is still spontaneity of events, nothing ever repeats, it doesn't feel planned. Life is beautiful.

Nice post btw.

Life is beautiful! As for time, I talked with many people about the time here. Everyone's perception is that time is running faster after the age of 40. So you live every day as if it were the last one. Of course, we must not exceed certain limits. ;-)

i think it is just hoping for the people who doesnt like their present life

Ha-ha-ha! If that's what the inner voice says. Each has a soul and a certain level of spiritual development. Depending on this, we also perceive reincarnation.

I used to ignore the idea of reincarnation. But I believe the dahli lama has the same ability we all do. To remember our past lifes. I think some people like the Lama do remember and use it to great advantage. So for good. Some for bad. Egyptians would embalm a body for 70 days so the pharaoh may be reborn. I believe there are secret societies and families that know the art of reincarnation and how to remember and direct where their energy will go. Great post, I love thinking about it and I agree with the proofs you provided.

interesting. thanks for sharing

Hi @mihaisyblu, nice and interesting topic. As attractive as reincarnation is, personally I don't beleive in it. I beleive that we have one limited life with a purpose - if we had an infinite amount of time or an infinite number of lives, no one would ever really strive to achieve anything.

I've actually posted a very similar topic a couple of days ago, it's about human life value, I would love to hear your opinion about it if that seems interesting to you.


Thank you! I read your article and it looks very good to me. It is the kind of article that creates a dilemma in a man's mind. But I'll comment there.

Thanks, I'm really glad you like it! I've followed you and I'm looking forward to our discussions!

this is a good read.

this is great, I would like to reincarnate in a rock star to travel a lot and enjoy good music hahaha

Great to read people talking about this subject with such open-mindedness. If you realize that you are a spiritual being who is here to learn, I think reincarnation is an obvious offshoot from that; as one life isnt nearly enough time to evolve our consciousness. I think that we don't remember our past lives, simply because its of no value to. its the lessons that we learn that are the important thing, and they stay with us at the root of our being whether we remember the specifics or not. Like a long forgotten childhood trauma can still affect us now even if we a re not consciously aware of it.

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