펨 부탄 메자 베론-Making concrete table

in #technology7 years ago

안녕하세요 steemit 구체적인 테이블 만들기에 대해 논의하겠습니다
Hallo steemit I will discuss about making concrete table

처음 만나는 순간
First making begel

철에 대한 두 가지 바인딩
The two binding of begel on iron
Capture 1.PNG

철강 보강의 세 번째 제조
Third manufacture of steel reinforcement
Capture 2.PNG

네 번째 쇼핑몰 테이블 제조 또는 테이블 인쇄
Fourth mall table manufacture or table print

그리고 마지막 누출 콘크리트 테이블
And last leak concrete table
Capture 5.PNG

새로운 건조물이 쇼핑몰을 열 수있을 때까지 기다리십시오.
Wait until the new dry can open the mall


Hey! I think you need a help from kr-guide!

Hello @miftahulhamzij! Nice to meet you!

I am just a tiny guide puppy who is eager to help you to communicate well with the friends in KR community. Metting me means that your post needs to be improved in certain ways to be welcomed by the Korean readers. Please see my advice below :)

  • Please refrain using any online translators. It does not work well with Korean language. English is preferred than translated Korean.
  • It is ok to use English, but the post should be somewhat relevant to Korean.
  • Do not copy someone else's content. You will be purnished and banned by the Korean whales if you do.
  • If you meet me very often, you would be put into the blacklist.

I hope you enjoy Steemit as much as we do. :)

Many thanks!

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