Hi guys and girls from steemit, my name is Verónica Ortiz and this is my life

Hello steemit people my name is verónica ortiz I am 20 years old I graduated as an industrial engineer I am Venezuelan and I love modeling let's say that it is one of my passions since I was very small and been in this world and participated in many events in which I won in most and my biggest dream is to become a professional model, due to the situation in the country I had the difficult decision to emigrate from my country venezuela I am currently in Colombia working in a grocery store but still moving in the world of modeling here in Colombia . In this beautiful country where I met a friend who works with me she recommended a social network called steemit which I do not know much about but I would love to know more about this with the help of you.


In the modeling world many will think it's easy but the sad reality is that No, it's a world full of pressures and obstacles but I've learned that nothing is impossible with the help of God by my side, every woman dreams of being beautiful but huh learned during the years that beauty is not the outside but the heart and the personality since that does not make humans.


I say goodbye to friends of steemit I hope you have enjoyed this summary of my current life greetings to my country Venezuela from Colombia.


Welcome nice to have you here , maybe you are lucky to be joining when steem is at a really low price . When price is low less people are posting and you have a better chance to earn steem . I highly recommend you post a lot and keep on posting . Till you get to at least 15 Steem Power. Don’t give up . I don’t recommend you buy Steem Power but I do recommend you post often till you get to 15 Steem Power. If you can not post go ahead and make sure to vote at least 6 times when you wake up and 4 times when you are going to bed.

Welcome to Steem @midnight1.

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All the Best!!!

Welcome friend. Enjoy the great community of steemit. regards

Welcome to Steem, @midnight1!

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Love your smile, I'm Oatmeal Joey. You are lovely.

Hi Veronica!
Which subject do you want help with?
Communicate with me.

Muy bonita mujer.

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Very well written article! You have a talent, develop it. I follow you, I'm always glad to make new acquaintances, I hope you will follow me.

You are welcome to steem community..

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