Blood on the Moon - serialised EXCLUSIVE for Steemit! - 77

in #writing7 years ago

Blood On The Moon Cover

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My third novel was finished and published in time for Halloween 2016 and I had a launch at Waterstone's at Sheffield.

The full book cover, done by the wonderful, talented, brilliant Paul Mudie

Other Images from Pixabay or Google (Free Usage)

He was rocked in his own world then – for all the wrong reasons - and he realised that she knew a lot more about him than he had thought.

He was in his own ‘what the fuck’ moment and she whispered so soft that he would never have been able to hear if he hadn’t been Wolf.

“Paul, you really need to get some new chat up lines, those are almost as old as I am. If you really do want to rock my world, if you’ve got the balls for it, come on.”

She made certain that he was looking her right in the eyes and she altered them to their preternatural colour for the briefest flash so that even if the other guy had been watching, he would never have realised that the reason Paul had almost leaped out of his skin was because he had not imagined that the one that he had taken such a shine to was Wolf – and an accomplished Wolf at that.

“Who the fuck are you?” he said in awe.

“I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you,” she told him and she kept such a dead-pan straight face that he didn’t know whether to take her at her word or laugh it off as a joke.

She downed her drink and put her glass on the bar.

She took his glass from him and downed that too.

She put his glass on the bar, linked her arm through his, turned to wink at the guy that had been chatting her up and led Paul from the club.

When they were outside, she unlocked her car using the remote which made them both wince and she laughed.

He got in at the passenger side and she waited for a moment until she could concentrate her metabolism into getting rid of the alcohol she had just consumed.

As she drove away from the town she took him out into the countryside and he began to realise where she was heading.

“Do you work for the Lycaeon?” he asked.

“In a roundabout fashion, I’m sort of free-lance.”

“Oh fuck, I’m in so much fucking shit then.”

She smiled her most Wolfish grin at him and he shuddered. “Yes Paul, you certainly fucking are.”

She parked her car at the front of the house at the bottom of the steps that led up to the front door. She got out and took strides to the door and beckoned Paul to follow her.

He dared not do anything but.

The front door was opening as she got to it and she didn’t wait for a greeting, but went straight in and grunted, “He’s with me,” to the butler.

Her pace didn’t falter or slow down as she climbed the stairs to Victoria’s offices.

She went in through the reception and the woman that was there was flustered as she tried to speak to someone on the phone and prevent her from going directly into the main office where the Lycaeon was busy.

Red stood in the open doorway so that Victoria, her Lycaeon could see her and she waited until Paul caught up to her.

Victoria spoke first. “What are you doing here? You are supposed to be in London to quell the uprising that we’ve been told about and who is this?” She pointed at Paul.

“Ah, forgive me Lycaeon, I am neglecting my duties. Paul, this is your Lycaeon. Lycaeon, this is Paul, your trusted informer. The one that gave you the information on the riots that I have been instructed to take the whole of my force of Sentinels to London in order to quell or prevent. Before you go off on one, let me tell you this, Paul is one hundred percent reliable. His heart is and always has been loyal to you and your Royal Bloodline. He was mentored by an Ancient that I can thoroughly vouch for and one that you know well enough that I don’t need to vouch for him. His mentor was Phelan. The information was given to you in the strictest of confidence and you had no reason to doubt it because of who it came from. I can agree with that.”

Red paused for a moment and Paul was bewildered that she knew so much. Victoria was livid that she had disobeyed a direct order to go to London.

“If the information is good, why the hell have you disobeyed my direct order and remained here?” Victoria’s voice shook with her anger and she was growing angrier by the minute because Red was smiling the self-satisfied grin that Victoria hated because it was only used when Red was absolutely certain of her facts.


How do you get your inspiration ? Excelent work !!

The inspiration for this book, series - or just that scene?

The book series

I like myths and legends and I wanted to write a story that I knew I'd enjoy - no one else seemed to be publishing anything that struck me as exactly right for me, so I wrote my own.

Superb. I will support your original work as much as i can. Good job!!

Why, thank you! I appreciate that :)

All caught up now.
Still confused about paul, good guy, bad guy, good guy that does not know he is really a bad guy, or what. Oh well I am sure it will all be made clear, kind of like how for awhile you had me thinking Darius was a total idiot. ;-}.


He's certainly not that. There is always method in his madness and he loathes Red - has done for centuries ;)

O_oh........ Red is in smug-mode....someone is in trouble.

Oh you know it! ;)

Today you are very pleased with me, I just read your story recently, and you laid out another, pleasant surprise;) everything is fine, as before it is written atmospheric and exciting, that you do not have time to notice how you finished reading it. The photos simply elegantly complement the text, merging into one whole ... thanks, I'm glad

You are a great writer. Your every storie just awesome👌. I like to read and enjoy your stories. I appriciate you.

Excellent work once again.
You are doing a great job,
Thanks for sharing.

Wow! Just wow!!! Pure class with massive inspiration. I salute you.

Awesome post I love every post I like

Really very nice work dear.... blood on the moon...

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