Why are some of my posts greyed out?

Hello steemit-help peeps! I was curious as to why three of my posts have been greyed out?

I have looked around online and here on steemit for the answer but haven't found an explanation as of yet.
Any insight would be helpful. Danke!
greyed out


Hi Michele
That's 100% down vote flagged
Too many of this will effect your reputation.
Why don't you check your history at @ ..... - steemd?
You can see who did it.
Another thing could be someone trying to censor you
Hope this help 🙂

They likely had too few votes and ended up flagged by someone. You have positive rep so that doesn't seem like they were flagged by anyone who matters, so perhaps you are being targeted by a downvoting bot?

Well, one person, neoxian (7), downvoted one of my posts. That person seems to have a rep for taking it upon themselves to police content. How does one get untargeted?? It's pretty disheartening when to me this is supposed to be a platform to experiment and express oneself free from judgement. Plus we newbies are still trying to figure this whole thing out and shouldn't be punished for it. Maybe there should be a "wading pool" just for newbies like myself so as not to get targeted or reprimanded for making mistakes until we learn how to swim....? Anyway, thanks for the reply! :-)

Why did neoxian downvote you? Did the poster say?

Yes, here's the post in question. Scroll down to the bottom and you'll see the comments. Basically they felt I was "milking steemit" for money. It was just a test as I'd tried various different posts to see how things work. As you can see I've made very little monetary gain from Steemit, aside from one post. To me that's a person who has taken it upon themselves to govern content based on their personal opinion. But it's really a personal judgement. It's just confusing.

He flagged you for tagging it with #steemit, which is a somewhat legitimate gripe I suppose. Dealing with people spamming tags is a problem here, and it does lead to some people (me included) being a bit trigger happy with the flags.

I've seen that happen to others. I have never downvoted anyone. I think I don't know how lol I just upvote or I don't. I noticed that some posts titles are paler compared to others. Is there a reason for that? The post is not greyed out, it's just the title that appears pale.

No reason for a pale title.

OK, thanks.

I recently noticed the same on one of my posts, and I think it should be something addressed by those who weren't aware that tagging the term "steemit" is considered a no - no here in regards to creating content.

Right, that was their qualm. However, I did try to change it but I could not remove the steem tag. In this case I feel it's a matter of guilty until proven innocent when it should be the other way around. Reprimanding newcomers like myself will result in them leaving steemit, discouraged. From what I've read that is counter productive. People should be allowed some leeway to learn. Trigger happy flaggers please take a moment and do your research before you pull the trigger. It can do more harm than good in the big picture. :-)

I flagged one of your posts because I felt it was just blatant begging, and then you downvoted one of my posts:
michelegraybeal downvote @neoxian/flagging-i-m-back-on-the-job-and-a-new-cr… (-100%) 2 days ago
So I down voted a couple more of yours. Any good reason for flagging that post?

I don't get the point of downvoting at all. I guess I downvoted yours in response to feeling unfairly targeted. Sort of a tit-for-tat reaction and I'm sorry for that. I am a human being afterall. Here's the thing. From what I understand Steemit gives REWARDS; incentives for posts. So somehow my post didn't qualify based on your opinion. I don't understand how one person has that much control over content...that's not right. I've seen dozens of seemingly lame posts, in my opinion, that have tons of engagement, tons of votes and tons of dollars. I may not like the content but who am I to judge? If people benefit from it, that's great. That is the point, right? On the 'about' page it's header reads Steem is a blockchain-based social media platform where anyone can earn rewards.

If a post isn't to my liking I just skip by it and look at the ones that are interesting to me. If my posts bothered you then just ignore it. It wasn't generating any interest anyway. It was merely a test. People are not targets in a video game. Think of people more like chess peices. Think carefully, contemplate your next move before taking action. Keep yourself in check and stop with the trigger-finger please. :-) I will unflag yours. You decide what you want to do but my choice is to help make this a welcoming, positive community for all.

Hmm, maybe I did get a little overzealous on your post. Sorry about that. I can't undo my flags because they are past the pay out date, but I can make it up to you with some upvotes.

My goal is to flag spam. I actually don't or at least try not down flag something just because I don't like it. I have a set of relatively objective criteria I go by when flagging. I flag for tag abuse, plagiarism, certain kinds of duplicate posts, fraud, really bad content (like child porn), blatant begging, and blog advertising spam.

I would imagine down the road there will be automated flagging for content that is inappropriate based on a standard set of rules. If we humans are doing the censoring we should adhere to the same set of rules. At this point flagging posts is so subjective. What is considered spam by one person is considered valid by another. I say lets ignore what we don't like and upvote what we do. Let the process of elimination happen organically based on everyone's subjectivity. Take care. (and thanks for attempting to make it right. )

Im new here but more time i spend here its clear how crappy this platform is. Thought reddit shadowban was bad thing, think again. There is lots of good and smart people on this platform but that really doesnt matter when some random idiot can censor your content . I know i will never post any article here since this is worse than youtube censorship. Fucking millennial shits want to change world but not for the better. Dont worry steemit shits this platform wont be remembered in history nor will its crash and burn. This platform is just for geting people suckered in to write for free basically, and to invest money in this dying breed. Yes decentralization and P2P are the future but not this kind. But i guess you need to get burned to learn your lesson when you cant learn from history you tend to make same mistakes.

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