GRAFT: Life Made Easy

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

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Convenience which is a state of being able to proceed with something without difficulty is of high essence in our everyday lives but we the world has heavily been relying on the use of traditional electronic payment systems for their day to day transactions. These payments system include the use of credit and debit cards in their traditional form, not to say the least, it has been of tremendous growth over the last decades due to the growing spread of internet-based banking , but we should be keen on advancing with the globe 🌐 , as the world advances more on technology development, we can see the rise of electronic payment systems and payment processing devices.
It cannot be ignored or not note worthy that the Electronic Payment Systems have a lot of advantages compared to the traditional payment methods such as cash or check.

Now lets take a ride 🚗 through the disadvantages of the traditional electronic payment systems which we have been dwelling on since. There are many disadvantages, but a few will be highlighted below;

Disadvantages of the traditional electronic payment system which has been in use ever since

  • PERCENTAGE COST: The percentage % cost of a transaction has been a case of great interest because it has instigated and also finds its way of jeopardising ones plan been that the cost of the percentages for each transaction requested by credit card systems keeps on occurring any time a transaction is been carried out and it bad to say the least, in a nut shell It doesn't represent a good value

  • CRYPTOCURRRRENCY USAGE: Our traditional electronic payment system have a hard time adapting their businesses to accept cryptocurrencies which is in turn not a good case. Not having the ability to use cryptocurrencies directly creates a situation that for people who own this currency can become uncomfortable and this can slow down the flow of many business processes in general.

  • The centralization of the currency exchange system means that the transaction process is limited to a single point, and to a single currency (few exceptions), but this is what creates barriers when wanting to acquire a specific service or product, which is not within a range limit of established territory, so many operations never come to fruition.

Here comes Newton's 3rd law of motion which I love so much ☺... It states that to every action they must be an equal or opposite reaction. A new race in technology and economic possibilities is already here, so it is necessary to progress with the new trend because the world economy is changing for the best and we have to flow with it.

With the few disadvantages of the traditional electronic payment system as highlighted above, it is with great joy in my heart ♥ to bring to our noting that a platform has been put in place to inverse all problems and disadvantages been posted by the traditional electronic payment system. Please join me and welcome THE GRAFT.

What really is GRAFT???

Graft "is a retail-oriented payment blockchain and a decentralized alternative payment processing network that brings cryptocurrency to the point of sale and beyond" it is also an open source, open platform, non-for-profit, community project which implemented a project that allows a great solution for the situation that involves the use of the cryptocurrency.

The GRAFT team, taking into account the problems/disavantages been posted by the traditional electronic payment system, took the challenge to create a system based on the blockchain which has a definitive idea and that would change the way to use the cryptomoneda completely, expanding its scope much more than it currently has been existing.

As early said, the Graft reverses the disadvantages of the traditional electronic payment system which has been discussed. The advantages of the Graft cannot be over emphasized because its importance are very numerous. Some of the advantages of this platform will be highlighted below;

The advantages of Electronic payment system over the traditional electronic payment system

  • Low transaction fees: This is one benefit of the electronic payment system over the traditional electronic payment system been that transactions are confirmed instantaneously, in hundreds of milliseconds to a few seconds, which allows a normal process of purchase in the store and online which makes it very beneficial for the merchant as for the customer, they know that they will not delay practically nothing in making their purchase or sale and both will come out winning, because as it would be said by there, the time is gold.

  • Time Saving: This is another benefit of the Electronic payment system over the traditional electronic payment system because there is reduction of the time required to make certain transactions, especially in terms of cryptocurrencies that is concerned, since the time used to approve and verify transactions from the blockchain will be reduced exponentially by the apps determined for it.

  • Authenticated buyers: Buyers can confirm their identity to unlock some types of special transactions that require verification of age, which makes this process very useful, anyone who takes the time to authenticate is legit, as it will have more advantages at the time of Make a transaction and gain more confidence in the system.

  • Payments from merchants in local Fiat currency: Transactions are settled in real time and payments can be received in local currency, there are no worries that I have to wait for payment since the bank has not debited the money or having to think about looking for a house of change to convert the cryptocurrency to your local currency, Graftis responsible for solving all those details.

  • The point-of-sale application accepts all payment methods: The mobile point-of-sale application accepts several cryptocurrencies and credit / debit cards, which eliminates the need to maintain multiple applications and portfolios at the point of sale.

Others benefits of the Electronic payment system are as follows;

  • Integrity

  • Compatibility

  • Good transaction efficiency

  • Acceptability

  • Convinience

  • Mobility

  • Low financial risk

It is very important to integrate Graft into the economy and the payment system, that is why traders should see this as a method that will be easier for them, fast and economic, that they do not have to make large investments in machines to accept This type of payments and that is easy to manage for them and their workers.

It is important to highlight that the system that Graft wants to integrate is cheaper than the traditional one, it is a lower percentage that they would have to pay, which makes this project much more attractive.

Implementation Systems Offered by GRAFT

One of the implementation systems offered by GRAFT to benefit users of cryptocurrencies is the use of Payment Terminals, which together with the mobile app, create a change system that is perfect for making transfers without the need to have wait a long time or have to use the required currency in the place where the user is wihout any limitations.

It is then where implementing this system becomes important, because it is very easy to use and does not provide a difficulty in this case to the seller, due to having to learn processes and a series of steps that are often not ready or do not have time to learn, so it becomes a very important tool for both the buyer, the seller and that product or service that initially did not have the option to be bought by traditional methods.

When used properly and fully understood, the GRAFT payment system will be the initiator of many emerging systems that will fundamentally change our global payment system.

Here are a couple of videos that explain how the integrated terminals and the app work, and in a matter of seconds we have a complete and successful transaction!

Verifone Terminal Integration

Ingenico Terminal Integration

GRAFT, Real Time Authorization

Graft is not only changing the world by introducing in the market the system that will make it possible to buy in any store quickly, safely and easily without having to change its cryptocurrencies, but also work in RTA (authorizations in real time), which It is very good for the market since a control of authorization in real time would allow any merchant to find out if there are funds available and in a very effective way since this process they do incredibly in a short period of time, in a blink of an eyes exaggerating a bit.

What Graft is implementing is very good and advantageous since in this way nothing would be changing for the merchants, since in a certain way this is how they work when they receive a payment from a debit or credit card. So there would be no delay in making a sale, while more ways that at the time of receiving the payment the merchant stays the same as with any other payment will be much better.

All the operation we have been talking about has a name, and that is the RTA (Real Time Authorization).

The system that, as the name implies, allows transactions to be made in real time, and has a totally secure operation established in its blockchain base, which allows the buyer to make the payment in the currency of his preference, and also the seller to receive the payment. value in the currency of his choice, making this the perfect procedure to undertake various types of business, and multiplying by many the opportunities for exchanges in general.

RTA will work by implementing a two layer network with supernodes (randomly selected based on stake tiers) confirming and validating transactions and exchanges in real time.

GRAFT Cryptofind App

This application is very helpful, because we can not always be in the comfort of our home and our computer or find a cyber to use a computer, then as we would if we want or need to buy something and it is our cards we do not have money or credit and you know that in your virtual wallet you have a lot of cryptocurrencies, we can not go from store to store looking for who accepts that method of payment, it could be a waste of time, we could be searching all day and searching without having any positive result.

That's where the application comes in, she could locate you quickly and easily a store that accepts cryptocurrencies thanks to Graft, without dying in the attempt, that's why it's very helpful.

We all have to try to participate in this project, Graft is responsible for including this project to the market, giving everything possible to make it as perfect as possible and as functional as possible, but at the same time this does not only depend on them, it depends on everyone, they can launch the best project but we do not try to make it work. This is a great idea what Graft is doing and it would be ideal if we try to be open with the theme and implement it in our businesses, accept these types of payments, believe in them and help this cryptocurrency issue move forward.

In a world that is constantly advancing with new trends and ways of doing things, it is necessary to implement systems that allow for comfort and that in turn allow us to keep pace with this great current called in various ways, but which can be technology, modernity, or simply changes.

It is when these kinds of things happen, that the human being must then adapt and look for the best ways to survive and keep the rhythm, since otherwise he would only be left behind in a loop that does not sound very pleasant at all and that does not would help the individual as such to "evolve"

GRAFT and its initiative, presents an example of what it means and benefits to achieve that progress, that ease and that wide range of changes and options that arise from your project, and that it will simply become a trend and even become a indispensable system for each business that wants to prosper in the not too distant future, given that the current economy is increasingly going down and the digital economy is on the rise.


Image Credit : Road Map


For more information watch this short introduction:

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