My Kids Want My Old College Computer - Plus Track Loader Update 📷 [Video inside]

An Old Computer and Track Loader

My two boys love taking apart old electronics and laptops. So my oldest asked about my old computer that I still had underneath the house. He wanted to take it apart and his little brother wanted to help him. Both of my boys at their age can operate basic tools and wire cutters responsibly.

And then, I got a notification that a parcel of mail was delivered that I need for my track loader that I'm repairing. So we open it up and see if it fits the pump. OH BOY are we excited to get that machine finally on the homestead. I got all kinds of things I want to tear up when we get that! It won't be long!

Here is a picture of the track loader as it sits at a friends house about 20 miles away. Looks great huh?! Where going to get this puppy up and running shortly.


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As a kid I used to take computers parts apart and I guess that somehow made me get into programming slowly and I'm still passionate about hardware and then for some reason hardware and programming made me be a Linux fan. That's awesome that you are letting your boys play with computer parts and support their education journey.

I never got into linux mostly because my work makes me need adobe products with everything I do. I don't think Adobe works with Linux...I could be wrong.

Yeah I'm not doing any image/video on Linux, but I know some people work on Linux, I cannot help you. But everything I had to do with Photoshop I used to have a VM running win for it. But most programming is done using Linux in my case

My 12-yr-old son sounds like yours.
He started taking apart remote-control toys when he was really young. We would pick up cheap or free broken ones at garage sales, and he would use the parts that he could to create one that worked.
Just this week I got a new computer for myself.
He did all the research, picked out all the components that I needed, and assembled it himself.
It's awesome to have a child capable of all that!

Oh -- and he was operating an excavator when he was 9-yrs-old better than many adult operators.
My husband is an excavator operator, and showed a video to his boss of our 9-yr-old on it, and the boss said that he was doing better than some of the men he had hired in the past. ... lol ...

That's fantastic! That's what happens when you instill a love of learning in a child instead of subjecting them to only programming. There is a family nearby that runs a logging operation and the 14 year old and 17 year old both run heavy equipment.

That's a great learning opportunity for them. Wow!
And people worry that unschooled or homeschooled children won't be able to get a good job ... HA!

I once heard a controversial radio host say that the dumbing down of America's youth will only give an ease of success to those whose parents took their education seriously. My 10 year old reads better than most public high schoolers.

Each child/person has their own strengths to build on.
My 12-year-old is not strong in reading,
and I'm okay with that!
I think that he will be a great reader in his own time.
But he is on his own time-table
and tinkering with things along with other interests is where his focus is at this point in his life.
That's awesome that your 10-yr-old excels in reading!

Absolutely. We are big fans of finding the interest and strengths in a child and letting them go all out! We really like following you and your posts!

So what laptop do you use now? Interested to hear since you're big into video editing and content creation. I recently had to stop using my old Macbook because of a lack of GPU power. Thanks Zac!

Yeah that would be a good video. I'm using an MSI laptop and there are some things I am definitely not happy with.

Well if you ever get to make one, I would absolutely be interested. :) I have a workstation sized PC now (second hand from a friend) and am grateful, but something smaller would be nice! Not to mention the smaller power draw.

Haha - as a kid I used to take everything apart - from the cars I got with racing tracks (to get to the motor on the inside) to cordless phones ;)

The track loader will be fun to see in action and probably 10x as fun to operate. I can only imagine the list of projects bouncing around in your head that you can accomplish with it. Good luck with the repairs.

Yeah, can't wait!

COPPER!!! LOL That right there is a smart man! After I saw your APMEX reveal I bought some copper coins from Chris Duane's collection. They are pretty awesome. Your sons can also save any pennies that are dated 1981 and before. Those are 95% copper.

Oh, I thought it was pre-1982. We save all those pennies. I have the first ever Chris Duane SBSS coin. 3 of them in mint.

Hey Zac! I think we may be saying the same thing. : ) Several sources I have checked say that anything made in 1982 could be a mix, i.e. either mostly copper or mostly zinc. So to be safe I figure we are good as long as it says 1981 and older... That being said I have been hearing that zinc may be exploding in the near future. I listen so some posts by Wealth Research Group, whom SGT Report has on occasionally, and I believe that's what they are looking at in addition to Ag and Au. I wonder if ALL pennies are some future gold mine, so to speak.

Man that is awesome that you have the first ever Chris Duane SBSS coin! I recently subscribed to the Silver Shield Group and I have been acquiring his stuff now little by little. They are quality strikes.

Oh make we want to start keeping my zinc pennies now. LOL I'm running out of room for stuff.

LOL Sorry man! You can dismiss this as simply the ramblings of a middle-aged man.

Now I haven't read these yet but I did a quick search on Wealth Research Group's website and they have a special report on Zinc. Now I wonder if pennies would be considered valuable if this was the case, who knows??

I'm confused... I've been too busy to really read up on how steemit works, but it appears steemit is using YouTube as their way to play/upload videos... I thought you were trying to get away from YouTube?? Is there something I'm missing?

Yeah you can host at Youtube and other places like Vimeo. Steemit doesn't have a way to upload videos at the moment to the Steem blockchain. So I'm cross posting. HOWEVER, when launches, I will be making the jump to uploading most of my videos there. I hope that explains it.

Sounds exactly like what i was doing at that age when a friend's parents introduced me to building your own pc and helped me with everything from selecting the parts to putting it all together. Was a windows 98 machine but ran great for years and started the experience. Great to see there learning from you.

Nice, A puppy like that needs to be up and running shortly. Get to work!

Yeah, next week! I'll do a video on it.

Great! There's a lot of work to be done on the homestead.

I've hauled a bunch of those all over the country although the ones I moved were much larger.
I'd have LOVED to have had something like that back on the Llano.
GOOD LUCK with your endeavors.

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