Entering The Matrix Of Modern Healthcare

We are back on the homestead and getting our bearings. Kaleb is getting better and eating well. He's super skinny mostly because of the restrictions of food at the hospital.

Anyway, there was another side of this story that I wanted to share and so I did a video about that today.

Vaccinations are a hotly debated topic in America right now. And I'm not trying to convince anyone of my position and someone is certainly not going to convince me on their position. But if you have certain values that you want to adhere to, going into a place like this will totally test you. Enough rambling. Here is the video.

More homesteading videos coming soon. Stay tuned!





BTW, this is my first day on STeemit... Thanks for showing me a better way... :) Shalom!

Thank you for chiming in brother on my Facebook post. People do not get it... it's part of my Exodus... leaving the controlled Matrix! Lol Still praying for your son!

I'm very sorry to hear about your sons, and your families hardships.

My daughter has been vaccinated. My daughter has been vaccinated because her otherwise great pediatrician bullied me into it, insisting she would have to call CPS and that they would remove my child if I refused.

I gave in, I won't go into detail but I was in a bad way at the time, my baby was all I had. It's pretty sick how they bully it honestly, but as you said... that's all they know, that's how they were trained, they think they're helping.

@accio you can have your daughter detoxed from the vaccinations. Find a good homeopath that does it. And don't beat yourself up about what is past

So happy Kaleb is getting better and agree hospital food is really not food...

Wow. You guys were really put through the wringer! To try and threaten you like that. I am so glad you stood your ground and pushed back. That is what has to be done. I have done battles with health care and it is not pretty or fun. Parents need to have a united front too. So happy to hear that all the prayers came through for your son. Now feed him some good wholesome homestead food to built his stregth up!

This is Lauren. We are so relieved you were able to get Kaleb home without him being poisoned...the doctors mean so well but they are so blind to the danger of the vaccines they're giving and to try to inject a kid with THREE vaccines while his immune system is already compromised...that's just a recipe for poor recovery and lifelong problems. Didn't you say everyone at the hospital was surprised how fast he bounced back? No wonder when you don't take out a strong boy's ability to fight!

It's good to have the law on your side as well. And we know you guys are prepared if there does end up being any fallout from just not showing up.

It might be worthwhile to request a copy of Kaleb's medical report to be sure he wasn't given anything without your consent as well. And just to have it, of course.

We've had a lot of these conversations already as well because we know if we're ever in such a tough spot, it can be hard to think clearly.

To tell you he wouldn't do lifesaving surgery for Kaleb and threatening you with CPS unless you agreed to his unnecessary terms - that's pretty infuriating and shows just how far the brainwashing in the medical system has gone.

No kidding. The reason he bounced back was because he is fed good foods on a regular basis and was healthy to begin with. Sadly, most kids they see are not in that great of shape today.

We all as a family were praying for your son Zach... Thank you for sharing you walk with us truly... an blessing!

Glad you share your story - very relevant to the times.

Thank you brother! Shabbat Shalom!!

Thank you brother! Shabbat Shalom!!

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