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in #personal8 years ago

It's very hard for me to find a positive thing to say this evening. I'm hurt, mystified, confused, and a little angry.

For the first time in my life I was fired from a job - not because of work ethic, performance, or terrible errors, but apparently I offended a few people and my personality would endanger the well-being and cohesiveness of their small team.

I really have no words

I can't even wrap my head around this reason for being dismissed because it contradicts everything that I'm about! And I don't want to vilify the company or the people who work there because they're all really sweet, quirky, and imperfect.

I sincerely thought I'd found my people once I'd earned my stripes and was embraced as part of their work family.

image source

We were just starting to climb out of debt.
We were just about to put a deposit on a beautiful rental to get out of this roach-infested temporary shit hole.

But I will not panic.

I will be taking the weekend to diligently apply for jobs in hopes of landing where I'm supposed to be.

Never burn a bridge

So anyway... I'm in the office and pleading my case and truly thunderstruck by what's transpired. There wasn't anything more to do so I thanked them for the opportunity and said, "Have a great weekend."

What else was left to say?

It was the end of the work day. I grabbed my purse and came home. At least my stomach doesn't feel like someone bashed me with a bat anymore - but damn, I'm winded.

Sorry for the downer post, guys. I'm just taking a break from job applications... again.

On the bright side of things

I'll be back to posting and interacting regularly until the next job comes along -- but if it's all right with you, I'll probably cry myself to sleep after I have a big bowl of ice cream.

Steemit verified merej99, Meredith Loughran

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Careful, papa - with my luck the whole place will shut down - but you're all stuck with me until then, okay? XOXOX

Hi merej99! You should go and read my latest post about the law of rhythm. You have just not yet found yours, and there is a reason why you were fired, because they would not take on the same vibrations as you. I am very sure to say that you will definitely find the right job at the right time, because you are not yet where you are supposed to be in life. You will find your little place and then you will be the one firing others, because they don't fit in with your vibrations. Just go and eat your ice-cream and go with the flow. Screw those damn people! Life works in mysterious ways, but at the end you will see that this is a good thing. This feeling will soon pass and then you are up and away to greater heights. It is not about the way you fall, but the way that you stand up!

What an amazing response @giantbear
Sometimes I feel like all I do is "keep getting up." But I suppose that's a good thing because it means I'm still alive. I've often said I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. And if you want to hear something weird, in this job I got exactly what I asked for: something easy where I wouldn't have to think too hard and all I had to do was say Yes sir, how high would you like me to jump? Except -- I'm not really good at being a Yes Man so I think I kind of did this to myself. LOL

I'm heading over to your profile now but please share the link here so more people can see it. :) You can resteem if you like.) Think about this a bit....who the hell just wants to say yes sir and no sir all the time, no are a boss!!! I would probably have been fired in that first weeks already as I am not one to keep my mouth quite as shut as I am supposed to. Take a day off from thinking. Do something that you enjoy...relax and go forward. I am currently writing about the seven laws of nature. Life is suddenly starting to make a lot more sense for me..... go read them all cause I sure found some interesting things in these natural laws, that changed my way of thinking about life quite a bit. I actually see things a bit differently now.
Only if you have been in the deepest valley, can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain - Richard Nixon

Giantbear i'm following you now.... i love your response!

I am following you too @giantbear, I really like this positive attitude, I think the same.

Thank you. I must admit that I write about these things to keep myself positive. With all the negativity on Steemit some positivity is needed.

These things happen in the best families, many times things happen for some reason.
I in my entire life as a dependent worker (38 years) I only had 4 jobs, in one 18 and in the other 14 years.
I had in chief in the work of 18 years that spent 18 years preparing in case some momnetos we had to go through a situation equal to yours. Always told us the same parabola, the porter of the brothel.
The last job where I work my 14 years, I close by bankruptcy, there remember the parabola that I have heard so many times.
Do not press, have faith and patience, nothing is forever, everything will happen.
Force dear friend @ merej99, you can.

You are so sweet, @jlufer. I know you've been through tough times too. I think my heart is most affected. My husband and I have been through so much and for the first time in a long time we felt hope. And when I told him I was fired I saw the worry come back in his eyes. I hate that I put that there. :(

Have faith you and your husband, you will see that something equal or better, these things are small things that are put in our ways to see how we solve.
God squeezes but never hangs

When God closes a door He has a better one for you to walk through. I know this from personal experience. Keep your chin up because the best is yet to come.

Thank you for the positive vibes! Lately it feels like we're going the wrong way on an escalator and no matter how fast we move our legs, we're not getting anywhere! It's so frustrating. I did just apply for a job that I would love to have. It's the first one in the list where I didn't feel like I was working twice as hard for a job I half wanted. Fingers crossed. Prayers up. :)

May the interstellar highway take me to the next destination.

You sass that hoopy merej99? There's a frood who knows where her towel is.

This frood needs to take better care of her towel rather than be concerned with the movement of small green pieces of paper. lol

Maybe you need a digital watch.

ROFL - Hey now, I'm already as primitive as you can get. I've got a dumb phone (as opposed to a smartphone) and it only accepts phone calls, which is crazy considering that no one really talks to anyone anymore. And I don't own a watch. Oh... maybe I do need a digital watch!

I'm off to bed now. Thanks for all the fish.

The answer to the question about everything. :)

I just want you to know that I'm feeling very depressed.

I can imagine that was really tough. I am sorry to hear it.

Maybe it is an opportunity in disguise. May you find a great new fit.

I'm very disheartened and my confidence is shot. Let's hope opportunity comes out of hiding soon. Thank you for your words @whatsup

Do you want a few peppers to help you cope?

LOL - the fire in my belly from those peppers might cure the baseball bat to the tummy feeling...but I still need to send you and the little peppers some homemade cookies!!!

I could try to give you a pep talk, but I am sure, I would feel the same way. :(
Just remember not everyone can handle caviar. That doesn't make it less valuable. Take care and be kind to yourself.

Do you mind at all me asking what they actually said offended them so much? There is actually a really bad situation within the west in particular where you have people losing their jobs and so on because of being targeted by people over it. Sometimes you can't do anything about it as you say, but if they just suddenly decided this without even telling you there could be potential for you to argue your case?

You could potentially sue for wrongful dismissal if it was totally made up bullshit or completely ridiculous, yes, I know, you may not want to do this, but this is your livelihood at stake. If you weren't even consulted about it by these people and they just fired you on the spot you could talk to a lawyer.

I thought about unemployment compensation for about 2 seconds before dismissing it. I may be wrong but I believe I was still within their stated orientation period (less than 60 days) where I could be dismissed for no reason at all.

Yes, it's complete bullshit and had I been given ANY kind of warning I would have been submitting applications for a smooth transition elsewhere. Like I mentioned, I've never been fired from a job before so this was a completely new experience for me. They didn't have an opportunity to get to know me or they would know I would have been a work horse until the very last second of my last day but I guess most people would have raged out of there.

Honestly, it's not worth the aggravation. I'm used to tightening my belt. This situation has solidified my resolve to pursue what I love instead of settling for a mindless job at nearly minimum wage. It's not the job itself but the bit of steady income that I'll miss the most. Oh...and if I had any kind of tenure I would definitely have spoken to a lawyer. I have quite a few friends who were used up for DECADES and then treated like crap. It's wrong for anyone to treat a dedicated employee like that!

Wow, you have a tremendous support group right here on Steemit.
Blessings on your new job search.

Thank you @paradise-found. Steemit is incredible if given half a chance. By the way, welcome aboard! If you have any questions please holler. There's a bit of a learning curve but we've also got a bunch of people who are committed to helping others here. I just hit the follow button on you and looking forward to your posts. :)

Thank you! Yeah, there is allot to learn. Today I've been trying to make heads or tails of the big whale/fight club battles. I really do wish you well and please keep your friends here posted on your job search.

That's the way life is.......Good that you haven't lost your hope.... And why should you?... Be brave and patient and everything will fall in place..... Good luck! Keep smiling ☺

Wkwk don't worry and don't panic xoxo!!

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