Understanding CryptoGraphy - Part 3

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Hello everyone, hope you all are doing good? I'm back with the Part 3 of this amazing series, Understanding CryptoGraphy. If you haven't read the Part 1 and Part 2, I strongly suggest you that by clicking here for Part 1 and here for Part 2. In today's article we would be looking at what is Symmetric and Asymmetric cryptography?



Cryptography is broadly divided into two categories which are;

  • Symmetric cryptography
  • Asymmetric cryptography

Symmetric Cryptography

This is a type cryptography that makes use of only a single key to encrypt and decrypt data/messages. The single key is called Secret Key

Let's take for instance, Person A wants to send Person B a message through cryptography because Person A wants the message to be safe and secured from any third party. Person A will encrypt the message using the Secret Key which will make the message useless to any third as they won't be able to comprehend the message. Person B receives the message and uses the same secret key Person A used to encrypt the message to decrypt the message. That's exactly how Symmetric cryptography operates.



Symmetric cryptography doesn't have separate keys for different functions such as Private Keys and Public Keys, it only makes use of just one single key which performs all the functions needed. Here are some notable examples of Symmetric cryptography; Data Encryption Standard(DES), International Data Encryption Algorithm(IDEA), Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) and others.

Asymmetric Cryptography

This is a type of cryptography that makes use of two keys to encrypt and decrypt data/messages. The two keys are Private Keys and Public Keys.

Let's take for instance, Person A wants to send Person B a message through cryptography because they both want the message to be safe and secured from any third party. Person B will send Person A his/her Public Key in order to use to encrypt the message. Once the message has been encrypted by Person A, using Person B public key, Person A will send the message to Person B. Person B will then use his/her Private Key to decrypt the message. The message can only be decrypted by Person B Private key because it was encrypted using Person B's public key by Person A. Even Person A won't be able to decrypt the message. That's exactly how Asymmetric cryptography operates.



Asymmetric cryptography doesn't use just a single key but makes use of double keys which are Private(Secret) and Public keys, to encrypt and decrypt data/messages. Here are some notable examples of Asymmetric cryptography; Rivest Shamir Adleman(RSA), Digital Signature Algorithm(DSA), Elliptical Curve Cryptography(ECC) and others.


I hope you all found the article interesting and exciting. Do well to share your thoughts about the article in the comment section below. Thanks.



Thanks For Reading

Till Next Time, Stay Safe

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