EMPOWER Yourself! Access Your Inner WISDOM!

in #higherself6 years ago

You've probably heard someone around you ask "What should I do about...?" or you've probably asked this yourself at some point in your life. When we do this, we are disempowering ourselves, assuming that someone else knows better than we do what is best for us. That's not to say we shouldn't ask for help when we need it. We simply need to discern between asking for advice or suggestions rather than abdicating responsibility for that which we feel difficulty in dealing with or deciding on. This is one reason establishing a connection with your intuition and Higher Self is so important. That inner wisdom can guide you, even if only in subtle ways, towards that which will serve you best.

When we feel desperate for guidance, we can cast out this net and take whatever we get without partiality for what will really help. I see this quite often online. People searching for answers and taking advice from people they don't even know. Most of the time, those giving the advice will answer from a place of projection and speak on the perspective of their personal experience. The issue is, we all have had an infinite mix of events, circumstances and karma to create the current version of ourselves. So, it's a gamble as to whether someone else's prescription will do the trick. Again, I feel the need to stress the difference between asking for advice that you will take into account when making a decision versus doing what someone else tells you.

Those of us who have questioned the world we live in, know by now that modern culture has been set up so that people blindly follow what others say. This has gotten so extreme that people these days don't know how to make decisions for themselves - perhaps not even knowing what their preferences are! Discernment has been conditioned out of most people. As a society, we are much easier to control if we simply do as we're told and don't question it. And though many of us realize this by now, there is still a deep need to RE-establish the connection to our inner wisdom. We were all born with it. We all have it. It's a matter of taking the time and setting the intention to reel it in.

Below are a few ways to connect with that inner wisdom that's available to us all. For all of these exercises, it's very important that you feel relaxed and safe in your environment and not rushed.

  • Meditation: Sit or lay down in space where you will not be interrupted, close your eyes, takes a few full deep breaths and begin to scan the sensations in your body starting at the crown of your head and moving slowly down to your feet. Notice the various sensations you feel. Whether it's hot or cold, stiff and achy, relaxed and easeful, agitated, whatever - just notice it. As you do so, you are turning your attention inward and letting the intelligence of your body to communicate with you, thus opening lines of communication. When you're in this space, your inner wisdom is more accessible.

  • Journaling: Pick a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. If you don't have a journal or notebook, just find a piece of paper. Take some full deep breaths. You can even do the body scan above or the lower-dontien breathing below before trying this exercise for more ease and focus. Try writing down a few questions then turning inward and writing down the immediate answer that comes to you. When you are finished with the answers, go back and read them. If the answer feels forced, it's probably the ego rather than the higher self. If it feels like it flows and has wisdom in it, it's likely the higher self.
    Another more simplified method to this is writing down just one question at the top of page and writing whatever comes to you as long as it keeps coming. This is free-flow writing and I find a lot of wisdom can come through with simplicity in this way.

  • Lower-dantien breathing: The lower-dantien is located a couple inches below your navel, inside your core. Close your eyes and breath in and out of this space. You can simply call on your inner wisdom "Higher self, I thank you for being with me right now, helping to guide me to that which will serve my highest good" or whatever feels right to you. You can then ask a question and continue the breathing in and out of this space and see what comes. It can take a moment to really settle in here so be patient.

The more these exercises are practiced, the more you are opening up the lines of communication and developing that inner guidance and awareness. Ideally, you will eventually connect with this wisdom throughout your day, no matter what you're doing. Even then, it can still be helpful to slow down and do these exercises to quiet the mind and drop in deeper. When we access this inner wisdom and really utilize it, we are greatly empowering ourselves and thus, the rest of humanity.

I use higher self and inner wisdom synonymously as I believe they are one in the same

My name is Melina. I'm an Intuitive Healer who's been on her own profoundly challenging and intensive healing journey the last 2 1/2 years. Prior to this time, I was already very focused on holistic nutrition and natural healing modalities. But things shifted drastically after my communion with Mother Ayahuasca in the summer of 2015. I've since learned invaluable lessons about myself, as well as the nature of the reality on Spaceship Earth. Though what I went through was a total upheaval of myself and life as I knew it, I understood that I was going through it all not only to heal my (and my family's) wounds, but also to eventually help support others in their healing process.
Through working with my Shamanic Healer, a Somatic Experiencing Therapist, my Intuitive Health Practitioner, and many other healers, I have compiled quite the tool chest. My most recent discovery was the Medical Medium. Much of the diet related suggestions I give come directly from him - as he has helped restore my physical health. Other than authoring Steemit articles, I'm an artist, an advocate for personal sovereignty, and wife of the amazing Chuck Williams (Dash Digital Cash UI/UX Tech Lead). As I continue to heal from chronic illness, I'm working more and more at being an Intuitive Self-Development Adviser (a label I hope is descriptive and clear about the gifts I offer in supporting others). May you find value in what I share here. Blessings on your healing journey. <3


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