My Beloved Student

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

My Beloved Student

Sebagai seorang guru saya harus mempersiapkan murid kelas tiga untuk menghadapi ujian akhir. Itulah tanggung jawab saya, itu juga beban moral saya untuk mengantar mereka kejenjang pendidikan lebih tinggi. Sebagai guru sekolah menengah atas, saya terus melatih mereka untuk membahas dan menganalisa juga mengulas soal soal ujian. Hanya satu harapan yaitu mereka sukses dalam ujian ini.
Hari ini, dalam rangka menghadapi Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer (UNBK) pada Senin 9 April 2018, saya mengajak mereka membahas soal dalam sebuah ruangan yang tidak ada peralatan meja dan kursi belajar, mereka saya dudukan di atas lantai. Semoga terkenang dengan ujian di atas lantai. Inilah mereka anak murid yang saya sayangi. Semoga mereka berhasil.
In English.
As a teacher I have to prepare a third grader for the final exam. That is my responsibility, it is also my moral burden to lead them to a higher education gap. As a high school teacher, I continue to train them to discuss and analyze exam questions as well. Only one hope that they are successful in this exam.
Today, in order to face the computer-based test (UNBK) or Computer Based Test (CBT) on Monday, April 9, 2018, I invited them to discuss the matter in a room with no table and chair gear, I was hovered on the floor. Hope to be remembered with the exam on the floor.
Here they are the students I love. May they succeed.



Is it weird that I only poop once a week?

Thanks @dailyxkcd
it's very weird because it's not normally

Hello meiza!

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Thanks @resteemsupport. I will remember your kindness

You Learn More From Failure Than From Success. Don't Let It Stop You. Failure Builds Character.

Thanks @jehovahwitness. I will do it. I Give the best for my student

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