Sports Day!

in #life7 years ago


Today I went to a sports day! Oh, don't fret it wasn't for me. Instead it was for the little banana that is my daughter.

A wondrous experience you would think? Sun shining down, races to mentally gamble on, bit of daddy/child bonding and all that. And yes, it would have been entirely fabulous if not for an event which left me rather bemused.

So there I was, the first race is ready to start. Daughter at the start line, her opponents look fierce. Well, as fierce as five year olds can. Which is about as fierce as slightly moist paper. The cry goes out...


It's on!! It's on like King Kong!!

Like any proud father of the modern generation I whipped out my smart phone and started taking pictures of her brutally crushing the opposition. Well coming in second at least.

When quite suddenly...


I looked around. Like an overweight, albino Komodo dragon, a teacher was barreling toward me. Her face, purple with indignation.

Excuse me! She boomed from her cavernous mouth.

Eerm, yes? Said I. Slightly worried her jaws were going to keep opening and she would swallow me up.

You can't take photos from a mobile. You can't take photos FROM A MOBILE! Like a horse running from a hungry Irish family she was in quite the lather.

What, what do you mean? I said, whilst around me parents happily snapped pictures of their children as if to spite me.

You can't take photos from a mobile. She repeated obviously aiming to break me by sheer repetition.

Eh, that's daft? Everyone is doing it?

No they're not. she retorted smugly. They've got cameras.

What the fuck fatty? I thought. Are you fucking kidding me? Instead I asked,What's wrong with using a phone?

She grinned at me triumphantly,


Eh, why would I? But so what? What if I did?


I knew as soon as I said it. I had made the mistake. And of course it was apparent from Godzilla's face that she knew she had me then. Because of the paedos of course.

Meanwhile several feet away my other half congratulated my little girl for coming second and reassured her that I wasn't fighting a rhino.

What followed for me was a short and tortuous conversation with an idiot. I tried explaining that you could upload photos from a camera to the net. Nope, she wasn't having it. I assured her I had no intention of broadcasting my daughter over the web. She loudly asserted that other parents might not want others to send pics of their children all over Twitter.

It seemed she had a hard-on for Twitter. It was a losing battle. I gave up. As we left without any pics I couldn't help but glower over at her.

You've made an enemy today lady. Oh yes, an enemy today.


I think you missed out on an opportunity to tell her about Steemit here... or was it not the right time?

Lol!! Yes, I think I definitely missed that opportunity. I can only imagine the vexation!!

boo! its your daughters pic - doesn't make any sense
that sucks chico!
you can blur the other kids faces - you should have shown her your anime works :D
btw - am still on following you - what was that about?

Sorry sorry!! I was just jesting!! I put a nice post, follow me please content cos I had seen so many of those type of comments. I might have been a bit tipsy lol

Oh I know, she was having none of it. Was ridiculous!!

these days I'm getting those
plus that pleaase check my post
sighs .. too many frustrated ones I guess

Where has the work ethic gone eh!! ;0) I am as nice as possible but hate getting cold called in chat

me too I just ignore but its too much
yes - even in the chat
am not even a whale
i wonder what the whales and bigger fish are goin through these days
a bit too straightforward these days
hmm.. where's that spambot?

The whales must get hundreds of them! Madness. We all need a little spambot in our lives!!

I can imagine you running away into the distance shouting ''It's blockchain based...''

That would have been the final straw. I can imagine them throwing the book at me saying. Blockchain eh

Wow! You mean to say you can take pictures off of a camera and post them on the interwebz? That is like so awesome and new age!!

I know, this 21st century lark is incredible!! :0D

You know I'm still working in cyanotype right? Next you will be telling me no-one is using film in their Brownie box cameras anymore.

I would never tell you such a thing. but I would give you a sad look and gently shake my head ;O)

Aha!! Never a more apt gif!!

I guess you just learned...

Haha, yes indeed. Learned the hard way!!

Wouldn't it be funny if the Sports Day was for you? You would've positively crushed the competition and won all the medals, dude! It would've been awesome if your Soft Play nemesis was there so you would've been given the chance to wipe the floor with him and his tears.

That being said, I should really stop thinking about my comments before I finish the post. Considering that you always add a wrinkle near the end, my comments looks entirely different after finishing the read.

I tried explaining that you could upload photos from a camera to the net.

I wish Captain Obvious swooped down from the sky and hammered this home to her. I mean, if pedos were a remote possibility, didn't she ever think that you wouldn't want your precious daughter to be in their crosshairs?? That would be the last thing a parent would ever want for their children jeez!

She was nuts. I almost wish I had had my camera with me so I could show her that with one small click I could transfer photos to my phone through the air as if by magic!!

Haha and I dont know how that would have been if it was for me. Had the wierdest experience with a competitive man when we did the daddies race at the end. I wasnt going to and some jolly dude convinced me it was a bit of fun. He then became a raging beast of testosterone and competitiveness when the whistle blew!!

That's hilarious! A raging beast of testosterone and competitiveness :D

But of course! Thats what sports days are! :O)

She must be one of those people that are stuck in the past. I mean, if she's pointing at Twitter as where the pedos look at in terms of pictures, then she may be a few years behind from technology haha!

Oh yeah, those types of people. Those are the ones who answer that they haven't studied for an exam, when in reality they've been working tirelessly for the past month. It's all mind games. All mind games.

Thank you for posting @meesterboom.

Appreciate the photography and writing....well most of it. ^_^.....very kind of you to explain the Scots love of certain vernacular the other day.

Have fond memories of England's Sports Day. There is always something that goes awry and is all the talk the next day. So sorry you will have no pictures.

@ophelia is right....too bad there was no opportunity to give Steemit a plug.

Oh time perhaps.

Wishing you and yours all the best.....Cheers.

All the best to you too @bleujay!

I save my steemit plugs for the more receptive audiences! :O)

Did you spend much time in England?

Oh yes....a more receptive audience indeed.

Have a great love for England in particular and Britain as a whole......yes .....Scotland is included. The city of Edinburgh.....lovely....lovely. Sorry have not been to Glasgow.

To answer your query....yes...much time.

Here's a toast to Sports Day.....may future ones be ever so much merrier than today's.


All the best.

Future ones shall be full of merriment and real cameras that are not phones and can't tweet!!


resteem and upvote for your post....

Thank you very much!

u r welcome...

You should have told her not on Twitter rhino, but on Steemit! Your little girl is already famous here! You had a great day, excepting that you made an enemy!

Sometimes if you are gonna make an omelette you gotta make an enemy or whatever they say!

But yes, I have another enemy to add to the ever growing list hehe

........... WOW really , just to make sure you didnt add any photo of your litel gerl here because of this ?

I had none of her running, only surreptitious ones later near the field! Madness!

Saunds really crazy but see , Steem can buy you a nice camera !

I have one!! But use my phone almost all the time!!

Yeai know the feeling , even im a woman with bag , dont have always my camera with me

Yeah and the sun was boiling today so it was far easier to carry my phone in my shorts!

This is the best thing I have seen all day!! I can't believe she didn't let you take pictures on your phone, but if you had a digital camera that is okay... Doesn't make sense to me.

Did they give everyone a trophy?

You should have told her it was going on Steemit!!

They all got stickers. Well, if they came in the top three places. I tried to explain to the woman, but you know that way when people are being deliberately obtuse? There was no reasoning with her!!

Coincidentally though, they did have an official photographer. I suspect there will be highly prices photos for sale soon.

I feel like I have been mafia'd!!

2 pictures for the low price .05 BTC..

When the school officials are part of the mafia... watch out!

This would have epic to get on video!!!

Haha, perhaps epic perhaps not. Seeing me stumble and bluster and raise my arms like a stork attempting to fly!

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