Mango Fandango Beers!

in #lite6 years ago


Sunny days deserve sunny beers and what could be sunnier than mango! Mango mango bing banjango as my old gran used to say! So I have two mango based beers to pit against one another.

We have one from my favourite brewery ever. That would be Tempest and one from Scotland biggest craft brewery, Innis and Gunn, this one is a limited edition.

Well I'm chanking to get stuck in.

Let's go!


I make no secret of it, I love just about everything Tempest Brewing produces. It's like they have a finger on the pulse of the Boom!

It make me nervous though, I always think the next one I try will be a rubbish one. Here goes!


Oh my wordy word!! Look at that, it's like I have quite literally tore the sun down from the sky and jammed it arse-first into a glass. It looks incredible!!!

My mouth is watering. So what is it like?

It's true. It's magic. It's light and deep of mango. Slightly wheaty but still classically beer. It is awesome, I might be biased by the sun and the good times but I ain't gonna blame it on the boogy. The sheer mango joy of this is beyond compare! 9/10 booms!!!

No one can live at this speed. Can they?

Poor Innis & Gunn, they have an uphill battle here.


This one is a little stronger than the last, it has got the potential to be a Tempest beater. Fingers crossed for them...

To the pour-mobile then, na na na banana na na!


It has a right old head on it. Massive and as it is not wheaty it pours clear compared to the Tempest Berliner.

But sod all that, it still looks good but the taste...?


It's a nice beer. It has a very distinct mango glamour to it. Bewitching in fact but there is an aftertaste of sweet sugary mango which kind of reminds me of chewy jelly sweets. You know the kind.

It grows more and more apparent as I drink it and although the artificial taste is quite pleasurable in a way it is nothing... nothing compared to my golden-orange flanked Tempest Beauty above.

A lowly 7/10 booms. I opted for a 7 instead of a 6 because the beeriness behind the sweet artificial mango is quite good.

Cor blimey! Another winner from Tempest! I shall have to buy shares in that bloody place I love it so much!!

I hope you all have a smashing weekend!!




I need to try me one of those bad boys one of these days 😀 🍻

I would recommend it dude!! :OD

Hmm. Mango beer. Mango beer. Mango beer. Man go beer. Man go beer.

For some strange reason I had to get up and grab a beer after thoroughly enjoying this experience of a blog post. I can't quite seem to figure out what made this happen but I'm okay with the results because my beer that I didn't need before this post tastes fantastic.

Thank you for whatever you just did there.

You are most welcome!! I have convinced myself to have another and another quite successfully! After my last night's beeriness I didn't think I would be of a mind!!

Next time I go to the fridge, I'm bringing two back. Number one is already gone somehow. There must be a leak.

A leak or a.... conspiracy!!! :OD

When Julian Assange takes a piss, I wonder if he calls it a wikileak.


Oh that's good!!!

And let's not forget about the Donald Dump.

At first I found it hard to swallow down. An I&G that was close to a 6!? What the fogg!

Poured me a few strong ones down the hatch, took a long night stroll. Had a wee against the church door and sang 'Highway to hell' at four.

After I was let out and wend about again, I stopped for a cup of capuchino and came to terms.

Man, I really need to get me some of that Tempest brew someday!

It's a taps aff day overhere, hope you have a great one too, cheers!

It's a taps aff day here too!!

I could hardly believe it myself, the famed and seemingly unbeatable I&G producing some type of jelly sweet beer! For shame. It goes to show though that you just never knew what to expect

At first I found it hard to swallow down. An I&G that was close to a 6!? What the fogg!

Poured me a few strong ones down the hatch, took a long night stroll. Had a wee against the church door and sang 'Highway to hell' at four.

After I was let out and wend about again, I stopped for a cup of cappuccino and came to terms.

Man, I really need to get me some of that Tempest brew someday!

It's a taps aff day overhere, hope you have a great one too, cheers!

It's a taps aff day here too!!

I was awfully surprised. I&G are normally amazing!

I have mangos growing in abundance here in my garden. 6 trees fully loaded. I have on my list to make mango vinegar (great on salads) mango wine (12% ABV) and a very nice mango brandy (40% ABV). Perhaps I need to brew beer? Mango Berliner sounds awesome! Have a great weekend Boom!

good grief, I have never even heard of mango wine... it sounds amazing!! and brandy, Iam on my knees for the very idea of such a thing!!! WOW!

Mango brandy is excellent after a fine meal...

Phwoaahr. I can imagine!

Man, you make me want to drink beer with these tastings! And that is special because I really am a wine loving animal!

I am quite the wine animal too but I like a beer night!!

Wow!!! I totally missed the beer post this week. The good lady took me out for an early birthday celebration. It looks like you found two winners this time. Hot donkeys says it all!! I think I would like the mango flavour as well. I must say though. I'm a tad bit worried if you have a few too many. You look like you might be up in the tree house. Don't want to get too tipsy up there sir.

Happy nearly birthday!!! I hope you enjoyed.

Hehe, it was truly lovely. I would quite like to sleep in that little thing. Like camping in a wooden tent!

Tempest Brewing seems to be... brewing up a storm as of late! It's sneaking up as a frontrunner, other brewskies better watch out! As it stands, I just had a fruity brew myself! What are the odds!? No, seriously. Go to you computer machine and calculate the odds post haste!


It's made out of lychee, so I guess we have (had?) a veritable fruit salad had I synced up 11 days ago. Had 90% head when I first poured it, but unfortunately I would give it... hmm.. what was your first score? 9? And the second one? 7? Right. I'll give the lychee beer a 2. Blech.

Oh man oh man! It looks awful! Yeek, I feel your pain bro-mage frais!!

Tempest is quite simply my favourite very just now, they absolutely rawk!!

They better call the firemen because Tempest is on fayah!

Wow, @meesterboom mango? I have never tasted it in beers.
where I live, a lot of mango is produced, I think it is the fruit that is most found but nobody has ever made a delicious drink with this fruit.
the first one is super yellow, you're right it looks like the sun!
after a night full of mangoes in a very attractive presentation in the morning one more! How do you say "hair to the dog"?

It is definitely a haor of the dog situation today!

the mango beer made my mouth water, I would gladly toomaria some of it, great this week's selection dear friend @ 10/10 meses congratulations
that you continue enjoying these great beer.
salut dear friend

Its making my mouth water remembering it!! It was ace!

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