
in #life6 years ago


Today the sun dawned bright over the cold and glittering frost of the good lady's libido. Outside it was frosty too.

We had decided to go to Ikea, where the evil Lord of Mazes dwells. The good lady had stated that we needed a Unit for our daughter's bedroom.

What kind of unit?

I had foolishly asked.

She had drawn me a weary look. One which spoke volumes of the ineptitudes of men and their donglers.

A unit for storing things in.

She had stated tiredly as if I were a dog that was doing that skiing thing with its bottom quarters over her freshly cleaned carpet.


Of course, yes. A storage thing. It shall be done.

So, after a mere twenty minutes of scraping and bashing ice from the car with much pretend joyous whistling. We were ready to go.

Once inside we drew lots as to who would brave the furniture catacombs. At that point, the little boom started flailing about in terror and anguish at the thought of being lost in that hellhole again.

The good lady looked over fearfully at the dimly lit entrance.

It's no use, he needs feeding. You will have to go Daddy-Bear.


I too looked at the foreboding dark hole that led into the furniture hall. In the dim light of the entrance, I thought I saw a bed peek out menacingly.

What? Go in there alone? But...

It was no use. The little boom was already on the boob making angry smacking sounds with his lips and kneading the doughy baps with clenched fists as if the milk on offer displeased him mightily.

Alright then. A storage unit for the little lady's room.

I sighed.

I took a few steps forward and stopped to look over my shoulder at my sweet family.

If I don't make it, well, don't pine forever lass. Meet someone, be happy. However pale a shadow that someone may cast in the light of my memory.

She nodded.

Don't buy any tat on the way out like you usually do.

She called out before glueing herself to her phone.


I turned back to face the soul-sucking, infernal twisted labyrinth that was the furniture hall. Somewhere inside I thought I heard the angry roar of a Chest of Drawers.

I shook my head, tat indeed. I would be lucky to make it out alive and if I did, she would begrudge me some tealight candles and some storage jars? There were no depths to that woman's contempt for my mannity. Well, alright then. This time I would buy nothing but the unit.


Some forty minutes later I staggered out, a trolly with a big box of self-assemble unit-age trundling before me.

The good lady stood up, the little boom sound asleep in her arms. She smiled with relief to see me escape the labyrinth successfully. Her eyes skipped down to the trolley I pushed wearily before me.

Her smile ebbed away.

Couldn't resist yourself eh?

I looked guiltily down at the trolley and the assorted things piled on top of it. Pride of place among a selection of jars, kitchen utensils, a small cactus and some picture frames was a pack of fifty tealight candles.

I grinned madly as if chewing a stick.



Not at all surprised by the doodads (50 TEALIGHT CANDLES shall never go to waste!) But totally surprised that you knew what kind of "unit" would be the exact right one! I personally could have never given that choice to dear mrgardenlady!
Regardless, what I want to long did it take to put that unit together? We recently bought a do-it-yourself chest (from the interwebs)and it took my daughter AND my husband 2 hours (was it 3?) of sheer tediousness! I have to say, he did love doing the project along side his daughter ;-)

Hehe, she had already pointed out out in the interwebs ;0)

I find that with most serif assemble things but I have to say IKEA stuff is usually a hot to put together. This thing took about half an hour and it had a door and two drawers and a space bit!!

well you are clearly fluent in Ikea-speak! I tend to shy away form it with all the fjorderbang and norrwald and dagstorf and fluffernutter...sends me out of my mind!

I don't go often it must be said. Some people seem to make a weekend habit of it!! It totally press me of that each visit means ages in the bloody maze!

help me! I'm in the maze and I can't get out!

There is no escape!! Ever!! :0)

Somehow, it is comforting to know that, even on the other side of Earth, there are husbands enduring similar facets of husbandry. God speed, sir, and good day.

They have made it a universal constant!!

sir meesterboom! lol. hilarious. "Ikea, where the evil Lord of Mazes dwells" that should be their new motto. Bring the youth in. Hey the artwork is amazing and the beard is looking especially rugged in it!

Hehe, it is a place of nefarious twist mazeness!

Oh my God, LOL, I swear to you that other than the candles this is exactly the cart load of stuff Howie would come out with! He's all about the kitchen utensils, jars, and maybe not a cactus, but definitely a medicinal or edible plant heeee, ah.

I know!! It's an incredible delight that bit! Sometimes I think I spend more money there than any other bit!

You could always go for a romantic candlelit dinner. Can't see anything going wrong with that one...

I grinned madly as if chewing a stick.

You've tried it before? How do you know what you look like whilst chewing a stick, and why would you be grinning. Unless... Nope, not gonna go there.

the evil Lord of Mazes


Everyday I pick a new stick for the chewing. One knows where one is when you have a good stick to chew :0)

He who bringeth home the bacon, is allowedeth to bringeth home all manner of tat.

Let the tat be as one!

Whatever the good lady may think, "unit" is not  self-explanatory. Also, leaving Ikea without a cactus called Spetsa or some such would be inhuman.

I always buy one, bizarrely though I think we only ever have one or two at a time in the house as they just sort of disappear. I worry that they are hiding and forming some kind of army.

I thought that about unit too. It could be anything!

Have you checked the basement and attic for cactus concentrations?

I think the basement is a likely candidate!

I thought that was the benefits of whoever went in ! LOL ! She should have known better than to let you go in by yourself if she didn't want that to happen.

Hehe, that's my view too. All thise lovely trinkets at the end are awesome. I would but everything if I could :0)

If you go to Ikea you have top buy tealight candles. You did good haha

They do the best ones, all the others from elsewhere are just shit compared to them!!

That's very true plus they cost a lot cheaper too :)

They do, big quality things that are cheap. My favourite!!

Mine too :)

The more tat the merrier I say

I'm am about that tat, it's the only reason I go!

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