Elvis Beers!

in #life5 years ago


The once and future king!! That's right, this Saturday is Elvis beers Saturday!

Elvis, what has he got do with anything you might ask?

Ok, the link is rather tenuous. The nearest I have come to Elvis is covering The Wonder Of You in my old band. And of course only yesterday the Bear-Man thought that the second beer above was called Thousands of Elvis.

Which would have been amazing. But no, it's Thousands of Evils

Oh my.

But I get ahead of myself. This week, the beers duking it out for the win have both been barrel aged. Mmm! I am fond of a barrel aged beer so this gets me almost as excited as when I talk to the girl with the fake lips in the coffee shop beside my office.

Ah, I do hope that she isn't my gateway to the sexy world of duck-porn.

But I digress...

To the beers!


So Beerbliotek, we meet again. I have had what can only be described as a chequered history with this brewery.

Oh alright then, I will be honest. I think most of their beers are shit. I have tried a fair few now from them and almost all of them have been mince.

Can they come back from purgatory and slap me sideways with this, a whisky Barrel aged Stout? I mean, I'm Scottish. We invented whisky. (Sshh Irish folk!)

It's almost like they are trying to bribe me. Which, if that was the case could be easily done with ten bucks and a hand shandy from a lovely. No need to go to all the trouble of making a beer for me.

Let's get it poured.


Hmm, it pours a delightful looking reddish brown, a bit like burnt beef. Except more liquidy. Tiny wee head hissing away as soon as it's poured.

It looks like a typical heavy. Perhaps, a little darker. I am quite fond of that style. Let's get it on

Well, that was, hmm. I don't know how to describe it. It wasn't bad as such it was just kind of lame.

It promised the world, whisky and strong delight and yet it delivered nothing except a slight soapy taste. Which was shit. I could smell the whisky but I couldn't taste it, what's the point in that, I want to be walloped with it!

Utter bawhumming disappointment. 4/10 booms.



Well well. The last one was a whisky Barrel aged beer. This one, rather more mysteriously is a blend of the breweries barrel aged beers.

What the fuck do they mean, did they get all the leftover slops that no one drank and bunged them together? Yeek...

Let's see.


It's dark. Plenty dark. Reminds me of a hunter in the shadows. A subterranean behemoth lurking where the sun don't shine. A bit like my penis on a Wednesday. I am catching a coffee and bourbon reek off it already and that is making me a happy chap. To the tasting!

Magnificent. It seems to tick every box, it has dark and bitter cofffee mellowed by sweet fudgey toffee tones and the bourbon surrounds it all like a sassy lycra vest. I am very happy indeed! 9/10 booms!!

Will that was an awesome end to a tasting. I'm off to drink more of that stuff!!




Brewdog make a beer called “Elvis Juice” - it’s got a grapefruit infusion. It’s better than expected.....and one for a refreshing summer day (do you get those where you live!).

Posted using Partiko iOS

I do!! In fact, they are a Scottish brewers and we get all of their stuff. It's a great beer, I think it was one of the first I reviewed here!

It looks like you have recovered very well from your night out and ready for some more beer. And tomorrow you will maybe say NEVER AGAIN :)

I had recovered splendidly well. In fact even today I feel not bag, which is odd!!

Oooooo this is what happens - you start thinking you have won alcohol and then WHAM it comes back with a vengeance................

Glad the slightly misnomered king beer tasted excellent XD

I can kind of see how Bear Man made that error, the way I read I initially read it as "House of Elvis" before it reordered properly XP

It's not the easiest can to read! I had to boost the colours and contrast to pull it out so it read readable in the pic!! I wish it was thousands of Elvis though!! :0)

😳 I’m somewhat concerned for what it looked like originally.

Lol, a muted underwater mess!

It sounds like the EVIL !BEER lived up to expectations, like a good stout should!! Cheers!!

It did, Elvis for the win!!

I think dark is good. You found evil Elvis too? It is available where?? 💕

You forgot the tag #BeerSaturday. !BEER and cheers

I did forget the tag!

Dark is always good and this one was awesome! Cheers!!

Grand timing for this belated post today, I have just opened one, cheers!

Flowers? naa, we don't want flowers at all. Next!

I do like it when you pick the your favourite beer of the day as the 2nd choice, wash the first one away and make a note to buy thousands more elvis!

Wayhay, then cheers indeed!!

I think I will be buying thousands more of this Elvis, It's grand and strong but not too mental strong!

Flowers, yeek! Not in beer!

I found a new one today too, the rough sticker on the can was a promising sign.

Elvis for the win, it did look like a cracker.

Flowers should be seen and not drank!

A rough sticker and you know you can't go wrong! What was it?

Even the name was excellent. It must be quite the cool job to come up with the artwork and the names.

I am officially done with flowers!

He we go!


I shall be back for more 🍺🍺

Wild Card! Top notch, I aint seen that one before. I think I like it already!!

If you like a fruity pale you will be a happy chappy 😁

I do quite like one! Even in the dark heart of winter. I should actually just get to the supermarket instead of my normal place and pick up some instead of all this dark malarkey!

Is a "soapy taste" ever a good thing?

I have yet to encounter such a case. Although there is something rude trotting around in my head but thats the beer talking. :OD

I think I might have a similar trotter.

This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a resteem to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!


In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie


Hey @meesterboom, here is a little bit of BEER from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

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