DApp Review : PickFlix - Movie Producer- Lights! Camera! Cha-Ching

Hello Great Steemit Community.

It is very good and a great privilege to join this awesome DApp review sponsored by @oracle-d and also @dapplovers as well. Me, been a farmer does not mean I am never into movies as well I watch series of movie both on the YouTube and Cinema. I Have been a lover of Movie right from my childhood days the only differences there is just that I never been to the cinema when I was so small growing up but now I visit cinema with my Wife @ayopeju regularly. Let get back to business I am here to review a movie DApp called PickFlix.


What Is PickFlix?

  • PickFlix is a master plan, a gambling game plan where registered users play the role of a star Movie Producer. In a simple word, users will take a Movie and be in a competition with another user and earn rewards.

Three Main Keys

You choose Movie.
You be in Competition.
You earn reward.

PickFlix users are requested to do some quick survey and research on some movies and then later put some amount of money as bet on the movie that will perform best among the chosen movies at the box office. One Pickflix player is marked against other players along with their own selected movies.

The main aims and objective of the game is to emerge together the amusement worth of the movies, with becoming apparent to the new blockchain technology and also give you a great positive impression when you are to see a movie.

What Next?

How Does Pickflix Work?

When you talk of the current game called Pickflix, two or more movies are competed with each other by placing bet for their share of the Box Office.

What you need to do.

  1. Once you log in and already set up your wallet using meta mask you need to find your way to the lobby. Lobby consist of the Opening Weeked, By Genre, Two Week Games.
  2. By clicking on the game itself, the game information will be displayed and also the menu of the game in which you can choose in will also be displayed as well , after you might have gone through your research on various movies you need to purchase a token called Pickflix token for that particular movie you viewed it will be on a positive betting side to earn rewards .
  3. The game do not affect each other, the game have a unique approach.
  4. You will have to exercise some patient until the Box Office result are out. Redeem your tokens which is done by an oracle.

In this game the prices of the tokens fluctuate from people been chosen the will make the tokens go down which will also affect your bet at the end of the day but the price of the tokens goes up when people do not take the particular movie you choose. This is really a gambling game. A technique can be done or use which is called creativity, the more creative you are, the more Big Win you have.

The Game Plan.

Let me take you through the main game structure and you will get a clearer picture and understanding. We have some particular movies that will be release this Weekend.

Game Statistics.

There are four movies that will be release this weekend.



As you can see this picture that the movie itself already has a return base on their current performance. Some kind rules to follow if you want to earn big. The less the movie is known the higer and big you win and vice versa.

PickFlix Shortcomings.

Still on a testnet: when I wanted to give a trial to run the game on the testnet, it couldn't not load my own requested tokens and it took several hours to load up Lobby.


This is an Awful website.

To me the website is undervalued and underdeveloped because it looks like a maintenance page to me for an website that is yet to arrive.

User Experience.

The dashboard on your profile will lead you and throw you into a master account page where there is no guide on what next thing to do. You go around surfing the website but at the end of the day nothing to show for it. I feel so down when scrolling up and down the website I know most of the user will definitely feel the same way I do.

Gaming explanations too complicated**

When you glance through the game documentation it was not really included apparent what I was meant to do in step by steep or the value proposition on why I should do. To my own perceptive I think video explanations is necessary since you are a movie based dapp ,it would be more preferable in explaining and going through some certain questions like how the game works? why it is fun to engage in Pickflix?, why you should get involved fully.

But It was only when I finally do the sign up and I went into the lobby profile that I understood what was going on finally.

Also along the line, there wasn't even test movies for you to try out unbelievable, so you have to hope and imagine what it's like on the website to finally gain more assess to it.

No sign of active movie available in the Lobby.

My Thought.

I would say the blockchain DApp is coming up gradually and I will susject that there should be a column session where you can write your own comment and thought about each movie listed and your opinion should really count by so doing this will also improve the website andstrng mentality about the site by people and users.


I will rate this DApp 3/5 because there are still much work to be done and make the website looks more mature and active.



This is my own review for @dapplovers. Review a Featured DApp & Earn Rewards ft. State Of The DApps!. If you would like to try and make your own review please don't hesitate to check out the instructions in the original post.


I think I'll go check it out
Thanks ;D

Thank you.

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