Apocalypse - To Ashes (An Original Fiction Story - Chapter 3 )

in #story8 years ago (edited)

The Sun was hot. I had dry blood cracking on my hands. I thought it would be fitting to bury the three of them before we continued on to the truck. We're more than halfway there, we're running behind. one of us instead of words we put them in the ground. "I shouldn't have dropped my gun" said will with an emotionless face. "what's done is done nothing we can do for him now" said coach with a cold expression. I just, I just couldn't imagine doing that to my wife even if she was dead. If you talk to me two weeks ago I couldn't have imagined any of this. I hope my family died quick peacefully, painless. I had noticed that an hour had gone by and we still weren't a truck. "Should we have come across the truck by now" I asked will who is now walking ahead of us a small distance. "yeah yeah I should be up a couple blocks" said will dismissively. "I don't know kid this doesn't look right, I thought the truck was near the water and I sure as hell don't see no water" said. 

"Trust me i know where we're going this will get us there quicker just just just trust me" said will. He sounded nervous being coach looked at each other confused but we decided to trust him for now. Another hour gone by and still no sign of the truck. "All right pal where's the truck" said coach in an annoyed voice. It should be just a bit just then coach grab will and slammed him against what was left of what looked like an office building. "where the fuck are you taking us" coach yell just inches from wills face."You think I'm some kind of fucking idiot where are you taking us" said coach before punching will in the gut. Will collapse to the ground as if he had taken a bullet to the head. Coach stood above and breathing hard with his fists still up ready to strike again. Will lays silent for a moment before raising his trembling arm and pointing across the street to a heavily charred condo building. "I just wanted to see if they were there, I know they're dead but i just wanted to see it with my own eyes" will said with a shaky voice "We were always going to the truck its I just thought this is along the way". "Fuck you" said coach. "we could have been out of this shithole an hour ago" coach said walking away from him in anger. "i I just wanted to see them once more"will said still slumped over on the ground, It won't take longer than five minutes "yeah we've heard that before" coach said. "Coach we've come this far it's five more minutes" I said. Coach just stood there facing away from us in silence until he finally let our side, "Five minutes then we're going to get that truck". "Thank you" said wIll as he began to get up off the ground. I helped him up and we continue to cross the street to the black and condo building. We entered the devastating lobby, It was surprised that place is still standing with the amount of damages caused by what looks like a massive fire. "I'm only three floors up" said wIll and he opens the door to the stairwell. 

we made it up there in less than five minutes and agree to the smell of burnt wood and death. As we pass door after door you can see the burnt bodies of the residents. Only a few moments that passes we left the stairwell and we had made it to the door. Will stop dead before it's simply stared at the doorknob. He looked back at us almost for reassurance. I gave him a nod and turn back around and reached for the door handle. The door crumble of the hinges as he began to open it, He plays the door against the wall and entered the condo. He began searching rooms for any sign of his family. I was looking through the guest room when I heard coach say "In here". Will - by me into the bedroom. I didn't want to follow but something made me into that room. As i walked in I noticed coach standing by the door. "I wouldn't come in here if I was you" said coach in a stern voice. I acknowledge is warning with a knot and proceeded into the room.

 The first thing I saw was will on his knees in the middle of the room and in front of him was the charred bodies of his wife and daughter. You couldn't recognize any distinguishing features just the burnt remains of his wife holding his little girl. "After minutes of silence will stood up generally and said "I'm ready to go now look out the window and you should be able to see the truck from here". "well I'll be damned" said coach, "There she is". The truck was just sitting in the middle of the road, it looks like all the windows have been shot out and had a flat but looked in somewhat good condition. It couldn't take any longer than 20 minutes to get down there. Will walk past me out the door without saying a word I followed behind him and coach after me. We stood in the burnt remains of his living room and complete silence until coach finally broke the silence. "Look I didn't mean to lose my temper down there on the street, I just look son sorry about your loss I couldn't" "Gunshot Sound" Coaches brain splattered all over my face his body hit the floor with a hard thud. I could taste his blood in my mouth before I knew it me and we'll run the floor.

To Be Continued .....

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Chapter 4 Coming Soon.

Did you missed the Previous chapter of this story?

chapter - 1 

chapter - 2

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