The First Time I Went Skinny Dipping

in #story6 years ago

I remember the night I chose to reveal myself to nature very clearly. It was a warm night with very few clouds overhead. I could see the beautiful night sky and the stars. The moonlight was bright and I could see through the dark to make out features of the mountains and yard surrounding me. The property we live on was dark except for the dim porch light under the carport. The day had been extremely hot and I knew my small pool of water would still be warm and comfortable.

My Pool During the Day


I stepped outside in nothing but a t-shirt and flip flops with a towel hugged tightly to my chest. My husband and toddler had retreated to the bedroom and were fast asleep. I had waited for the perfect weather for this moment. Now was the time to have privacy and an adventure.

I walked over to the pool which was in a dark part of the driveway where the porch light doesn't touch. I could see the water in the moonlight. I took off my flip flops beside the pool and climbed into the water. The pool was made for children so the water only reached below my rear end. My t-shirt was just above water level. I walked around in the pool, adjusting to it's temperature and trying to convince myself to finally bare all to the world around me.

It was peaceful outside and I could hear the sounds of nature. The crickets and cicadas were loud and my own personal orchestra to listen to as they played their songs. Eventually, I decided it was time. I lowered myself into the water, slowly inching my shirt up as I went downward. Finally, the shirt was gone and I was naked in the water.

At the age of 32, I finally experienced being naked outside. It was a very strange feeling to be free of clothes while outside in the bigger world. It was liberating and I could feel water in places I'd never felt when in a swimming pool. I'd never realized how restrictive my swimsuit was and felt the water flow over previously covered areas. I'll admit I missed my swimming top as my bare breasts moved around uncomfortably with no control from a restrictive device. Regardless of some discomfort, it was freeing to be so isolated from the world I could be naked with absolutely no fear of someone seeing me.

Society felt millions of miles away (even though it's only a 10 minute drive to the nearest bigger city). The mountains surrounding my home kept me safe from view and in a place people wouldn't drive after midnight.

I swam around for a very long time, enjoying the warm water. It was like taking a bath but in a much bigger tub. As I swam I enjoyed being alone. When I am in my small pool I like to swim in a circle, all the way around the pool. I swam lap after lap. It is like meditating and as I followed this routine my mind found peace and was calm.

Then, as I swam near the edge of the pool near our fence I felt something grab onto my shoulder. For a second I thought I was no longer alone and I was startled from my zone of peace. I jumped and looked around but no one was there. The feeling on my should scared me and I was sure something had touched me. I stayed still in the water and breathed very slowly to be quiet.I looked around but saw no one.

Then, in the moonlight I saw movement on the other side of the swimming pool. It was a brief movement by something, but my eye caught a little creature climbing the wall of the pool to perch on the rail above.

He was staring at me...


This is one of Marco's relatives asleep on a corn stalk in my container corn patch.

I realized I hadn't been completely alone in my pool and had forgotten about Marco my frog friend. You see Marco and his family had discovered my pool and container garden nearby on the patio in early summer. Swimming everyday for exercise it wasn't uncommon to find Marco hiding around the rails of the pool around 7 PM, ready to swim when I was done with my exercise for the day.

Marco had gotten a little fresh with me as I swam naked in the pool and had touched me on his way from one side of the pool to the other. The zen of the moment was gone with this brief moment of excitement. I really didn't want Marco touching me anymore so my naked swimming was done for the night.

It had been an interesting and unique experience. One that I have repeat every once in a while when the weather and conditions are right. To be free of society, of clothes, and restraints is something most people don't get to experience often. To be able to walk outside on my own land and be naked if I want to without fear is a gift. I don't do it often but when I do it is freeing for the soul.

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Sometimes you just have to let it all hang out hahaha

I never would have pegged Marco for a voyeur! ;)

When I was in my teens, I would occasionally be asked to house-sit for my aunt and uncle. Their house was quite isolated, shaped like a "U" with a courtyard in the center, and there was an in-ground swimming pool in the courtyard area. In other words, protected from view all around except at one end where there was nothing but woods.

I would often go for a swim before bed sans swimsuit, and so I know from experience how pleasant that can be.

Great story! ;)



Bravo I am glad you enjoyed it for the time being. I used to live on a 30 acre spread surrounded by hundreds of acres of woods. I have to say a romp in nature on a picnic blanket with a special someone should be on everyones bucket list :)

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