Short action thriller : Alpha takedown (One man army)

in #writing7 years ago

"If you lay a finger on Kim!! God help me I will make your life miserable" I screamed and kicked at him.

I watched Zen dash out of the house while his boys moved closer to me and one put me to sleep with a straight punch

i woke up some hours later. I was still in the sane position I was and I was having a really bad headache plus I really needed to use the toilet. I saw both guys sitting round a camp fire. They were backing me.

"Hey... Hey guys.. I really need to go" I shouted.

"pipe down asshole" One of them replied irritatedly and they both laughed.

"and I really need something to eat"

"I just told you to pipe down or do I shut your mouth up for you?" The first guy replied.

"Awwwgh man, you need a woman to vent your anger on tonight. Don't take your frustration out on me" I scoffed.

"Well, I might as well relieve myself through your ass" He shot baPicsArt_01-04-08.05.05.jpgck.

"Trust me, Only shit comes from there" I replied

"Cos that's what you are made of. Shit" He retorted. All the while, his partner was laughing at us both.

"well, you suggested going through my ass, had to just give you a heads up on what you might find in there" I joked

" Okay, are we really gonna joke about gay stuff here cos its creeping me out right now" The second guy said flagging both of us to stop.

"Then take me where I should ease myself" I demanded

"Fine... Tommy, take him outside " The second guy said.

"You take him out.. I don take orders from you" The other guy dashed back.

"woah, someone is really really frustrated tonight" I scoffed at the first man. I could see his eyes already glowing red. He was puffing up. "And he's about to go wolverine on me. How sweet" I taunted.

"That does it" He barked and stormed over to me. As soon as he came near me, he sent a punch straight to my stomach.

"Thanks for coming" I said as I head booted him in a jiffy. He staggered backwards and stormed at me. Quickly I used my free legs to kick him back again. His anger was welling up.

"Tommy stop" The other guy cautioned

"Nah nah... Lets see just how angry he can get" I said with a tricky smile.

Tommy got so angry that he started conjuring lightening. I climbed up to the chain I was dangling from and wrapped myself round it. Tommy threw a dart of lightening at me and as soon as it got near me, I dropped down exposing the chain alone to the lightening jolt. While I got electrocuted in the process, the lightening severed the chains into two and down on my feet I landed..... Only tied in the hands and ready to beat the hell out of those guys.

Thanks for reading.. Dow watch out for the next part


Marvel, huh?? You should get an artist to draw some of these stuffs. Nice imagination. :)

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