Ouroboros II (acrostic) -Steemit School Poetry 100 Day Challenge - Day 14, Poem 12

in #poetry7 years ago

Hi, folks.

I’m back on Day 14 for my 12th Entry to the Steemit School Poetry 100-Day Challenge.
It’s five in the morning as I write this “Ouroboros II”, some sort of companion to “Ouroboros”; I’ve just dreamed I was somebody else. It came to me, I guess, because I had a dose of weird literature too late last night.

I'll be glad should you be able to read and comment it.

(Al final, su traducción al español.)

Best of lucks to all contestants.


Ouroboros II


                                                     Out of the imaginary line,
                                                                                       time makes a circle,
                                                     uniting beginning and end,
                                                                                       empty circling perfection,
                                                     rebirthing bodies into ancient souls

                                                     offered an everlasting flux of life—;

                                                     bearing the fate of reoccurrence,

                                                     old inhabitants bathe
                                                                                       in streaming convolutions;
                                                     returning rivers take off from Heavens,
                                                     offprings of water for-ever flood mother Earth.

                                                     Synergy. Current enlivens
                                                                                      the serpent of time.


Translation into Spanish:

Fuera de la línea imaginaria, el tiempo dibuja un círculo, /uniendo principio y fin, vacío circular perfecto, /renaciendo cuerpos en almas antiguas /—aceptada la ofrenda del flujo eterno de vida—; /a cuestas la suerte de la re-ocurrencia, /los viejos habitantes se bañan en los afluentes sinuosos; /los niños nacidos del agua por siempre irrigan la madre tierra. /Sinergia. El efluvio aviva la serpiente del tiempo.

Reading Notes: Advanced

Thanks for reading.

See you tomorrow with another poem.

Here, the link to Steemit School Discord.


This is really very good! Such a treat to find a poet who can actually pull off the acrostic form - I find I often get frustrated with them and give up half way through.

I love 'rebirthing bodies into ancient souls', and 'returning rivers take off from Heavens, renewed; offprings of water for-ever flood mother Earth.' It's like the circle of life not only keeps on turning, but continues to be renewed, refreshed, and preserved. Inspiring stuff - thanks for letting us read it.

Thanks for your positive evaluation of my post, @lazarus-wist. Your reply really encourages me to continue writing. I'm following you already and will drop by your blog in a couple of hours. Appreciate it.

Hermoso poema, bellas palabras.
Qué siga la poesía, @marlyncabrera.

Gracias, @sandracabrera. Agradezco tu apoyo y estímulo ♥

Linda poesía, lindas imágenes, la naturaleza siempre nos da regalos espectaculares. Gracias por compartir tu arte @marlyncabrera . Exitos en la jornada que falta. Te sigo leyendo.

Gracias, @maribellrg. Tu comentario me entusiasma para no rendirme. Creo que ya estoy perdiendo cabello XD

Que hermoso poema @marlyncabrera, mucha suerte.
Un saludo desde mi cocina

Gracias por leerme, @galletikasar. Pronto paso por tu cocina a ver qué preparas ♥

Acá te estaré esperando. Te envío un abrazo

I really love this layout and approach to the acrostic you've skillfully crafted here, @marlyncabrera.

My favorite aspect of your poem is that I can read it straightforward without any attention to the acrostic foundation and it reads linear rather than arduously blunt like most acrostic poetry trend towards, and yet still be able to go back and appreciate the ouroboric foundation.

fun read, Marlyn, thank you for sharing.

100% Flattered. I really appreciate your thoughtful reading and comment, @carmalain7. Soon I'm catching up on my reading. Thanks ♥

Fondo y forma en un mismo sentido: el fluir, la eterna corriente de la vida. Te felicito, @marlyncabrera. Es la versión en inglés una pieza muy bien acabada. Hasta la estructura tiene esa forma de serpiente. Te abrazo

Gracias, @nancybriti. La verdad me sorprendieron esas tomas de los ríos. Todo es muy surreal. ¡Saludos!

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