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RE: Steemit Might Be Getting It: Eli and Ned On S.O.S.

in #busy5 years ago (edited)

I've been telling people about Steem since July 2017 and nothing has changed. Mainstream people are fucking morons. Why blog on Blogger or Wordpress when you can do it on Steemit (or any other front end) or use the SteemPress WP plugin and earn cryptocurrency while at it? What total idiot would not welcome the extra earnings from that? Normos keep making the centralized platform owners rich and let them screw them over in ways all and sundry without taking the opportunity to use a Steem app instead - not even when a friend explains stuff to them in as much detail as necessary. Cryptocurrency scares the shit out of normal people. The depth of the hypnosis average people are under when going about their daily lives is something that I've been aware of at an intellectual level but seeing it up close and personal like this has been an utter shock to me. Never underestimate the POWER of social conditioning.


Most people just don't have the ability or will to question the established structures, which seems really backwards because people have the knowledge of how quickly things have been changing, they have even lived through those revolutionary periods like the mainstream adoption of Internet.

Posted using Partiko Android

You are right. You'd think people understood and had internalized that established structures are transient because they are. I wouldn't be very surprised if some factor or combination of factors led to sudden interest in decentralized content delivery allowing anyone to earn crypto while blogging. Such a factor could be the steadily creeping up level of structural unemployment causing people to look for alternative ways to earn supplementary income. The shift in perception can be rapid.

That is true. They are conditioned to succumb to the fear completely. This is something that is part of all of our makeup. Some of us overcome it, most do not.

You are right, they stick with the mainstream screwing instead of pursuing something that might provide some freedom.

It is true that we all have that fear to one degree or another. But I have to say that I still can't help being dumbfounded by how it manifests in people. The business logic of Steem apps is ultimately precisely the same as that of centralized mainstream apps: the attention economy (advertising, paid promotion) coupled with the ability to use STEEM has an instant low-cost payment system. The ONLY difference is the fact that Steem works like a stake-based co-op. Normies still tremble in their boots. I've even seen that happen to intelligent people I've taken for people having an anarchistic streak. My experience has led to my taking some of them a lot less seriously than before.

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