DailyCelestialChallenge Tuesday-animalkingdom

The theme of today is about the locust, grasshoppers or grasshoppers, as they are also known, devastating pests capable of destroying the vegetation of large tracts of land.

The lobster belongs to the family of the insect orthoptera, they have two pairs of wings, although some species are incapable of flying, they have long hind legs to jump and an oral apparatus to chew and eat leaves. They have the ability to reproduce quickly, when large groups of the same species gather they release appropriate pheromones to activate the migratory behavior from one place to another and in that way they disperse in other territories, avoiding competition for food.
The lobster can be found in a great diversity of habitats such as: from deserts to jungles. When the lobsters are grouped, they change color becoming orange, yellow and black.
Their activity is mainly nocturnal, which allows them to explore the terrain in the absence of light, using their antennae and eyes to explore the terrain.
To jump, the lobster arranges its long and thin tibias of its hind legs very close to the body, when those muscles contract, the leg straightens throwing the insect into the air. To achieve the highest possible height, the lobster puts its body in an aerodynamic position, with the wings closed, and the legs stiff and folded under the body.

The muscles of its legs are a thousand times more powerful than an equal weight of human muscle, so the lobsters when jumping can reach a height of 50 cm, which is equivalent to ten times the length of your body; In addition, they can jump twenty times its length.
The lobster is not big, but it is very daring. If you can not get through the door, you will enter through the window. If you can not enter through the window, it will go down the rain channel and appear below the porch; she never gives up. So, keep praying, keep believing, keep fighting, because your victory is a fact: "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8: 31b).

The locust is an insect that can become totally voracious and destructive to the environment. It can lead to the destruction of an ecosystem.
The locust insect has caused disasters of great magnitude in large plantations. The largest have been located in Africa and the Middle East, destroying a large number of cereal plantations and various crops. When they fly in groups, the number of copies can be greater than ten billion. The path that this species undertakes and travels is guided largely by the direction of the wind.
The lobster is a symbol of devastation, destruction, it is a plague that devastates the food, the provision and therefore brings economic and social problems, etc. Deuteronomy 28 also speaks of the consequences of disobedience, of being outside the will of God:
"You will take much seed to the field, and you will gather little, because the locust will consume it." Deut 28:38

"Then Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD God of the Hebrews, How long will you not humble yourself before me? Let my people go, that they may serve me. And if you still refuse to let it go, behold, tomorrow I will bring the locusts over your territory, which will cover the face of the earth, so that the earth can not be seen; and she will eat what escaped, what is left of the hail; He will also eat every tree that bears you in the field. And it shall fill your houses, and the houses of all your servants, and the houses of all the Egyptians, which your fathers and your grandfathers did not see, since they were on the earth until this day. And he turned and went out from before Pharaoh. Then the servants of Pharaoh said to him, "How long will this man be a bond for us? Let these men go, that they may serve Jehovah their God. Do not you still know that Egypt is already destroyed?

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Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are:
sunday- light
light monday-darkness
Tuesday-animal kingdom