DailyCelestialChallenge :Monday-Darkness


Greetings friends Steemians and all the appreciated community of@steemchurch, today in #celestialchallengeinitiated by @sirknight, sharing about "Monday-darkness"

Today's theme is going to be dedicated to Coal.

Coal or coal is a black sedimentary rock, which can be found in different parts of the planet, which is formed in millions of years, during the process of carbonization of different plants and organisms that have died and fossilized, is rich in carbon, it contains other elements such as hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen and nitrogen in varying amounts.


It is a non-renewable resource. On the planet there are coal deposits located in different areas, being China, the United States, India, Australia, South Africa, Russia, Indonesia, Poland, Kazakhstan and Colombia the ten largest countries producing this material.

At present, the method to extract the most common coal are open-pit mines, for which the mountains or surfaces are detonated, although traditional underground mines also continue to exist.


Regardless of the form applied to extract the coal, these generate great risks not only for those who perform the extraction work, as a result of the insecurity involved in carrying out this task and the risk of contamination, but rather serious environmental damage, which The transfer of this material can mainly cause air and water, if the appropriate measures are not taken.

"Take handfuls of soot from an oven, and let Moses spread it to heaven, in the presence of Pharaoh. It will become dust on all the land of Egypt, and will cause a rash that will produce ulcers, both in men and in animals, in all the land of Egypt.

At present, this material is of great importance, considering that a large part of the energy and production system is based on its use. Among them: The generation of electric power, as fuel, for the generation of steel, for metallurgical or steel industries and, especially, for the generation of oil.

Types of coal, according to the vegetable from which it comes:

• Anthracite: it is a hard carbon, totally carbonized. Very compact and bright. With pearly shine and black color.
• Coal: it is a hard coal, totally carbonized. Bright black color. Pearly shine to bright and matt bands.
• Lignite: blackish. It is a soft coal belonging to later Carboniferous epochs, so it has not undergone the complete carbonization process. It looks like wood burned and shining pieces.
• Peat: is the most recent of the coals. It is soft, brown, matte, light weight and there are still remains of plants.


Use of coal:

• As domestic and industrial fuel.
• As a reducer in the steel industry.
• As fuel in thermal power plants.
• Used in foundries, steel manufactures, lubricants, stove polishes, clay pots, lead pencils, etc.
• As a high temperature lubricant for electrodes.
• In the manufacture of paints, pigments, cathode ray tubes, steel mills, electrodes, explosives, phosphors and foundries in general.

Among the curious things, you knew what? Currently in Asian countries are giving use to the "black mask", made from coal, one of the most revolutionary beauty products of the moment. It is an innovative facial cleansing treatment that eliminates all black spots in some areas of the face and leaves the skin completely smooth and renewed.


From the ecological point of view the exploitation of coal mines is an activity that influences air pollution, negatively affects our planet and the environment.


It is also highly dangerous for workers, who run the risk of inhaling toxic gases such as methane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and ethane, which are released from coal in the extraction process.


Therefore, it is necessary that the mines comply with the security measures legally established worldwide, so that the miners are not harmed.

Unfortunately, there are many illegal mines that do not meet these conditions and put the lives of the miners in grave danger.

"(Exodus 9: 8 and 9). "Smoke rose from his nose; out of his mouth came a consuming fire, and burning coals leaped from him "(Psalm 18: 8),
"Coal is for embers; the wood for the fire; and the man of quarrels to provoke quarrels "(Proverbs 26:21).

For more information, check his blog:

Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are:

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