DailyCelestialChallenge- Sunday:light

In the diversity of species created by God, we never cease to amaze, that's why today's theme has been dedicated to one of these wonders. The firefly, who has the dark nights of the places where we normally do not have, allows us to contemplate the light shows by the grace of flashing lights that it reflects.
The fireflies are beetles, nocturnal members of the family of the pharoids, they are polyphagous coleoptera. It is distinguished from other insects by its luminescence or ability to illuminate its belly at night, also known as light worms.

They are long black and soft body and reminiscent of larvae. They have special light organs located under the abdomen and when they absorb oxygen, it combines inside their special cells with a substance called luciferin and reacts by producing light without hardly generating heat.
In the world there are more than 2,000 species of them can usually be found in wooded, humid areas and in the swamps of almost the entire world.

Each species has a specific pattern of flashes of light, and males use this pattern to warn females of the same species that they would be a good match for them, when a female finds a promising match, responds with her own pattern of intermittencies
There is a big difference between the female fireflies and the males, the females are bigger than the males, they do not have wings and the males do.
In its life process it first begins with the mating, generating its development from larva to light worm and later to firefly. Then in summer for the months of June, July and August, it pairs and the cycle begins again.

They feed on the pollen and nectar of the plants or by injecting their victims with a poison that immobilizes them and then devours them.
These insects have been studied by science, who try to find out where their ability to emit light comes from and how they regulate the intermittency process of turning it on and off.
They feed on the pollen and nectar of the plants or by injecting their victims with a poison that immobilizes them and then devours them.
These insects have been studied by science, who try to find out where their ability to emit light comes from and how they regulate the intermittency process of turning it on and off.

Something you should know is that there is a fireflies sanctuary, the only one of its kind in Mexico and America. A natural reserve, located in Mexica, specifically in the state of Tlaxcala. Where every summer for the months of June, July and part of August, every evening you can contemplate the wonderful lights of the fireflies that shine in a flickering way.
Every year for this season in this place the visit of more than 5,000 people is expected.

You are the light of the world; a city set on a hill can not be hidden. Neither does a light come on and it is placed under a bushel, but on the candlestick, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5: 14-16)
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Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are: