SEAPHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST - WEEK#8 - Theme annoucement...!



mi air mi eau cocotier.jpg

This Week the proposed theme is:




These are two symbols of our tropical waters. The sea and coconut trees. Symbols of holidays and rest for some, symbols of a daily life for others, each finds its share of exoticism where he can! It is on this theme that the #seaphotography contest is worn this week, be ready for posting !

Voilà deux symboles clichés de nos eaux tropicales. La mer et les cocotiers. Symboles de vacances et de repos pour les uns, symboles d'un quotidien pour les autres, chacun trouve sa part d'exotisme là où il le peut ! C'est sur ce thème que le #seaphotography contest est porté cette semaine, à vous de poster !



The winner will be announced this weekend and will earn

*** 5SDB ***

An honorable mention will be also announced this weekend and will earn

*** 1SDB ***



1- Post your photograph in response to this article.

2- Upvote this article.

3- The photographer must be the author of the photograph he presents. Any attempt at plagiarism will be denounced and its author blacklisted the contest. NO PLAGIARISM!

4- Present your photograph summarily indicating the place, the exif, or any other information that the photographer will judge useful. English, French, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic, Marsian, all languages ​​are accepted. However, an English translation in a parallel column could be used for everyone ...

5- The photographs can be submitted from Monday to Friday midnight.

***THAT'S ALL !!!***



On the other hand, if you publish on your blog photography highlighting the sea whatever the theme choiced, and using the tag **#seaphotography** as first tag, you can have a chance to see your work upvoted and presented on my blog.


Please, see the full guide lines here

I will annonce the winner of WEEK#8, and will present my favorite #seaphotography, this week end...! I can not wait to enjoy your photographs. Thank you for participating.


The winner will be the one who will have the maximum of your Upvotes


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Hello Marc, thank you for this new contest. Here is my entry :

An unforgettable memory in Mauritius.


Good luck everybody.

That's one amazing holiday postcard photo you got there!

Thank you!

muy hermoso atardecer ,saludos

Buenos días amiga @stephde ,estamos a la orden me gustaria invitarla a que me visite en mi blog para que conozca mas de mi y mis trabajos y poder contar con su apoyo ,saludos

Beautiful sunset!

Nice scene, congratulations !

Thank you Marc!

In Roviana lagoon in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands lies the mysterious Skull Island. On it lie the remnants of ancient enemies that had been killed during the head hunting days of New Georgia. It’s a bit of an eerie place!


muy buen angulo para la toma de la foto me gusto mucho

I went to Roviana Lagoon. Hudge place for photography. Good shot

Thanks! I haven’t been to Roviana but would love to go one time


This photograph was taken at Mayfair Resort at Betim, Goa. It has the view of the Resort’s infinity pool, the river just beyond and the Sea, a little further away. Three different water bodies in the same shot.

Thank you for participating !

Great entry and wonderful place

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Thank you @abdoon.

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You're welcome

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Hermosa foto provoca quedarse hay toda una vida ,yo seria feliz ,saludos

Thank you @maggy7419.

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Nice place. Thank you for participating !

Thank you.

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Great one. Good luck.

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Thanks very much

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Thank you for participating !

Hello @marc-allaria this is my entry to the contest
This image is of the beaches that are on the way along the coasts of Isla de Margarita via the Fortín de Galea, Nueva Esparta Venezuela, I hope you like it was taken from the vehicle where we were traveling


This wonderful photograph is of the Dominicus beach in the Dominican Republic, where you can see marine landscapes adorned mainly with coconut trees that give a tropical and fabulous touch.


me encanta el azul del mar....y el cielo perfecta combinación ,saludos

Thank you for participating !

Big or small, choose your size. Coconut trees from the lagoon of Raiatea.

Hermosa cocoteros de la foto ....

Je rêve d'y aller par là-bas. Merci pour ta participation !

Merci pour le concours. Faudrait que tu fasse une escale la bas. 😉

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Hello, greetings to all.
This is my photography to participate.

This beach is called the "Curí", it is located in the paria peninsula, Sucre state - Venezuela, its visitors are surprised because it is a tide that goes down and goes up every 6 hours completing a cycle of 24.

It is a very quiet beach, where you can rest and enjoy the tranquility that nature offers.



This beach is called the "Curí", it is located in the paria peninsula, Sucre state - Venezuela, its visitors are surprised because it is a tide that goes down and goes up every 6 hours completing a cycle of 24.

It is a very quiet beach, where you can rest and enjoy the tranquility that nature offers.

Nice! But where is the cocotree?!!! Theme anoucement is describe above.

Hello ... Add the image with the coconut bushes.

Kudo to @stephde for winning this round 🍻

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