Is it the truth? ||Horror Story||

in #story6 years ago

Often, in crazy moments, we move our minds towards strange distractions. We hug something of reality and leave the rest to weave our imagination ... Weave it where it wants.
The story begins in one of the provinces of a country in this strange world.
A modest house sits on the edge of a lively village. .. And do not believe - Azizi reader - that life is only farewell and good and safety and ... and ... And .. No, because we talked about alone we will talk about the time "utopia"
is, I mean life, a mixture of this and that , I mean good and evil ..
lose life while her spirit is controlled only good .. and also will lose when evil controls, this in my view .. looks like I went out on the track and Nhrvat to the "philosophy" of the life ... I console

Excuse me .. Let to that house

Yes, a modest house on the edge of a village full of life .. Formed on the waist Garden - by name only _ because it was only a barren land can not see but a wheel is thrown here and an old saw hanging on that tree Almtbah .. And in that corner old engine rusty spiders taken by the tapestry to weave threads .. And with regard to that thing there .. It .. It .. It is something I did not know what is.
Surrounded the house wooden wall of a rickety left animal wood where the fingerprint is not too bad .. it
seems that we are half a deserted house for a long period .. or house master of an old neglected does not care for anything in this life only to spend his last days in which ..
but away from this twisting and turning say You are not this and that
is not the house of an inventor .. Yes inventor .. And enter the core of our story from the basement of his home ..


  • I have finished .. Finally, the machine that worked long for it .. I hope to work ..
  • Miao .. Miao ..
    I wish I could have done something to you since the morning
    . Come on
    . MAYO..MYAWOW - Take your food. I do not know how you accepted to be an assistant to me .. The

inventor took off his glasses and his hips aside and then took a deep breath and rubbed his tired eyes:

  • Hanold ..Hahnold .. Where are you, my assistants. Where is this idiot

? I am here, leader.

Do not stop my calling for this title. Do you think that the kabuni is the leader of the Yacouza family? After all, he is in the kitchen. ..
Here you eat again ...

  • Hanold and his mouth full: Learn, leader, that I must be fully mentally and physically to give all I have to the success of your great inventions .. so that I can absorb as much of your knowledge and experience.

  • Ooh yes, enough .. enough .. I understand .. Follow me and leave me something please .. And stop my calls to the leader .. My name Harry, my brother

  • present leader .. I mean Harry, I will wash my hands and put you ..


The inventor returned to the cellar, picked up his glasses and put the finishing touches on his machine:

  • Hanold give me the key 5
  • my favorite, Zaki ... I mean Harry -
    Hanold focus please, this is 4 and not 5 -
    really !! This is 5, sorry ...

Harry, pulling a bolts: We have finally finished, I hope we can succeed.

  • Professor. I apologize. But what did you finish?
    -Although I explained it to you a thousand times..but I will repeat it ..This machine transfer content .. Imagine, for example, you eat an apple or watermelon apple .. This will be wonderful
    in the sense that you put an apple here in this cuff and smudge in the cuff opposite .. Press the button .. and the harbinger of the key .. And we become an apple in the form of external ..

But inside the watermelon and vice versa .. - Oh .. .. Yes .. Aftah Mbtkh .. And you from the genius .. Let's

try it .. - Yes Najjarha but you left something Try it? On the whole, the time is too late, and I went to the room and went to your room ..

  • And this stupid cat I leave him here?

  • Do not qualify my cat with these words understood .. Take him with me .. Is your work and to sleep directly ..

Harry lay on his bed and his eyes contemplating the room and corners:
Aha .. I hope to work .. and rich and rich .. And .. And fame ... Wonderful. For the information I will get
rid of this dirty house .. I live in the most beautiful places ..

.. He continued to:
Tomorrow .. Tomorrow .. Good night,

Harry .. It becomes a good cover Harry in a deep sleep mixed with the ecstasy of what he said of the prosperity of life ..


Morning ..

Harry woke early on the other The custom .. Look at his watch, which occupied the tabletop beside him a long time ago

  • O stupid hour every day you are trying to drill my ears screaming mercilessly without fatigue or intensity, but today specifically decided not to work .. Fortunately I woke up alone .. And

then jump from bed:

What Alan..nam to the market ..

Here is the shoe ..ha is Alncod..hna car keys ... the whole fully ..
; Hanold..hanold..ona going to Alsoq..sostrae fruit for experience Are you going to Alh..hl with me ?? .. Hanold .. Hanold ... Owf .. And where to hear me .. Certainly is still in the middle of his sleep ..

The inventor rode his car, left it to the market ..

See what the secret of this gathering there .. Still early time .. Lerner if ..

  • Hello Roy .. I see the whole Friday here What is the matter ??

  • Hey Harry .. A very heinous
    murder - murder! A new event in this village .. I see who is happy luck

  • the son of the mayor .. imagine .. They did not find it but his head ..

  • On your messenger, my brother .. Do you know what you say ?!

  • Of course .. It is okay between me and you .. I will not grieve it, all we have lost one of the fragrant

Harry thinking about his words: Yes .. Yes .. Maybe .. To meet ..


Oh that black fate .. He signed in the evil of his work .. Everyone knows his suspicious movements under the umbrella of his father .. Valkenin on the way to hell ..
Where the fruit if ..
Here .. How is Charles Charles .. ??
Hi Harry

  • This is what I will do two minutes to park the car aside ...
    Come on .. Yes here .. Good

  • How are you, O uncle ??

  • I was wondering how long it will change these scraps that you are going to

  • you mean the car .. very soon, but very very
    please put me some fruit, I am in a hurry .. Yes, this is enough. This is enough ..
    Prefer money .. Thank you, thank you, uncle .. To meet ..


Afl inventor to the house after the completion of his work on the market ..

  • Hanold .. Ahnold .. I have returned .. Do not tell me that you are still sleeping !! I am in the cellar. I will try the machine
    quickly ..
    my great assistant .. What is the thing that you have committed until you are covered with this curse?
    Well, this is here .. This is there .. The master of the button .. Completion .. The key .. Where is it ??
    Where to put it stupid .. Hnold woke up, my brother ... It must be here .... No ... Where to put that zombie fallen .. Ohooh .. I told you, you lazy, coming to you to withdraw from your hair ..

broke into Harry The room "assistant", was completely free, which added to his anger:

  • Do not tell me that you came back to the curse in the damned garden .. Coming to you .. My God is not in the garden .. Hanold .. Hanold .. The right not .. Let me give the key and go Then to Hell
    .. If this does not help this anger .. Do not disturb your day with a trifling person is not worth ..

Oh .. Ohhhh .. Oh, yes this is better .. - Miao .. Miaowo

  • Hello Katie Do you know where is that idiot .. No, no, calm down ..tbdo eccentric today .. Do you hurt Hanold ?? .. Have you seen a cat Belle ??
    Come here .. stay here I will find Hanold and then come back to you ..
    Oh God I want the key only .. Sirow .. Serio.
    Oh Harry .. Sirow cat right .. Ahnold .. Hanoold. I find you even if I had to search for you in Mars ..


Has resolved the evening .. And I did not find anything .. Where disappeared .. Is it conceivable that Evaporated .. No I think this because someone like him needs a thousand degrees to melt .. How evaporation if not .. Harry .. Be realistic A. What if we say that for the sake of argument needs A .. .. The most important .. Be .. A moment .. Me and me Will be ! I want the key and to burn in the degree of freezing ... Oooh .. Sirow, forgot to feed .. Do I have to search for it also ??

Sero..but what is all this ... Are you the one who created all this mess you bastard .. hey hey .. Are you afraid ?? ..And I hope .. I am with you do not be afraid .. This is all your food .. But what is the matter .. You scratched me, O .. I go to sterilize my wound .. Wait .. I heard this. !! The voice of the door must have come back .. The key .. The key Hanold ..
Has he gone to his room ?? .. What is this idiot ..Haaaaanold
Oooh what's the shit .. Iqaya ..? !! Damn
Hanold .. Are you sick answered me I'm sure I heard the sound of the door ...
But what is this hateful punctuation, which I hate his ear .. Once you warned him tightly close the tap after using it .. To the bathroom if

hey hey hey .. Lkkrati .. All the taps were removed and the bathroom was removed and taken outside. What is this punctuation?
Hanold Are you inside ?? !!
I will come in if you do not answer .. Enter .. Wear your clothes if you are naked .. Well .. One .. Two .. Three

entered the bathroom .. Second .. Two were enough to go out terrified .. Scary as if chasing a ghost. He ran away without guidance .. As if he saw the
devil .. Even if he saw it Panic panic .. Screaming: Hanold .. The door .. Outlet ... Stumps in the wall and then continue .. Stumbled under the shadow and then continue .. Looking for The door of the house.
Where was the door .. Show, O fallen of the dreaded .. No .. No help Help me, Damn this damn night .. What do I do where the bar?

Here .. yes .. No, it is a room Hanold .. You are you O damn where I was hidden .. ?? اهرب ..اهرب ..بسرعة ..فوق..جثة..الحمام..تنقط .. The right to me quickly.

After seconds of running, our inventor turned behind him. This is the usual kind of indifference that imposes itself on the fugitive: -
Hahnold..but by the right of heaven, where are you? I did not catch this boob. I will not go back even if ... O ugly conscience Well enough .. enough .. I will come back .. That fool will be the cause of my death .. I swear .. I swear .. I swear to

you O you fool .. A pain less you H ... !!
Hanold ?? ..where are you.. !
Are you hiding in the closet?
Hanold..tabba, the window open did you come out of it ?? .. This damned night .. What happened to those holes in the garden .. I swear that it did not exist in the morning when I entered .. Is the ghost pervades the place .. Why I .. And the body is over .. Oh my God will be silent on me .. My nerves. ... No miracle relieves me of this suffering ...

Hanold .. Where you are stupid .. Haliloya .. Come quickly .. I'm sure that in the home killer terrible Come on to run away quickly .. Hanold ..? What 's your..? .. Do not look at me like this .. You scare me, my brother .. Do you think that this scary smile is necessary now .. Ooo no no no what this red thing on your teeth..understood .. a silly heart of your ridiculous article .. true .. no Closer to you .. I'll hit you with a vase .. Please hold me back .. Hold on ...

Those words were Harry's last words before his eyes dominated that fog that gradually faded to reveal his surroundings after he received a shock .. Losing awareness temporarily:
Brother .. my head .. Burn in hell, my assistants ... Brother .. What now? Will I find my mother turned into a monster also ..
M..m .. This shit .. I never wish to be inside a dirty bath .. Swimming in a pool of blood .. A body without a head .. End of a masterpiece ...
How lucky I am ..

(Enter Hanold) ..

Harry Starkha :
I see you have returned, the deadly killer Sadiq .. You .. .. What .. The other body Oh Ghad .. Stop this smile ... Damn .. Why kill you monster .. Where their heads .. Stop talking and smile .. Do not approach me dirty you .. What do you do, thank you .. Do you think that wiping my face with blood is fun .. Go away .. Go away .. Kill me and please please ..

Hanald screams .. screams Dhagh..tkhv from the red teeth that Tahqt blood of corpses hanging out ..

Woe to you .. I Oherb..lkn Kev..allaan tightened the closure of the door , no windows, it was closed when the bathroom was canceled ..
It seems I have been infected .. No she scratched Sirow .. Where is it now? ..Serow helped me
.. Do you hear me Siro .. Ooh my leg .. Did you asked for help just from the animal ?? .. Think Harry thought .. Altba .. Nothing .. Nothing ..


I was bored this wait .. And What do you expect .. Death and then comment next to one of the Excellencies in front of me .. No head .. Scents
see what sin I committed to even account of this heinous calculation .. Digging and bodies and what? !! - my assistant - who has long thought that stupid idiot .. curse .. I was stupid .. But now I understand .. It is too late .. That was a mistake .. was learning my new project .. To make the machine Vdsta me until I completed, and when I learned - Same "That's what happened to me. After they find the bodies in my house, I will hug my neck with that big rope."
That juggler .. Oooh .. Everyone knew that .. Everyone was avoiding dealing with them ..

But I .. .. They are ghosts and souls lead me to the death .. Yes .. They are the voices of his feet .. It is coming .. He helped me. I can not stand it anymore. This sound is like no sound. I heard it before .. The expectations of its steps .. The death expectations .. Yes, it is .. Death of death ... I did not think it was scary and terrible to this extent ..
But I promise If there is no choice but death .. I die alone .. I promise you ..
(Enter Hanold) Harry ..

Mnhara: Two other bodies, O Ghad .. Did not put them in front of me .. Monster .. Hanold talk spoke ..

Hanold suffered He uttered his words and then uttered them in a quasi-phonetic sense
M .. - just one left .. And stop this farce .. You look like young girls.
Haha. I do not know how to tell you this .. I just died

-Well .. As long as you wanted this .. Take this .. Which is false .. And is in hell .. I hope that this strike meets the purpose of

where to now .. Yes .. My room .. My room .. quickly .. .. ..أين كانت ..اللعنة ..أرجوك ذاكرتي انجديني amid this dispersion .. here..have .. hey, come on, come on .. the treasury .. where she is. Where are you .. Oh my God ..Haliolia .. Ahalliolia .. You .. I hope you are still working pistol pyramid ... Wonderful .. What now ?? .. Run away .. Yes .. .. Hurry ..

Harry jumped out of the window Toward the park his feet almost to strike in the head .. To the severity of his fear .. And a quick glance back ..:

Hap it is my .. How to learn to jump on the walls I was only a fool idiot I hope ... That

Harry stopped suddenly beside ..something forced him to stop .. something that you want life for him but ..

  • Why .. Why did you kill these .. What is the guilt of these heads even attached here .... Answer Hanold .. Answer me ..

  • You are human beings and your emotions idiots .. Haha

  • (Harry Starkha): We humans ?? If you are ..mmm you are installed .. ?? Who gave you the powers to slaughter these .. separated from their heads and describe them in front of each hole of your cursed Cf .. The benefit of all this .. except that you did not kill me so far why?

  • You idiot stupid .. Cry and cry .. Instead of being .. Anastasia happy ..!

  • Any happiness this .. And on my face and hands of innocent blood .. Tell me Hanold .. How?

  • I'm not Hanold, stupid .. I'm your cat ..
    Serio .. nice cat, the deposit .. I am .. No .. Do not need to make your eyes so angry and terrified all this horror ..
    I remember that night .. baby .. baby .. dead .. throw next to one of the garbage containers .. waiting for the hour of his death .. .. and suddenly .. picked him .. his .. Food .. I was the owner of that hand Harry .. And I was That cat .. The length of my life with you did not hurt me .. Do not insult .. I was like your human son .. And you were unable to do anything .. Until that night .. Sneak your stupid assistant into your room and to the basement directly .. Put me in the hand .. And take his place in the other .. Press button .. Duran key .. Uboom ... I did not manage what happened to me already .. We exchanged bodies .. Mother minds .. Mother spirits .. I do not know .. I

congratulate you, my inventor Your god is working .. Haha .. After that I realized that I was freed from that weak body .. liberated .. Yes, this And expression ... and Alovdil..bdot Otakio..o ... and ... but soon ... I used it once and for Perceptual Zlk..orteurt .. revenge

  • revenge ?? Is all that I gave you deserve retaliation ??

  • Harry avenged you .. You always leave me with them .. Did not know that I will free a day ..
    This is the head of your brother, who did not want but the implementation of his great project .. The place of your home .. And

there is the head of your sweetheart .. Which afflicted you Falls of love ... And when you go to bring the money you ask .. Was her lover with a kiss phone ..
That's the head of your friend .. Who stole your wonderful designs for wonderful inventions .. And you are stupid you thought it .. (Lost)
But your assistant did not kill him ... but most likely my body and I decided to get rid of that body forever .. My body was killed ...

  • No I do not believe you are lying ..

  • It is the truth .. I put corpses in front of you until their bodies are established and they are thrown in front of your eyes .. Look for your memories ... Ooh before I forget .. I killed the mayor .. Is not it came to you threatened If you did not stop your inventions, you know that he was only your beloved lover ... but you were hungry ..

forgive me for his body. I will never forgive you. Maybe they were guilty ... but I did not accept to be punished. this way..

  • But I avenged you ..

  • I did not want this ... Do you think that if the dog bites me I will bite .. ??

  • these human concepts wrong ...

-Your This is what distinguishes us Ankm..otatkd you done me a favor ..lst in my eyes only fought the eye ..

-Your force me to do something I did not want to do Harry

  • (Harry He pulls his gun):
    No will not I will tell you that you will not live long ...

Hanold snapped .. I mean the cat on Harry .. who aimed his gun at him .. Kiss brackets or below the pressure of the trigger .. And suddenly ..

** cried

Harry: .. Help, save me .. I hope you ..

-What's the matter, leader?

  • Cat ..

Um Hanold .. Mmm .. Come out, you cat Haya .. - It seems that you have a nightmare nightmare .. Masks ..

  • Nightmare !! Reasonable .. Oof .. That damn night .. Cat and drilling ... And Something in the garden too .. Everything is normal .. Haha .. Actually was a nightmare ..
  • Come on, leader, do not we go to the market ... to buy fruit for the machine ..?

-aaa..mama..bly..bly..aspgueni to the car ..

-hadhar leader ..

yes I like this leader ... hah Kabus..aoov..lnry if ..ha is Alhmae..alncod .. car key ... Raaaia..hha Kabus..aly market if ... but hey ..ada Mkhaddohh..anha

Note: my hands are not scratched but I tried to imitate the ends Horror movies .. forgive me ..

but what I saw may be true
Is it the truth? ..

Published: 2018-07-05

This article was edited and published by: Nawar

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