第一次 打網球 Playing tennis for the first time

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

tennis optomised.jpg

The first time you do something, usually you would be pretty bad at it. Tennis is the same.

Recently I was teaching a friend to play tennis. She had never played tennis before, so when she started swinging the racket, the racket would miss the ball completely.

She felt a bit frustrated initially, but I reassured her that she will start improving soon. Everyone starts off like that.

I started playing tennis when I was 12. Back then I had already played many years of badminton, so I had a habit of hitting the ball upwards very high. The first time I swung the racket, the ball flew outside the fence.

Dad slowly trained me into a tennis player. I played in many competitions, and also received some coaching at the tennis club. Now when I play tennis, I'd like to think that my form is close to the players on TV.

I patiently coached my friend some basic movements, such as the footwork, how to hold the racket, how to swing the racket. She was able to have a few rallies with me by the end.

You can't be perfect the first time you try something. Patience is the key to success.

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If you liked this article, follow the Magic Monk at @magicmonk.


@magicmonk 很好 网球 老师我喜欢网球 我玩很多和乒乓球

It must a great fun to watch somebody's first hand in any sport or art. Sometimes I can't stop my laughter when somebody dances for the first time at my dance classes.

Hey there @magicmonk. I haven't checked in with you in a short while. At first wen I clicked on this post here. I thought you never played tennis! I recall your photos in an earlier post and you look reather athletic. Glad to learn it wasn't you completely missing the ball when you swung!

Speaking of munks I made it to Thailand. I also got new camber here in Bangkok. I've been having a great time wandering the street and playing rogue photographer I've got a great series of posts with photos I've taken depicting real life here in Bangkok. Including a few monks! I think you'd really enjoy them and I could use an upovote or two from someone who've vote actually is worth something.

Not to get too into it, but I'm having a hard time not getting discouraged with all the time I've put into this platfom, evn getting votes and attention, but earning so little, as only voters with power really pay anything. How I'm not coming off bad, but I'm noticing it's common theme for newer and good content creators like myself. Any advice will be well taken.

Thanks in advance,

Dan "world travel pro.

PS. I'm off to Koh Phengnan later today. An Island in southern Thailand.

Hey Dan. Thank you so much for the long message. You are living a good life travelling so regardless of how much you get on Steemit I think you should still be happy! I have upvoted your articles on Bangkok. I don't feel like I'm qualified to offer much advice, but I think you can have a look at @sweetsssj's articles and see how she does it. Do you speak another language?

Thank you. For the up-votes. It's true I have a very good life. That is why I'm contemplating leaving the platform. I think I just have to spend a lot more time on here than I want to. I want to do my posts and live my life. But I think so much of this platform is socializing, that's nice. But I'm not sure if adding to my life or taking away. I see how you have connected with some high power voters. 20-30 votes and your earning 20-60 dollars each post. How did you do that? Just socialize with high power voters? I was told if you build they will come. I have been building it and most of what I get a bunch of minnows that up-vote me for two cents. I get that at the end of the day they are not minnows they are people. But I'd like to earn something for my efforts. It's kind of a bummer. Yes I speak spanish, but that just sounds like even more time and work. uggh. Maybe you see where I'm coming from when I talk about leaving the platform. Is it giving me more to my life or taking my life away from me?

Hey :) It has taken me more than a year to get to where I am now. I have written articles where I have received $0 or a few cents for a long time. Both relationships and reputation need to be built step by step. You've only been here for 3 months so you might need to be patient and don't give up :)

I totally get it. But when you were receiving $0 was it because you weren't getting up-votes, or because the up-votes you were getting were worthless, Like mine (4 cents) and most my followers? That is my concern. I feel it's becoming overly competitive to grab the eyes of anyone with voting power worth anything. Hurting the original nature of the platform. If you don't agree I certainly respect your opinion. I'm all ears.

hey :) it's hard for us and it's hard for them. Imagine if you had a million steem power, how would you pick who to vote for and what percentage? I guess all we can do is our best. Don't feel too upset if they don't vote for you, just write for your own enjoyment. I can see a while ago you got some decent revenue on some articles too, so they do know you're here. See if you can go back to that style of writing, but like you said, don't let it take over your life. hope this helps.

Great advice my friend. I actually commented on your exact point regarding how to handle a million dollars in steem power in my article here. Which was published out of frustration in a nice creative writing way.


On that note. Great advice you've given me just now. I actually have been reaching out to people at a higher level on here. It's already making a big difference for me.

I was just feeling frustrated thinking about the time spent compared to earnings. The other day. But like any business you have to build it up before you start making money. My perfectionist mentality can often get the better of me.

So glad to have me you on here. -Dan

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