in Project HOPE3 years ago

Author: @madridbg, through Power Point 2010, using public domain images.

Welcome dear users of this prestigious platform, continuing with the socialization of content associated with technological advances, in this installment we will study the early detection of diseases through a sophisticated mechanism that monitors levels of biomarkers of health in search of diseases in the urine and feces of users.

The technological process under development is based on the incorporation of a sophisticated system to the toilet or conventional toilet that can detect diseases in feces and urine, in addition to the early detection of cancer at the urological or colorectal level.

Without a doubt, this type of breakthrough seems like something out of science fiction, but it is a reality that is being developed by a team of researchers at the Stanforf School of Medicine, according to Sanjiv Gambhir:
At first people laughed and did not believe in the development of this project, however we already have the prototype and have been implemented in pilot tests with volunteer participants, where the results have been surprising.

Fig. 2. Technology has now reached our bathrooms. Author: Michal Jarmoluk

Structurally this toilet if you want smart looks similar to a normal one, but internally is equipped with a set of systems as if it were an intelligent computer, which uses motion sensors to deploy a set of tests automatically according to the user who uses it, which allows to evaluate the health status of the same.

The device has a mechanism that allows sending the collected information to secure servers and storing it in a database stored in the cloud. The advantage of this type of inventiveness is associated with the fact that we all have to use the toilet so that we involuntarily have to undergo the corresponding clinical evaluation, which allows us to detect health conditions in time.

The researchers of the project have thought of everything, so that the urine and stool samples are captured on video without affecting the user's privacy and are compared with parameters considered as normal, where the urodynamics of the same are taken into account, that is, speed and time of flow, total volume, among others.

On the other hand, the device has mechanisms that allow a molecular evaluation of urine, white blood cell count, protein levels in specific, as well as blood contamination. Therefore, it has a wide spectrum of detection ranging from a mild infection in urine and feces to bladder cancer or kidney failure.

Fig. 3. The technological process is crucial in the detection of diseases. Author: Darko Stojanovic

As if that were not enough, the device has a fingerprint reader, incorporated in the toilet button, which allows to distinguish between one user and another. It is undoubtedly a surprising advance that does not come to replace medical consultations, but it does give us an orientation of our state of health. So if this information seems important to you, I invite you to leave your contribution in the comments section.


[1] Valeria Santoro-Lamelas. (2016). Public health in the health-disease continuum: an analysis from the professional gaze. Rev. public health. 18 (4): 530-542. Article: Online Access


The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images

Uploaded image of the Proyecto.hope community


Hello @madridbg, this information is truly amazing, and constitutes a real advance in medical science, thank you for this information

Hi @madridbg

It is impressive when this kind of can reach to solve health problems in people, when you mention "The technological process that is being developed is based on the incorporation of a sophisticated system to the toilet or conventional toilet that can detect diseases in feces and urine, in addition to the early detection of cancer at urological or colorectal level" only remains to affirm that this is a breakthrough for humanity. Thank you for this entry.

Best regards, be well.

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