
Yep. Definitely a bit of a deja vu @lynncoyle1 but more of a strategic one than a fed up one this time.

I asked about tools to use but the ones he mentioned are ones I use already so, it seems, I'm just going to have to go through them a post at a time and take some numbers from there.

I didn't like to ask him to do it for me as I don't want to drag him away from his lilo. 😂

@gillianpearce, I'll be curious what you discover!

I had a good look but wasn't able to find anything, even after asking around @lynncoyle1. 😊

Oh well, it was worth a try. Thanks for letting me know @gillianpearce !

I've started to look at it by hand this morning @lynnecoyle1 using the projected figures for the next 7 days from

I've put all the figures into a spreadsheet but that's as far as I've got as I've got other stuff to do now.

At least I feel I've made a start! 😁

wow, good for you @gillianpearce! What did you used to do, job wise? I don't think I've ever asked you, but I'm curious about your propensity for numbers.

I'm curious about your propensity for numbers

That's hilarious @lynncoyle1. If you said that to anyone in my family they'd fall on the floor laughing.

I've done a number of jobs.

My biggest career job would be Occupational Psychologist when I worked in recruitment and assessment for British Airways. Then I did that as a consultant for a while.

I've done various Internet things and had more than 400 websites at one time.

I've also been a personal/life coach and was one of only 3 in Brighton in the early days. There were over 600 the last time I checked and that was about 5 years ago.

I still do a bit of that if interesting clients show up but I don't go actively looking for business.

My latest internet business was drop shipping which I'm slowly getting out of.

For the first time in my life, these last couple of weeks, I've experienced some regret at not sticking with the career.

I'm having a bit of a struggle with time running out and what did I do with it type stuff. 😢

hahaha ok, no numbers!

I had no idea; The Occupational Psychologist would have been an interesting job!

I did know you'd done online work, but 400 websites; wow!

I remember when personal/life coach started; my brother-in-law was one, But then everyone and his brother suddenly became one haha

I get the regret part. Occasionally I'm sorry I left teaching, but in reality, when I remember the day to day workload, not so much. Time really does seem to fly by now, and I'm reaching an age where I wonder where it all went. I know I'm still young (ish haha), I'm 52, but it's still a strange feeling.

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