Financial paradigm shift and cryptoskeptics

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Greetings friends of #Project.HOPE, at some point I heard that information is the most valuable currency, if we contextualize this old expression today with the advent of cryptocurrencies this saying is more relevant than ever.

I mean that it has aspects more valid than ever, for the simple fact that in times of modernity the technologies and information of the crypto market are setting the standard of the financial world, this if we consider that in the last decade the cryptocurrency market has grown outside of any financial or state regulation.

Fig. 2 The traditional financial system feels threatened by the emergence of the cryptocurrency market. Public domain image, Author: Geralt, 2020

However, despite the sustained growth that the crypto market has experienced in the last decade, there are still crypto-skeptics (people who distrust or do not believe in cryptocurrencies), one of the most visible is the famous Nobel economist Joseph Stiglitz, who once said that cryptocurrencies would disappear.

In addition to leading figures such as Stiglitz, tycoon Warren Buffett also claimed at the time that cryptocurrencies are one of the worst bubbles of all time.

However, with all the negative and adverse scenarios that have led to the statements of famous crypto-skeptical figures, the only certainty is that the current debate about cryptocurrencies, specifically about Bitcoin, is an example that something is happening in the financial world, and that we are inevitably facing a change of financial paradigm on a global scale.

From my modest point of view, we are immersed in a new era where cryptocurrencies have begun to permeate our financial management styles, evidently mainly as a result of the profound economic and social transformation linked to the deterioration of traditional financial schemes and the accelerated technological progress.


[1] Deloitte Cryptocurrencies: A paradigm shift. Artículo: Acceso Online

[2] Stiglitz J Needed: a new economic paradigm. Artículo: Acceso Online


The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating the public domain image background: Capri23auto, 2018 Gdj, 2019

Original manuscript, uploaded from the Project HOPE community website


Hi friend @lupafilotaxia, certainly as you very well explain, there is an economic transformation that revolves around all the financial progress that is behind the adoption of cryptocurrency.

Greetings and thank you for your valuable input.

Hello friend @carlos84

That's right, and it is precisely that economic transformation that have the traditional financial system in check, to the point that we are in full attack against the nascent crypto market scheme.

Best regards, be well.

hello @lupafilotaxia,
information is the most valuable thing in this digital era on the other hand the technology of coins is here to stay the financial system knows it and is trying to merge to take advantage of this wave of small investors who invest without knowing, banks are slowly gaining ground in the cryptographic space.

Despite the great growth and acceptance that cryptocurrencies have had, there are still many who are unmoved and continue to see them with a bad face, not only great economists, when the subject is discussed with ordinary people many believe that it makes no sense and that it is something that can not be used, perhaps they are not seeing the big picture and the transformation of the financial system that is underway.

Hello friend @emiliomoron

That behavior you describe, is something natural in any process of change, resistance to the new is a reality in any aspect of life, but what is true is that there is a total transformation of the financial system. Thank you for your comment.

Best regards, be well.

Hello friend @lupafilotaxia, good point, thanks for sharing it.

Undoubtedly there is a change of paradigm in progress and cryptomones despite the detractors and continue to strengthen the global financial area, there is a constant struggle with the volatility of the market, and the manipulable that can become, but I think this will change Over time, the more adoption and trust I believe that personalities like Elon Musk will lose influence on the markets when adoption is massive.

Good publication, that's my opinion!

Hello friend @fucho80

That fight market volatility, is what will allow us to move forward with firm steps in the conquest of the global financial market, if we analyze we will realize that this is the reason why, so many economic power figures attack cryptos. Thank you for your comment, indeed I believe that the desired mass adoption will be consolidated as cryptos take control of the financial system.

Best regards, be well.

Hello @lupafilotaxia, I really believe that we are facing big changes in the world today and the one that is causing the most stir is the economic trend towards crypto assets, holding and investing.

And it is most likely that in many scenarios this is cause for resistance due to the speed with which the adoption of this new style of poorly regulated economy is growing in many countries.

See you

Hello @tocho2

So I also perceive it, we are facing big changes in the global financial world, the attacks of economic power personalities to the critpo market is an example of it, the other thing is that, the technological advance demands of new financial schemes, and there the blockchain already have a ground won.

Best regards, be well.

 3 years ago 

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