in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemians,

Today, we are going to try to explore our imagination and begin to wonder(not question) the existence of LIFE itself.

Who are you? Where does the world come from?

These questions are still lingering in my head until now from the moment I could actually read, understand and conceptualize things.


I have always believed that something must've come out from something like apples from the trees, wind from a fan, heat from a stove or you from your mother.

However, have you ever wondered if something actually came from nothing?

I'll try to take you to a journey in my messy, wild yet full of astonishment mind.


When asked the question, who are you? What comes into your mind?


I mean, scientifically speaking, I am the byproduct or offspring of my parents. I am the result of their genetic combination when they mated.

We don't want to go into the details of that as it is both awkward and insignificant for this discussion.

Though if I'm asked that question, "What is my purpose in this world?" follows.

Religiously speaking, I am created to share the love of God and exist to be morally good.
But have you also thought that you can't experience being alive without realizing that you have to die?
It is just as impossible to realize you have to die without thinking how incredibly amazing it is to be alive.
Confusing? Indeed.

The second question is "where does the world come from?"


Now, what comes into your mind when asked that question?

Initially, I would assume you would think that God created the world.
This is along with the sun, planetary bodies and everything here in the universe.
This is also known as the creation theory.

Scientists say otherwise.

They said that the world is the product of gradual atomic processes that evolved from the smallest particle ever conceived.
They also said that there was this Big Bang Theory that gave birth to our planet along with the others.
I don't want to go into the details of that as it is boring and only a number can appreciate.

So I have been answering those questions into two different perspectives: God and Science. I will try to insert a third element: "the" and "my" philosophical perspective.


This made sense and my curiosity was supported when I read the book of Jostein Gaarder entitled Sophie's World.


Let us start by imagining a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

Scientists would think that it is a trick, and there was like a component that enabled the appearance of the rabbit.

People who believe in creation would think that this is intervened by divine power or simply magic.

The world is like the rabbit being pulled out of the hat and we are the tiny creatures living in the rabbit.

Both then accepted that the rabbit thrived to exist.

As for myself, and for the philosophers, either interpretation can be accepted but with a twist.

In a grand scheme, scientists and philosophers know that this is a trick, that something cannot come out of nothing.
A scientist premise is still but flawed because of some questions that still can't be answered.
Again, we don't want to go into the details of that.

People, may it be scientists or God-believers are so accustomed to their contained belief and routine that they are the creatures that snuggled into the fur of the rabbit until they die.

So, you and them are confined to the idea of peaceful living and begins to lose the faculty of wonder.

Philosophers are the creatures that tried to climb into the rabbit's fur to try to see the Magician and ask why.

Is it starting to make sense? I am going to cite another example.


I am going to use Plato's all famous "Allegory of the Cave" as shown in the picture above.

When you see the world, you see movement of different systems, people, cars, trucks, plants and animals in a harmonious manner that this is what you accept as the reality.

That this is the world we live in.

Have you ever thought differently?

In the allegory, picture that routine, same old, same old routine as people tied in caves unable to turn their heads wherein behind them is like a bonfire.
All they can see is the wall of the cave from where they are facing wherein puppeteers carry and move objects. In the "real" world, outside the cave, are people, plants and animals moving in their normal manner.
Imagine, that they can only see the shadows but that is their reality.
What the people see and hear are shadows and echoes casted by objects that they do not see.
That is our accepted society.
However, when someone breaks the tie and tries to go outside.
He will see the wonder, the truth.

Unfortunately, when he comes back and explains the color and the "truth," he is either condemned or killed. People fear what they don't understand. That is the harsh truth.

So, be like the child that never loses his/her astonishment. Explore your capability to wonder.
Anything is possible even if we haven't seen it YET.
I am going to finish this article by again asking these questions: Who are you? What is your purpose in this life? Where does the world come from? Why does the world exist?





This is really deep thought ish. I don't think about it. As a Christian all I believe truly is that God created me and I have a purpose in this earth.

I fully respect your belief. I am a Christian as well. I just thought that there are far greater things we can accomplish but is not fully aware of yet.

Definitely! The universe is full of wonders we are yet to comprehend.

Exactly. That is my point. :)

I am a Christian too. Its good to know you are as well.

i choose to believe that God created the world and He planned on creating me. There are things Science could take them years and years to understand or even discover... At the end it points them that God does exist. Do you believe?

I believe both in his existence and non-existence. Just do what is morally good and everything right will follow.

Colorful idea. :)

I have found another philosopher existentialist in the philippines. I am also fond of philosoophy and emotional intelligence. The depth of your understanding (or rather wandering) is really familiar. I too have been in the same train of thought. Will follow you. Hope we have the chnce to talk a lot about philosophy

Btw, i am reading platos the republic and machiavelli's the prince. Are you into any philo books or have u dscovered these thoughts for urself?

Wow! It is good to have people with the same crazy mind as mine. I sure hope so as well. Honestly, I'm not into Philosophy books. I just read one book which is Sophie's World and it helped support my thoughts. Not to brag, but yes, it is quite my thoughts ever since. I also have followed you. I don't have an in depth knowledge about Philosophy but I think I know the basics.

Well in that case you must have really deep thoughts to have reached this far. Really hoping to read about your thoughts soon. See you around!

And as for me, religion is a represntation of morals and beloefs created in am era where not much of the world has yet been understood. Now we have science and philosophy, reason and facts. The reason why the idea of where we came to be still lies to be difficult question to answer is because ppl are so hard wired with the concept of a supreme being; its not factual but a traditional belief and traditions and customs are very hard to change. But the world is ever changing and I believe that the world ia better off without them humans are humans and are predictable. No need to condemn people to sin

Exactly. In economics, Religion is still the best booming business. I also ought to combine Science and Philosophy.

That is true. Religion is just propaganda for me. A booming business indeed!

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