Swallow that goddamn pill and be unhappy, will you?..... comedyopenmic 21 (2nd)

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


Here is little tip to help those who are trying to get a loved one to swallow that little red things that makes everything you ever knew, turn to crap. (but they are adamantly refusing to give that final 'gulp'.)

I premise this by saying not all people are even capable of ever swallowing the red pill, due to the mental trauma it may possibly bring on.

This little tip is for people who are capable but are still resisting..


The final gulp.

The biggest mistake is to point out lots of facts.

Facts are not important to them right now, the need to believe in authority is the sticking point, and their motivation - to not see reality.

The second biggest mistake is to give them lots of facts.

People don't want facts, they want to be pointed in a direction to find the facts for themselves. This allows them to feel clever at having 'discovered' the truth, while at the same time not appearing as 'dumb as a bag of spanners' to the person trying to help them see things.
It had been scientifically proven that 90% people who are made to feel as 'dumb as a bag of spanners', try their very best to live up to, and act exactly like, 'a dumb bag of spanners'

The third biggest mistake is to give them current facts.

People that are having trouble with that final gulp don't want current facts. The information overload is already too much, and making it about something happening right now can be just too much to absorb.
For example, JFK is an easier topic to digest, than ISIS in the middle east being a US proxy army, and that the 'charity' called the white helmets is anything but a charity.

Remember - once the pill is fully gulped, time will take care of the rest. It rarely get regurgitated.

The fourth biggest mistake is to think you are helping anyone.

daily patriot.jpg

You aren't. Get that out of your head right now.
You are snapping people out of their dream time, where everything is ordered and 'as it should be'.
Anyone doing this 'to be nice', is virtue signalling.
There is nothing nice about disturbing someones nice dream for a life of anything but nice dreams...

So hopefully now we are a little clearer as to where we stand. You're not being nice by helping others out of a dream state.(whatever you like to tell yourself).

To get the final gulp well and truly over with - and bearing the above points in mind- it is blindingly obvious what needs to be done...
You have to trick them.
(This is not as difficult as it seems. Remember - they are already very proficient at doing it, to themselves.)

You have to trick them into letting them 'find the truth' for themselves.
Trick them into thinking they are not actually as dumb as a bag of spanners.
(You can both look back together and laugh about at this obvious paradox in a couple of years or so- if you still have this friend- which is not likely, btw).

The best trick.

This is just a perspective, but after mulling over several options, I think this is the best one to go with...

daily patriot.jpg


This is the one. Why?
Because you can give them the very smallest of breadcrumbs for them to come across 'the truth' themselves.
A blind man with an IQ of 31 and no legs -sat in a field with no access to a computer could follow those breadcrumbs..
...It both makes them really clever - and it doesn't tax the brain too much.

Not over taxing the brain is very important at this stage.

Getting people to think is best done as a gradual process. An exercise of building up the 'fires of inquisitiveness' with a kindling of factoids.
An 'atomic bomb' of thought, will tend to leave people in a padded cell, just drooling all day.

Be gentle while destroying their dream state, and possible lifelong happiness.
Have a heart, for chrissake!

Oh yeah.... back to 9/11.

Give them some basic information, and let them...think.

If - at this point- they are not swallowing the red pill, I would suggest that they are either not ready for it, or have an IQ below 30.
Let them come to you to ask questions. Offer nothing.
(If you can run away at this point, I would advise that as the best course of action..)
Let your fact bomb fester, like a wound. Leave them to do something about it.
Another scientific fact. Fester bombs only infect those who are infected with a virus known as 'need the truth'.
(Fester bombs have no known ill effects on those who do not suffer from this disease).

The facts you need to present. (Remember KISS. Keep it simple, stoopid).


  1. Prior to 9/11- and since- no known steel structured building has ever collapsed in on themselves( unless it was a controlled demolition).

2) 3 of these occurrences happened in the space of a few hours on the same day. (...and one of the three buildings wasn't even hit by anything!).

How did that happen, do you think...?...

And leave them with it. Don't... say... anything... else.

And whatever you do...

... don't give them any more facts...you must avoid 'the bag of spanners feeling' at all costs!

If they can't come to any conclusions other than the ones in the 'official report' in a week or two, then you were kidding yourself about them ever swallowing the red pill in the first place..

note - I would avoid JFK and moon landings - too far back and complex, and too 'scientificy' and other worldly.

9/11 ticks all the boxes to get that little red bugger nicely digesting in the stomach of someone who might never be content again.


Well done, you !

I nominate @dexterdumb, ('cos he manged to offend me - Well done, I'm impressed !)
and @bobaphet (because he never offended me.)


Everyone knows 9/11 was done by four Italian kids and a homemade pipe bomb.

I thought Peter Griffin knew the truth

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I've been reading about Robert Goddard, the moon landings were totally legit. Should have happened sooner but for a NYT fake news hit piece on Goddard.

...maybe you can scratch 2 little itches, that just wont go away (for me).....

...dust so fine you get a nice foot imprint, but manages to not to move one spec under the landing rockets...mmm

Are American scientists and engineers so incompetent?
THE biggest even in human history and they have managed lost all data to replicate it. poof! lost. misplaced.

there was more than one moon landing, are they claiming all the footage from all of them is lost? it only takes one incompetent person to lose an old tape

are they claiming all the footage from all of them is lost?

not footage - ALL the data for the missions! they say they don't have it - it's all been lost...

Find me any pics with the dust blasted under the rockets on landing..

these 2 itches won't go away..(there are more, but these 2?...)

at around 4:30 in this video you can see the dust being blasted away


what's funny is the alternative conspiracy theory has the American government having a whole secret space program complete with moon bases and such on the dark side of the moon.

alternative conspiracy theory has the American government having a whole secret space program complete with moon bases and such on the dark side of the moon.

...classic psy op for distraction, maybe?

they have some whistleblowers of their own ;)

I have watched every episode of Ancient Aliens at least once and my conclusion is that the whole argument is premised on a belief that ancient people must have been totally stupid and we are much smarter and so if we can't figure out how they did something then it must have been the work or ancient aliens or ancient alien technology. This same sort of premise seems to be a basis for the fake moon landing theories as well. It's like really hard so therefor it must have been fake. I think all the cool shit that the ancients built is simply evidence that they were just as smart as we are now, human beings are smart and if they put their minds to it they can do things that are incredible. Reading through Goddard's proposal what we really need to do is get the discovery channel or Elon Musk or Steemit.com or someone else to finance a project to build his moon rocket to period specifications and make a visible explosion on the moon. Being able to look at it through your own telescope would satisfy you wouldn't it?

oh I agree humans are smart - I also think government use propaganda non stop..

..to finance a project to build his moon rocket to period specifications and make a visible explosion on the moon. Being able to look at it through your own telescope would satisfy you wouldn't it?

Not in the slightest. I have no doubt we can take unmanned bombs there..

Any of the effects can be created - ultimately we are still relying on 'their word', no data...
I stopped relying on the establishments word a long time ago.
Why is this different?

Personally, I don't think we have even sussed the van allen belts.
(I'm no scientist , only looking at things)

Check out the astronauts statement.... 5.45

you wanted a picture and you got a video, from what they were saying there was quite a bit of dust when Apollo 16 landed, that might be something to look at as well.

I happened to be off the coast of Florida when they launched an Atlas 5 last year, that shit will make a believer out of you. Plus I an very near where Goddard invented and tested the first liquid fueled and multi stage rockets and invented solar power and ion drive propulsion. All before ww2. All of the space suits both historically and now are made a few miles from where I am sitting. I grew up in a town where one of the few claims to fame was that the rope factory made the recovery ropes for the space capsules.

Those astronauts and the scientist are correct we no longer build or have any working Saturn 5 rockets, we haven't built one since the 70s and we don't have any ability to manufacture one right now. They are correct that no current space vehicle can leave low Earth orbit, that's not an admission that we have never had that capability.

Consider this as why we never went back to the moon, von Braun, who designed the Saturn 5 got cancer in 1973, how are you going to get that shit done without a certified Nazi cracking the whip?

Apollo program director Sam Phillips was quoted as saying that he did not think that the United States would have reached the Moon as quickly as it did without von Braun's help. Later, after discussing it with colleagues, he amended this to say that he did not believe the United States would have reached the Moon at all.[12]:167

....and we don't have any ability to manufacture one right now.

....You believe that?... that we somehow 'lost' the ability?

I've just been looking at a few things....do you believe in god?

Apparently Neil Armstrong is a devout believer.
But he wouldn't put his hand on the bible and swear he went to the moon

(with the added incentive of a $500 donation to charity if he did swear...mmmm)

Another titbit.

for 500 STEEM I will put my hand on a bible right now and swear the moon landings were legit. This guy worked it all out decades before:


So it begs the question ...why wouldn't Neil Armstrong?...Who was supposed to have been there?
State a truth in the eyes of god, and give money to charity at the same time?..I would say that is the action of a christian who isn't prepared to lie on the bible,...????

If I was him and someone said that shit to me I would probably tell them to fuck off, he was probably more of a class act about it.

So his ego over helping a charity?- just to tell the truth...? does that ring true with you..?
It doesn't to me...but that's me.

Cool ! - send over the 500 steem, and I'll stop going on about it!
(I'm a charity case, it's the christian thing t do!)

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