A Trump political victory...?

in #blog6 years ago

Yesterday the rumors around the white house is that the massive military budget could be used to help build the wall.

If that is indeed the case, the picture looks brighter that he is working for the people, and not the cabal...

It indicates he has indeed out maneuvered the democrooks -by using their own omnibudget corruption against them...

Eyes wide open and watching intently.....



A master tactician is one who covers for all outcomes and places their pieces to accommodate this. I think it is no secret to most that look that those who view us as cattle to exploit have played this style of chess with us going back a very long time.

It has become increasingly clearer these last few years that many have become fed up with the lies of both sides of the entrenched political parties. A master chess player will take this into account, and create a new position of strength for these disenfranchised cattle. As you know from previous comments, I have begun suspecting Trump is this new position. He talks a good game, but never listen to what they say, watch what they do. So far, I have not been overwhelmed.

He talks a good game, but never listen to what they say, watch what they do. So far, I have not been overwhelmed.

I'll stay optimistic. For now.

One thing to consider (one which I only really took into account myself just recently).

The size of the job.
This isn't firing half a dozen people from a company. This is going up against the bankers ultimately.

The cabal is decades old, going deeper into the establishment then we ever knew . Even what we know now is chilling. Imaging how deep it goes...

So imagine ......changing course of a ship with 20,000 crew who hate you, and want to keep sailing in the same direction....
And at the same time trying to get 20,000 new crew on board, without notifying the old crew.

I'm a wargamer, and love tactics and strategies.

The job trump has (if he is legitimate), is beyond gargantuan..

He has only been in a position of 'captain' for a year or so....

Looking at it from that perspective, I can see why it might appear to be underwhelming, but imagine the detail and size of secret ops to get things into place, if the aim is the take down of the old..

(I would imagine any distractions from the important things at hand(unseen), would be welcomed - whatever they are)

THAT's gonna crottle some groats.

crottle some goat's? - is that texanese or something? lol

Interesting. However I don't like walls. All that money could be used to fix broken highways, bridges, improve the education system...

...building infrastructure doesn't stop masses of people coming into the country and then taking the resources off the said country though, does it?
Resources like roads, education systems, health services, bridges...

A wall does stop it. (ask they Chinese - it has worked for 100's of years..lol.)

wanna stop masses coming to your country ? how about stop destroying theirs ? ...

I totally agree with you. 100%

Mexico isn't relevant in this context, however. Nafta trade deals for example made Mexico much richer...

Yeah, I don't think wall is built to stop some guy from Mexico who wants to work as dishwasher in the US . Latin America is getting increasing number of migrants from war areas and those are the people wall suppose to stop . But they would not have that problem if they did not start all these wars .
What a mess , and why ?

Do you think diversity of populations is a strength?

Everybody hates white people is called strength ?

your inability to answer a question and show your position is the opposite of clever.

just sayin'

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: President Trump Coming Through
Our Purpose

Not a clue about what Chumps plans are.
But if all he does is stick a big stick into everything and turn, that will be more than i could have hoped for 4 years ago.

A very good way to look at it , friend.
Whatever happens, things will have changed...

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