Four Agreements With Yourself: Lessons in Mastery

in #life3 years ago

The Four Agreements With Yourself: An Instant Guide to Self-Improvement is a practical guide to self-improvement by bestselling author Don Miguel Ruiz. The Four Agreements With Yourself is also known as the Mental Contract Formula and The Power of Conversational Hypnosis. In this book, Ruiz teaches you how to use hypnosis to reach your goals easily and without effort. This book can be helpful for both newbies and experienced individuals who want to achieve their goals. The techniques presented are easy to understand and apply.

What is the value of this book? Ruiz claims that by using the Four Agreements With Yourself, one can easily manifest abundance in all areas of life-money, relationships, health, and more. These four agreements are the basis of the teachings of The Secret. The teachings that Ruiz spreads in this book are meant to act as the framework for manifesting the kind of life one wants.

According to the teachings of The Secret, there are seven steps on which a person must follow if he wants to master the law of attraction. The Secret also claims that these steps are interlinked. In order to master the law of attraction, a person must first be aware of his or her state of mind or spirituality. By having a good understanding of oneself, a person will be able to determine what kind of person he wants to become. Once you know your state of mind or spiritual beliefs, it is easy to then choose the right path for your development. The Four Agreements With Yourself: An Instant Guide to Self-Improvement is filled with the teachings of The Secret and is meant to help individuals achieve their goals through positive thinking, spiritual awareness, and visualization.

In the book, The Four Agreements With Yourself, Ruiz presents the following lessons: First, one must understand that he or she has a responsibility towards himself or herself and another. Second, it is important to love yourself and be loved by others; Third, it is essential to have harmony within self and with other people; Fourth, one must work to change his negative thoughts and behaviors through meditation; and, finally, it is important to practice meditating and visualizing in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment. The Secret teaches that many individuals fail to realize their full potential because they focus too much on themselves and do not pay enough attention to others. Through this lesson, Ruiz encourages readers to develop greater awareness, compassion, gratitude, and respect toward themselves and others.

The Secret teaches that it is important to understand yourself completely before making generalizations about others. In order to make meaningful relationships, individuals must be willing to consider the thoughts, behaviors, and feelings of every individual they come into contact with. It is important to take things personally, especially when the subject matter at hand involves another human being. When you take things personally, it is likely that you will also be a critical thinker, making generalizations about other people that are hurtful and often inaccurate.

The Secret also teaches readers to turn negative thoughts and behaviors into new stories by developing a deeper level of inner vision and personal power. According to Jose P. Estevia, these two concepts are necessary for reaching Mastery. Jose refers to these concepts as turning "negative into something beautiful." The Secret book teaches how to develop new stories, or a deeper level of inner vision, which enables one to perceive and create a deeper level of reality that encompasses all aspects of life, instead of just looking at the surface of things.


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