The Battle for Net Neutrality - What Can We Do?!

in #netneutrality7 years ago (edited)


Today nearly 70,000 websites and organizations are planning to take part in a massive online protest to save net neutrality.

Instead of begging for the right to free speech from the FCC and others...

Let's make sure we have it!

Like with most great advancements throughout history, we're going to have to innovate a solution, rather than playing by the same rules set forth by the powers that be. We can only petition for so long until, as with the blockchain, we must secure our own rights.

In this interview Dan Larimer, he has something to say on the matter, and I think he couldn't be more spot on!

"The real end goal has to be freeing the internet infrastructure from monopolization, and that means innovating in areas of wireless communication and decentralized production, because if we can all communicate from person to person without any wires, it's game over." - Dan Larimer

  • So who is stepping up to free the internet infrastructure from monopolization?

  • Do you know of any awesome projects working to make this a reality? Mesh nets, etc...?

  • What role do you think blockchain technology can play in augmenting a decentralized web infrastructure?

I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter. I would love to know that these solutions are within reach. At this rate, it's only a matter of time until the internet service providers are able to determine what we see on the internet... We can't wait until we reach that point to start innovating!

Check out this segment on Democracy Now for more info:

Battle For the Net: Mass Day of Action Aims to Stop Trump's FCC from Destroying Free & Open Internet

Best wishes!


There are some folks still using the #stacktivism hashtag and Heath Bunting's stuff from the '90's has become popular as art: )

Actually getting around the ISP problem in a country like the US seems like tricky business, since being allocated a block of addresses that ISP's like Comcast recognize (along with obtaining other identifiers etc) requires creating settlement-free "peering agreements" with those kinds of companies in order for data to be shared/sharable across all networks. There is no way to do this without a ton of money and political clout.

Alternatively, it is theoretically possible to simply physically build a parallel internet and use this instead of the corporate network. Again, there is no way to do this without a ton of money and political clout.

I choose option number 2! :)

This is something that we could easily make happen on a neighborhood scale. And it is not too expensive to connect thousands of neighborhood networks into a high-bandwidth global network with very, very high latency (by physically transporting data storage devices between such networks via drones or just in our pockets; ). But for something more reasonable - and easier for average people to make sense of - maybe track down Ramon Roca the next time you're in Spain and see if you can pick his brain.

So you're saying we need a ton of money and political clout. ;)

This Post deserves more attention. We don't want the FCC Changing the Rules on the Internet. As far as we are concerned the Internet should always stay open for ALL involved.

We agree that we need to build better alternatives in the Wireless and Decentralized Communication Arena. We have been working on some open source projects as well as Open Hardware that we believe will make this world a much more open and connected world without the intrusion that exists today.

Thanks! I would love to hear any specifics regarding projects to achieve decentralized communication or open hardware development!

@lovejoy, there is one intriguing proposal to use Blockchain technology to decentralize the internet service in a way that resolves the net neutrality issue while also making the internet free of charge! >

Absolutely true. All Steemians should unite and make a statement. The internet must always be open for everyone!

I was listening to a talk given by Martin Luther King. The first thing that impressed me was how revelant his talk was despite the amount of years that had passed. His approach was peaceful yet effective. He used his abilities to unite people for a common cause. He knew money was the power his opposition thrived on. So he influenced his community to use their money wisely, and not buy services from companies that were violating their rights. Which was a very effective approach. He realized that if money is power. Then they would stop giving their power away to institutions that abused it. Today's market is unstable and most of these companies could not handle a lost in revenue.

Awesome post! I've never really thought of this before but you've brought me to light! Thanks.

I would definitely love to read more on this topic. It's so funny that this is being brought up now, because on Silicon Valley, Richard is working on a decentralized internet using make believe technology. Life imitating art and whatnot. Are there currently any projects to create a decentralized internet? I have not heard of any but if there were I would be happy to change my internet access habits. The closest thing I have heard of is through WOR(L)D and their internet hubs, but I personally think the company is scummy and doesn't have great products.

Everyone keeps telling me to watch Silicon Valley, and how eerily similar it is to what's going on in the blockchain space, here on Steem for instance, and elsewhere. I haven't heard of this WOR(L)D project you speak of, although you don't make a good endorsement of them, haha. Whatever it is will have to be a protocol of sorts, decentralized. Perhaps something like what @blockrush is suggesting.

Thank you for the link, that article was AWESOME. I really think we are all so lucky to be part of this whole movement so early on. It really is the future.

Great post! I made a similar post recently as well, and it seems there are several others who are on the same page considering there are about 10 posts in the "netneutrality" tag.

If you are interested in reading my post, you can check it out here

Keep the internet open and free, without ISPs throttling webpages who don't pay a premium for "faster internet"!

Awesome! Looks great. I will go through all the posts about netneutrality and see what others have said. Upvoted and followed. :)

@lovejoy goood information , thanks for share. :)

Thanks! Where are you from? I see you're in film production! I hope you will share some of your work here. :)

Resteemit! I would love to see all this taking place!

Great post! I believe that the BlockChain technology is the first creation that stood up against internet censorship and I can't see the technology expand in ways we haven't seen yet in the next ten years!

Everything from our contacts, data and files that we don't want anyone to expose.

Thanks for bringing this to others attention. I've posted a similar post with another website:

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