[RED FLAGS] Deposited before 1 month to POLONIEX $2109 USDTs (tether) and still not there !!! Had you similar experience?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I deposited to my poloniex account before one month (27/5/2017) $2109.078 USDTs (tether) here is the link to the specific transaction http://omnichest.info/lookupadd.aspx?address=1CGQNvxM5MkAHtQqCYm23EkkdEveRehmfe

Until now no fund's are shown on my poloniex account! I have opened a support ticket 5 days after the specific transcation to poloniex (#183818) but they still don't bothered to give a single respond !!!

I replied to them several times without success. I can understand a delay of a week because of to much support requests but 1 Month? Really? Without a single respond ? That is to much and it raised RED FLAGs to me for POLONIEX current integrity.

Has anybody similar experience from poloniex lately? Please comment to push them for a solution via this post.


The moment we start seeing more DE-centralized exchanges (like Bitshares of course) the sooner we won't have to worry about these sort of shenanigans anymore.

You are right. I was determined to move my trading activity to a de-centralized exchange, but I faced the problem of low volume there. I don't know how can this be solved. It is like the egg-chicken problem. We need mass adoption for mass volume, and we need mass volume for mass adoption.

Thanks for the comment, I am definitely going to start using Bitshares. Poloniex works but I really can't stand the lack of customer service, I haven't had any issues yet but decentralization seems to be the key here.

Hope it will concur the excisting one because bitshare bitsquare, maidsafe app are not enemy for poloniex for the moment. But we'll get there !

It is truly outrageous and highly irresponsible for such a busy exchange with so many transaction fees to not implement a fast and friendly customer service and communications department with a targeted response time of less thann 1 business day. It will be their downfall in the end. Sooner rather than later.

Polo is really driving its business in the ground this way. Either they invest and make it work or users should avoid Polo at all costs.

I avoid ALL centralized exchanges at all costs. That's why God (er, Daniel Larimer), invented the DEX - the bitshares decentralized exchange. https://bitshares.org/

Yes, bitshares is the solution for the centralized exchanges problem/risk and the fastest out there (with 1.5 secs average transaction time !!!) not to mention the smartcoins like bitUSD,bitCNY,bitEUR,bitGOLD,bitBTC etc. that are perfect for fast hedging (1.5 secs/transaction) and controlled and secured from the bts blockchain itself !

You are absolutely right.. you are a number and not a person in their eyes.

How I interact with you. There are some posts that I have but still not perfect. I hope you will see it. @jondahl

Polo has had 5k+ of my BTS tied up in a transaction error since 5/2 and they're not responding to my multiple customer service tickets about it. Totally unjust. I wouldn't recommend the exchange to anyone at this point.

Same here. I got angry in an email, now they have blocked me. I am lost for words.

That's like 4 months. I wonder why this snowball of error has not gotten more attention sooner. But the snowball seems to pick up space now...


Mine have been frozen since May 2nd. Still, that's a long time.

I'm hearing now that Polo is processing these errors. I know one person whose had their funds tied up since late May but they were released today. Mine are still locked up but I have hope now at least!

i have to open a ticket on them regarding an ETH transfer :( i am well prepared for the disappointment

Happy to say i had a response from polo within 2 hours suggesting the issue is the Eth network (yes it was) and that they would rebroadcast all transaction once it had cleared. 2 days later my TX was broadcast and received :)

It's becoming red flag. Poloniex I deposited some Steem couple of days ago and they made unavailable depo/withdraw service. Everything seems suspicious about this exchange. They will try to manipulate the Steem price now. @liondani

It has some hallmarks of MtGox's last days. Trade with care....

I don't know why they are acting like this but making already present coin unavailable for depo/withdraw is only making it more suspicious. I've lost too much on SC trading because of them. It might be that they are waiting for the perfect moment to get enough BTC and vanish. Care everyone.

Hola my friend,

I have been having quite a bit of trouble with Polo over the last couple of months. I am still waiting for access to some ETC that I transfered to them almost 5 weeks ago. I know the ETC is in my wallet on Polo as I can see it on gastracker.io. I have had a ticket standing open with Polo for at least one month and have never received anything but one automated response. I actually have quit using Polo all together at this point. I hope we all have better luck in the future as Polo carries a lot of altcoins that I would like to trade but I am in no position to just give my money away... aka have in lost in Poloniex.

The Last Sage

I encountered problems when withdrawing NLG (Guldencoin) I just deposited 5 minutes before. Went into 'manual processing' or something similar. Was resolved in about 2-3hrs thankfully.

No more Polo for me, I can tell you.

Every day we receive a new reminder to avoid centralized exchanges!

I use and promote the use of BitShares

I just opened an acount and deposit bitcoin and is fine but i can't not deposit any cash

I sent 1662 steam from Steam site to Poloniex account one month ago, but it has not yet been deposited.
There is no action or response for 20 days after issuing the ticket for problem solving.
I can not trust Polonics.
I will move the exchange after the problem is resolved.

I have a friend that made a deposit of aprox 3 ETH, 3 weeks ago and he does not have that ETH available on Poloniex... i prefer to spread my funds in many Exchanges/wallets so if one of them has some issues, the other part of my funds are OK

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