We need Human Interaction!

in #steem6 years ago


I started actively contributing to this platform since a couple of weeks. There are some things I want to mention in my post.

Quality content

Since I started I try to pick out blog posts which I think deserve upvoting and a comment. Maybe “deserve” is not the best word, but let’s be honest that some posts require so much more energy and time to write & share than a one-liner or a quote being shared. No offense :)

I think people who put a lot of thinking, energy and time into a post should and even must be supported by the community. Of course, the content of the post is important, in order to draw attention, but even if content is not quite catchy, I can classify a blog post where the blogger has put a lot of effort, upvote and comment worthy. That’s why I try to interact and upvote posts which I read and not fall into my interests.

Regardless of the content, the point I try to make is that we need to support quality content creators.


Human interaction

I see a lot of posts having such high upvotes but so few comments. When I write a piece and share, of course I would like to get as many upvotes as possible. But I value the comments more, because the commenter took time to read my post, did some thinking about it, and took time and effort to write a comment. I think that if we want this platform to grow and reach a wider audience, we need to increase the human interaction A LOT!

We don’t need to agree with the author, but we can give our own insight and share this so that the author and other readers can consider the alternative views to a specific subject. I don’t see a lot of posts where there is a disagreement. Maybe people are afraid of downvotes? Regardless, we should raise our voice and explain our point of view even in case of a disagreement. Well, especially in case of a disagreement! What can we learn from each other if we always agree with each other right? Where is the challenging factor then??

Please don’t be afraid to raise your voice. Because even if the majority disagrees, this is your VALUABLE opinion.

Again I want to emphasize the need for human interaction in the posts. Let the author know what you think. Provide feedback. If we want this platform to grow, we need more interaction!

Thanks for reading. I hope to see comments, even if you don’t agree with me on some points.


Dear @lion200 and @everyone else reading it


It's clear to me that we're sharing very similar vision and values. Lets add the fact that I found your content really interesting. I'm really glad to had a chance to get to know you lately.

I think people who put a lot of thinking, energy and time into a post should and even must be supported by the community.

In my personal view, we should not focus on those who create best quality content, but on those who engage with their audience. That is real effort. And we need to promote solid curators more than promote quality posts.

Why do I think this way? Simply because even best content creators will give up if there is noone to read their publications.

And at the same time where is quality traffic (curators) - there will be also quality content and quality authors.

Now real question is:
- am I right or am I wrong? Should we focus our efforts on supporting quality content creators or CURATORS + those who engage with others and are supporting such a content creators?

Does it even make sense? :)

What is your view on that topic guys?


Dropping by @crypto.piotr, at your request, to contribute to the post of @lion200 ... First, to @lion200:

”… I can classify a blog post where the blogger has put a lot of effort, upvote and comment worthy. That’s why I try to interact and upvote posts which I read and not fall into my interests.”

It appears we are likeminded in this. The effort taken to create a post definitely plays an important role for me in what I choose to do in response. Even, as you say here, if the post is not necessarily in line with either my interests or philosophy. Why? A good quality post will should appeal to someone, who is in closer “alignment” with the author than I am. And we all universally appreciate and respond to encouragement ...

”But I value the comments more, because the commenter took time to read my post, did some thinking about it, and took time and effort to write a comment. I think that if we want this platform to grow and reach a wider audience, we need to increase the human interaction A LOT!”

Again, it appears we are likeminded. I certainly appreciate a good comment writer, as time has a most definite value of its own. Yes, the “money” is nice too, but I personally prefer the time invested first … 😊

”I don’t see a lot of posts where there is a disagreement. Maybe people are afraid of downvotes?”

Yes, sadly I have been witness to some very nasty “flag wars” in here. Which tends to stifle honest debate discussion … With no real effective means currently of redress for those “hurt” by these foolish activities, “it is what it is” …

Second, to @crypto.piotr:

”- am I right or am I wrong? Should we focus our efforts on supporting quality content creators or CURATORS + those who engage with others and are supporting such a content creators?”

Challenging question. To me, you need both. There is great power, through the rich diversity of us “in here” from all over the world, to conduct our activities according to the age-old WIIFM (what’s in it for me …) principle … The "wise" learn from their activities "in here." And the "foolish?" Well ...The “market” then determines the “winners” and the “losers” …

Keep up the great posting and adding value to our Steem blockchain @lion200! 👍

Thanks for dropping by @roleerob.

Why? A good quality post will should appeal to someone, who is in closer “alignment” with the author than I am. And we all universally appreciate and respond to encouragement ...

Yes! That’s exactly the point I was trying to make :) I’m glad we are on the same page on this.

Yes, the “money” is nice too, but I personally prefer the time invested first …

Well, time is soo important! If someone takes time to write a good comment, The least I can do is to reply out of respect. Even if I don’t agree with the person.

Keep up the great posting and adding value to our Steem blockchain @lion200!

Thanks for the big support! Doing my best ;)

Sure, happy to help you with your post @lion200. Haven't had the time to respond to @crypto.piotr's appeals in a while, so chose this one, from his description ...😉

"If someone takes time to write a good comment ..."

This is absolutely key for me "in here." I have come to have a deep appreciation for the rich diversity of people participating from all over the world.

And ... Of course ... "Income distribution" is a hot topic. And the perceived advantages this may give one group or individual over another ...

However, it is indisputable we all have the identical "fixed constants" - 24 / 7 / 365. How do we choose to invest our time? What are our priorities?

I do what I can, in my own small way, to encourage those who invest their time well "in here," no matter what their income level. In so doing, I am doing my part to add value to the investment of us all, as I expect the value of the Steem blockchain to go up! 👍

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I do what I can, in my own small way, to encourage those who invest their time well "in here," no matter what their income level. In so doing, I am doing my part to add value to the investment of us all

Thank you @roleerob! Your contribution is much appreciated!

I love your little conversation you're having here @lion200, @roleerob :)

I made my response to the main post.

Now real question is:
- am I right or am I wrong? Should we focus our efforts on supporting quality content creators or CURATORS + those who engage with others and are supporting such a content creators?

I think if people stopped trying to over analyze their actions and the actions of others; and just focused on what pleases them, but in a non hedonistic way, that individuals would be a little bit more accepting of each other. Quality can never be really defined.

Curators, now that is the crux of the problem. People think that they are special people. Curators are all of us. There are some people who think they are something so special that they have to point out to the world of steem blockchain that they curated someones post. Such garbage in my opinion.

When those that think they are Special Curators because they let the world know they voted on a post, learn they are not special and that they are nothing but "glad hand self back slappers", and start to leave a real comment, then the problem of curation attitude will go away and become non-special. So once again Curators are all of us.

We should all focus our efforts on what we choose with out having to defend our choice.

I definitely see value in the interactions. A bit of back and forth of comment is appreciated...

Agreed @darrenfj! Thanks for reading :)

thank you for sharing!

From my personal point of view, we should not focus on those who create content of better quality, but those who relate to their audience. That is a real effort. And we need to promote solid healers rather than promoting quality positions.

My dear friend @crypto.piotr, I fully share that point of view with you. But we must understand the fact that we live in a globalized world where people try to do many tasks at once and where today's internet and technology make things easier for them. Many try to divide their time between the office, the university, the networks social and a number of tasks that end up complicating life.

In my opinion, this reinforces your approach, because among so many daily tasks performed by an average human being, which can take time to interact in this type of platform becomes an effort that is worth voting and commenting. On the other hand there are people who strive to make a quality publication but at the same time lack time to spend reading and commenting on other publications.

But if we think of the concept of a platform like this or like any social network, as indicated by the name "social network" is created with the primary purpose of socializing and interaction should be the spirit that prevails in an ecosystem like this.

I must point out that the user should be "rewarded" for making an effort to interact with their followers and readers, because this way they would be promoting a beneficial feedback for all.



"........user should be "rewarded" for making an effort to interact with their followers and readers,....."

Yes, of course, they must be rewarded!

Thanks for your somment @fucho80.

But if we think of the concept of a platform like this or like any social network, as indicated by the name "social network" is created with the primary purpose of socializing and interaction should be the spirit that prevails in an ecosystem like this.

That's indeed my point. Interaction is so important although I understand your point about people having a lot of things keeping them busy during the day and lacking time to write a proper response. In those cases an upvote seems like a good solution indeed.

I must point out that the user should be "rewarded" for making an effort to interact with their followers and readers, because this way they would be promoting a beneficial feedback for all.

Agreed completely!

I agree with you @crypto.piotr .
That is why many moons ago, when steemit is the only one dapps to post on the steem blockchain, I tend to refrain from posting, since the demand for "quality" content is so serious.

But things change.

Quality content as you fit see it, can be still here, since many dapps can carry on that goal, but if I just wanted to show an image of my plant with a 1-line description of it, I should not be dissappointed to do so.

That is where steem content creation is already heading, and we are good so far.

Still, the users will decide what they wanted.

And if we wanted this blockchain to succeed we should be open to various content being posted on this blockchain.

Thanks for dropping by @guruvaj.

but if I just wanted to show an image of my plant with a 1-line description of it, I should not be dissappointed to do so.

You are right. This is a platform for all and all kind of posts.

And if we wanted this blockchain to succeed we should be open to various content being posted on this blockchain.

Agreed! We need all kinds of posts including research topics, social posts like how someone is feeling at that specific moment, professional photographs, drawings etc. All is welcome!

Thank you for your brilliant comment @guruvaj

Well, we have to agree that content is what gives value to the #steem platform which is based on proof of work and proof of brain. Without contents, nothing really attracts other persons to enrol. Thus, there is dire need to support and encourage quality content creators. They are #steem image makers!

Curators and investors like @Theycallmedan is doing this and it really paves way for content crreators to be at their best on the platform.

Thanks for your comment @uyobong!

Well, we have to agree that content is what gives value to the #steem platform

I agree completely. If this platform wants to differentiate itself from other social media platforms, it must be with good quality content.

I think we are going good, but we need to find ways to keep quality content creators motivated. Creating good content costs time and effort. I have read some posts where the accounts were expressing their disappointments about not being recognized and seen. With Human interaction as I call in my post, we can create a connection with the author, which would give a sign that the author is seen and appreciated.

Thank you @lion200.

creating good content costs time and effort

This is why it must be well rewarded.


I think the focus should be on both as if everyone turna into curators there will be nothing to curate 🤔

Posted using Partiko Android

Indeed @khussan!
We need quality stuff in order to respond with valuable comment right?
In order to grow, we need to support quality content creators. Whether it is the author or the curator, any post incl. comments with good, valuable content deserves to be rewarded in my opinion.

Yes and i think a way to increase engagement would be to give shoutouta to authors who have quality content but not enough engagement this will get you 1+ follower and the person you mention might get a few more then just 1 but it is still a win win for both

Posted using Partiko Android

Hmmm i can't say much but to agree with you perfectly @crypto.piotr because trust me what actually motivates people to do more and better is when they are appreciated. Last time i checked up on our mutual friend @hatuss and he confessed that his level of audience has increased to the extent that he seems there is a huge task on him to deliver to the ultimate. In my own opinion also ever since you started watching up my profile @ikkelins i have also been doing my best to keep up with my post count and its quality. I believe we should rather support those who engage with others especially you @crypto.piort and also make good content.

I just made a post and i would be happy if you guys could show me what you think about this project

Kelvin writes :)

Thanks for your comment @ikkelins!
Yes, I would also like to thank @crypto.piotr for his support. With more engagers like him, this platform definitely has a great potential to grow!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi @ikkelins

I'm sorry for such a late reply. I bookmarked your post and I ment to read it today but somehow my day has turned out to be very packed with work.

I will surely keep in mind to read your publication.


NO worries buddy @crypto.piotr and thanks for understanding me about the auto upvote. I am always willing to help in any endeavours of yours :)

Kelvin writes.

Dear @crypto.piotr,

I think that quality content is better more than those who engage with their audience. Although they go hand in hand in order to be a success in this community, why would anyone upvote posts- which are not interesting like pictures - not even quality pictures to begin with with minimal texts.

I think that at the long run, if we want new blood, we need quality content because contents are something that people can view/search even outside the network- like google, bing and yahoo.

yes. Comments and engaging with your audience is important but, aren't you engaging with them the moment you start writing your posts?

Dear @nurseanne84, thanks for your comment!

I think that at the long run, if we want new blood, we need quality content because contents are something that people can view/search even outside the network- like google, bing and yahoo.

Correct. That kind of content can be read and spread all the time. It can have a universal message which can be preserved all time.

Comments and engaging with your audience is important but, aren't you engaging with them the moment you start writing your posts?

Yes, you definitely are engaging when you are writing a post, but keeping being engaged is positive for everyone, the author as well as the curator.

No worries. I just love to engage in these stuffs sometimes.....just ask my friend @crypto.piotr.......

Thank you for that awesome comment @nurseanne84

Well, you are absolutely right. I do not like the content promotion system here.
Although I do a lot of work, and my reviews are also always unique.

We will fight this together we will create a living community!

Thanks for your comment @carbodexkim!

Thanks for taking time to comment and letting people know your view on a specific subject.
If we keep doing this, I hope this can create a positive move!

I make hundreds of comments a week and rarely vote. I comment when I have something to add or ask. I have no trouble finding places to comment. After many years at this social media game, I do not think about it, I just do it. I and not judging - I m just interacting with what strikes my interest.

I could not care less who gets more or less votes or more or less comments. It is not relevant to me. But if I see someone does not ever reply, I no longer bother to comment. We have some of those here, but not many. If I feel like it, I will start answering comments for them.

Thanks for your comment @fitinfun!
You are definitely adding something with your comment here :)

I could not care less who gets more or less votes or more or less comments

I can understand this. But if you think from the perspective of the author. He/she spends a lot of time to write a good piece. And if each time the posts do not get the attention of the people, this can demotivate the author wouldn't you agree?

But if I see someone does not ever reply, I no longer bother to comment.

I agree! I think people need to connect. Exchange ideas, opinions. It doesn't necessarily need to be an agreement in the end. If the author does not read or reply to the comments made to his post, this can result in losing the audience. In the end, the curators are spending their valuable time to read the author's post right. And if you also spend time to make a comment, the least the author can do is to reply.

If the author is not getting any comments, they need to change strategies. This is a tough crowd on steem. I advise people to enter contests and challenges instead of writing to their own tags in the beginning so that they can find their people.

And don't spend a lot of time per post - write more posts in less time so you cast a wider net.

It's definitely all about engagement here. If you are not engaging widely you have no change for long term success unless you have a lot of sp to reward people who comment to you.

I advise people to enter contests and challenges instead of writing to their own tags in the beginning so that they can find their people.

That’s a nice piece of advice. But, when I started creating a couple of posts, I really had no clue where to begin with and what to do. I think most of the newbies bump into same things. You only learn about alternatives if you insist with posting. Maybe a nice “Starter Guide” would help :))

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You can look at my mega-minnow tips post. It's not perfect, but some people like it. I send to to new people and have it at the bottom of my posts. A new one is coming in a few weeks probably.

What should I do EACH DAY on STEEM with low power?
What do do with your STEEM
Are you shooting blanks with your votes?
Should you use an autovoter?
Join @qurator
Do not post to nowhere
Why bother to comment?
How and Why to use kryptonia
How to get Upvotes
For Twitter Users
How and Why to lease delegated sp
Curation Trails
Using Discord


And of course, looking at the steemit faq with the three lines at the top right helps. I still review that every once in a while.

Thanks for the tips post! I will definitely take a look at it.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Heyy @crypto.piotr, thanks for your comment!

In my personal view, we should not focus on those who create best quality content, but on those who engage with their audience. That is real effort. And we need to promote solid curators more than promote quality posts.

I have to disagree with you on that, my friend. I think quality content eventually will draw audience to the post. But this can only happen if we put this quality content and the author in the spotlight. If we don't do this, as you mention in your post, the motivation of the author will only decrease. And at a certain time he might give up. We have to keep these quality content creators in this platform in order to grow and make a difference!

My definition of quality content creator encapsulates both the author and curator who produces nice comments.

Engagement is also an important factor of course, because if the author does not engage with the audience, the audience will not support him/her in the following posts. That is what the author has to keep in mind too.

In my experience with steem I see that community beats content quality. Users that become part of like-minded communities get more engagement and higher upvotes. I don't know if this is a good thing, but it is what it is.

On the other hand, curation trails are very good for people that do not have time to read and upvote, so quality curators can bring a lot of value to this process. And supporting a quality curator is the best way to support quality posts, so you can have both at the same time.

Do you ever think about starting a curation trail and harnessing the power of the network you created?

Thanks for your comment @lishu.

I know that community is a very important factor, but for newcomers it is difficult to find a place in this community. I think keep posting content and trying to understand the system are key to claim a place in here.

Don’t know a lot about curation trails to be honest. I saw some posts about SteemAuto but didn’t really dig into it.

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Dear @lishu

In my experience with steem I see that community beats content quality.

You nailed it buddy! Great point.

Users that become part of like-minded communities get more engagement and higher upvotes. I don't know if this is a good thing, but it is what it is.

Every community need to build around something. Product. Idea. Passion. Company. Name it.

Do you ever think about starting a curation trail and harnessing the power of the network you created?

I dont know what curation trail is? Would you mind sharing with me?


There is this site steemauto, with which you can create such a train. Basically, you delegate voting to someone, if people follow your curation trail it means that after you cast a vote, all the votes of the people in the trail will be automatically cast. And people can adjust how much voting power can be given to the trails, it's worth taking a look :)

Thanks @crypto.piotr for the link to this interesting discussion.

I believe that many of us are still caught in a concept where work should get a financial reward.
I learned on this platform that there is something much more valuable than upvotes and the according financial income.

On steem it is the relationships that are the true value. I see the upvotes combined with the comment function as a way to tighten these relationships and to create new ones.

I spend 90% of my time on steemit reading and commenting other peoples posts. I learn new stuff and I build up relations.

So should we support authors or curators? I think we should do both but we should always think as much about the content of others than about our own.
For every post we write, we should take the time to read, comment and upvote 3 posts of others.

Best regards

Thanks @achim03 for your comment.

On steem it is the relationships that are the true value. I see the upvotes combined with the comment function as a way to tighten these relationships and to create new ones.

That's a very nice view!

So should we support authors or curators? I think we should do both but we should always think as much about the content of others than about our own.

I think we should support both also. But we need quality content in order to curate right?

I think that quality content is the base to work on. The whole concept of steem is based on content and I think that real people are only interested in quality content that relates to their interests. So you are right, quality content is definitely needed.

;) thanks @achim03. It was a pleasure discussing with you. Thanks for your contribution to this post!

Hello @lion200 nice to read your article...!!

Well, let me say something as you said. Quality content is really important here, but if the content is not in relation with the interest of others, it does´t matter if the content is really really good...!!

I have seen many post with bad content and a lot of upvotes and comments at the same time... And I don´t understand what is happening with people.. It supposed to be Quality content should be the most interesting thing in blockchain. but it is not...

We can´t change mind´s people, the only thing we can do is continues pushing step by step.

Human interaction

Yes, it is very powerful, I´m pretty sure that interaction with others is the way to be successful, people can interact with you and can have more engagement with your content.

Everyone think different and that´t awesome...!!

Sometimes you can´t get a high upvote for your great comment, but not always, it is true that those who read your comment will come to your blog for reading your articles and get more upvotes in the future.

Just for comment you can growth your SP Steem Power after getting an upvote in your comment. That´s it.

I always try to read every comment and vote and reply all of them to help with my little support people with low reputation ....

Thanks a lot for your article...!!! I appreciate it so much...

Thanks for dropping by @edgarare1!

I have seen many post with bad content and a lot of upvotes and comments at the same time... And I don´t understand what is happening with people..

Yes I can see that a lot of times here. It is strange to see that some random picture receives a lot of upvotes while a post which requires a lot of effort and time to write doesn't get as much attention.

We can´t change mind´s people, the only thing we can do is continues pushing step by step.

Indeed. We just need to keep going, try to produce good stuff to enrich this platform.

Everyone think different and that´t awesome...!!

I feel the same way! There are some comments in this post where we don't reach an agreed vision. But that's completely fine right? We don't have to agree upon everything. I really appreciate comments, even if I don't agree with them all.

Thanks a lot for your article...!!! I appreciate it so much...

Thanks! You are very kind. I appreciate you took time to write a comment!

I agree more or less but

there's always a but, isn't there?

I've taken tons of writing classes, and sadly. more is not always better

there's a reason basho was considered a master..

There's an art to building something that says what you mean in as little words as possible.

Sometimes here in steem I see people writing something that easily could be three complete packaged sets of information but jammed into one post instead of 3.

I think we feel obligated to create amazing content when in fact people want to know what you are up to, and share experience. And sometimes that is a picture, and few words.

Anyway.. that's my 2 cents on it..

I've taken tons of writing classes, and sadly. more is not always better

Interesting but correct :) More is not always better indeed...

I think we feel obligated to create amazing content when in fact people want to know what you are up to, and share experience. And sometimes that is a picture, and few words.

That is a different angle to look at it. And in case of sharing experience the author even just wants to share it where he/she doesn't really care about response. So in fact, in some cases the author already feels relieved after sharing a negative or sad event. By putting the emotions in words and sentences this already feels like a reward itself. That holds also for sharing a picture with one line expressing the feeling at that very specific moment. Whether this can be considered as quality content or amazing content... Who cares right? :)

Thanks for your insightful contribution @darrenfj!

similar to the expression beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Sometimes we have to let people with different opinions than ourselves decide what they think is and is not good content

Well said my friend @darrenfj! Thanks for your comment.

What is great about this platform is that there is always a variety of material to choose from. Sometimes I just scan titles and pictures, looking for interesting topics or new creatives to get to know. I find this very relaxing.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for your comment @guysellars.
I also read a lot about subjects I never read about before. I would say you can learn a lot by just reading interesting stuff here :)

I think people who put a lot of thinking, energy and time into a post should and even must be supported by the community.

No there is nothing that, MUST BE, supported. On that point I strongly disagree with you. Thinking, energy, and time do not equate to a post that is of quality. (Sorry but I am not a believer in "You are either with us, or against us"*, 12 year old mentality).

I don’t see a lot of posts where there is a disagreement. Maybe people are afraid of downvotes?

There are several of those post out there, I do not think it is because people are afraid of downvotes, I think it is because there are a lot of people that are on steemit and the other front ends to the steem blockchain, that have grown wary and tired of the trollish and 12 year old behavior on other social media. People are looking for friendly conversation not for an argument or a fight. (at least this person is).

Nothing must be supported, I am only one person, and I get tired of hearing/reading about this must be that must be, people can support what they want, vote how they want, and post how they want. I, (as an individual), owe no one anything on this blockchain and no one owes me anything on this blockchain.

There are several types of content on the steem blockchain, and several types of individual. I myself do not Blog, I am a consumer of content, a sometimes social poster of content. I Do not Blog. It seems to me that people like myself understand there is a difference between a blogger, and a social content poster/user. So far very few Bloggers can see the difference.

Thanks for your comment @bashadow.

No there is nothing that, MUST BE, supported. On that point I strongly disagree with you.

There is nothing wrong with your disagreement. I think you have interpreted the words must be in a different way than I meant. I am thinking from a wider perspective than just from an author-curator view. The fact that you write a comment in this topic means that you find something to write about. So there is something which draw your attention. Whether it is in the form of a story-telling or a discussion is not relevant in this case.

If you comment to a post, you have to allocate your time, you have to think about what to write and how to describe this best right? I think this contribution is valuable. That's why I reply to you. I could basically ignore this comment, right? If you continuously get ignored, you will not write a comment anymore, I can assure you that.

I don't mean to force anyone, but I want to emphasize the fact that people who write stuff, allocate their valuable time, deserve at least some appreciation. Everybody is free to read, upvote and comment to any post they want, this is not about that matter. This is about growing a community of people who value a good piece of opinion.

Thinking, energy, and time do not equate to a post that is of quality. (Sorry but I am not a believer in "You are either with us, or against us"*, 12 year old mentality).

Sorry, I don't get your point about "You are either with us, or against us"

Nothing must be supported, I am only one person, and I get tired of hearing/reading about this must be that must be, people can support what they want, vote how they want, and post how they want. I, (as an individual), owe no one anything on this blockchain and no one owes me anything on this blockchain.

Well as I explained above, it is not about forcing someone to do something, or owing something to someone. The context is more like it would help us all, as a community, if we support quality content and the creators. Everyone is here with their own free will I believe.

There are several types of content on the steem blockchain, and several types of individual. I myself do not Blog, I am a consumer of content, a sometimes social poster of content.

Nothing wrong to be a consumer. But if you don't give any appreciation of some very interesting piece you have read, and each consumer acts that way, I am afraid we won't have anything left in this platform to consume.


Dear @bashadow

Word "blog" does even sound ugly. Doesn't it?

Social content creator .... that would sound way better. Thx for suggestion


It was a nice chat, it was a good post, it was entertaining and enlightening. I really do not mind the wallet drops, I don't vote or comment on all of them, but some do catch my attention.

If it comes to this I agree with you, but the reality proves the opposite. One-liners, or even just pictures are what most people like to see. They post their "hello" 5 times a day and are connected to many. Most people do not like to read a lot of info these days. Steem is just like any other media something they do in between...

Posted using Partiko Android

They post their "hello" 5 times a day and are connected to many.

Hahaha, that made me smile allright!
Yes, unfortunately I see that behaviour about posting a single photograph or one-liner drawing many more people than a blog post containing some text. Nothing bad about the photo's and one-liners but you need to put so much more energy and time to write a good blog post, you would expect more of it...

It is not really much extra work to write some more lines. Posting takes me way more time.
Wish you a great weekend!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, posting really takes a lot of time :)
Thanks! Have a nice weekend too @wakeupkitty!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I too have noticed this trend @wakeupkitty. Or at least shorter articles. For myself, I'm drawn in by the title and picture. And, then I may take the time to read if there is a clear point/goal that I can see right away. Good call out.

Hey @lion200 buddy, you gave to the point perspective, I agree we should comment even many i guess most f the time now I feel the lack of readers which is truly demotivating.
And @crypto.piotr I too agree from your's point of view as both of your views are similar though as far as your question is considered I would say that we should support both of them as much as we can (off-course we are bounded to our resources here) but still both of the categories deserve support as they are doing exactly what is required to make this platform much fair and efficient.

Thanks for sharing your opinion @praditya!
Indeed, both require attention in order to grow this platform. Although sometimes I also feel demotivated after not seeing a lot comments for a post I have spent hours on, but still I will keep posting content I believe is good to share :)

That is really nice @lion200 , I will follow you, and I'll do my best to comment on every post of yours from now on. Just because I could relate to the situation you mentioned.

Thanks for your support @praditya! I really appreciate it!

I also think that more human interaction is needed, I think it is the logical next step of a social network, and usually the first, and it has happened little by little and naturally after the fall in prices. But by the very fact of being human interaction, it can't be forced, otherwise it would be artificial interaction.

The interaction must come naturally from the attitude of the people, and therefore, must go at their own pace.

I think the focus should be on comfort and not on need, if everyone forms a space in which they can be more comfortable, naturally human interaction will increase.

The interaction must come naturally from the attitude of the people, and therefore, must go at their own pace.

I think you're right on this.

I think the focus should be on comfort and not on need, if everyone forms a space in which they can be more comfortable, naturally human interaction will increase.

Brilliant! Thanks for your contribution @vieira! This is definitely very insightful!

Hi @lion200, surely the interaction is valuable and needed, also as the answers of the original content creator. But the writer spent much more time, than the reader, this needs to be also mentioned. But you hit the point! Human interaction is needed.

Hi @ritxi, thanks for dropping by!
Yes, the writer is definitely the initiator of the interaction by writing a good post. But also the reader who reads the post and writes a good comment is very valuable. Upvoting is nice, but a well written comment to the post is essential too!

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