THE WAR — Defining the Battlefield

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

On Saturday, Oct. 20th, Trump announced that US will withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty from 1987, which was signed with USSR, and Russia continued it as a successor of the former state, and requires both countries to eliminate their short and medium-range atomic missiles. What are the consequences?

Instead of citing the reasons of withdrawal, Trump just accused Russia for his decision and move on…

Duration: 7:41

Russian side patiently waited for the Moscow visit of a special envoy John “Chickenhawk” Bolton to end. They never react to media hype. But after the talks with Lavrov and Putin, Bolton confirmed that US will withdraw from the INF Treaty.

First official reaction of Moscow was that withdrawal is a serious mistake of the US side.


The first obvious consequence, which Trump actually pointed out, will be a new arms race. Like it is not enough that US can destroy the planet 10+ times over, now it is necessary to destroy it in hypersonic speed. Trump evolved from “Make America Great Again” in the campaign, to “Make Nukes Great Again”. And just a week after Trumps initial announcement, we got the news about the largest ammunition shipment to Europe since bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 delivered at the US air base Rammstein in Germany…

In addition, NATO has organized the largest military drills since the end of a cold war, almost three decades ago — “Trident Juncture” in Norway, only 200km from the Russian border…

“No Consequences…” Falacy

Bolton flashed his “intellectual capabilities” again, saying that withdrawal will not have any detrimental consequences, just as withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM Treaty or ABMT, 1972—2002) under George W. Bush didn’t have any. Dead wrong. This is the second obvious consequence: Russia wouldn’t develop a whole range of new strategic weapons if the ABM treaty was still in force. Thanks to Bolton’s “smarts”, Putin in February announced a wide set of weapons that can’t be defended.

Then, speaking at the UN on Friday, Oct. 26th, Andrey Belousov, deputy director of the Russian Foreign Ministry's Department of Nonproliferation and Arms Control, said that Russia is indeed readying itself for war, so it can defend its people against American aggression.

Now, after the confirmed intentions, Russia has hinted reactivation of their Cuban military bases from the USSR period.

And furthermore: Since the bombing of Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, during bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, China has enlarged its military budget by 20% every year, also developing ABM’s in expectation of a new military conflict with the US.

On Thursday, Oct. 25th, Chinese president openly instructed its military to be war ready:

We have to step up combat readiness exercises, joint exercises and confrontational exercises to enhance servicemen's capabilities and preparation for war.
— Xi Jinping, President of China

This is most unusual, since China always did such things quietly.

No consequences at all… Really?

Battleground: Europe!

Third, and the most unsettling consequence… There are all signs that US actually prepares a battleground for another war chaos — and this time it is Europe. The most ominous statement was made by former US commander in Europe Lieutenant-General Ben Hodges (retired), who last week spoke at the Warsaw Security Forum. He urged European countries to do more for their own security, explaining that Washington has “to deal with the Chinese threat” in the Pacific…

Bolton’s idea is not welcomed in Europe, because the INF Treaty was signed with the aim of securing Europe. Without intermediate-range nuclear missiles deployed, Europe was safe of possible destruction at its territory. Now NATO will deploy everything it can under the pretext of “Russian threat”, and EU effectively becomes a battleground. Just like US have risen into global power after the WWII, we cannot overlook a plan for the US to rise again on the death and destruction of Europe. Trump is destroying UN and International Law just as Hitler and Mussolini did it withdrawing from the League of Nations (with Japan, Spain and other fascists regimes of that time) in preparations for the great war.

That’s the reason European leaders did not react favorably (except Gavin Williamson, of course) to this decision, and they expressed great concern. Germany, as the most important EU country, for example:

We regret the withdrawal announced by the US. We see this treaty as a very important instrument of arms control, and an element that serves also the European interest, therefore also the German interest.
— Steffen Seibert, a spokesperson of the German government.

At the same time, in Oslo there were a big protests against NATO drills… But, who asks people, right? Well, RT does, for what is worth:

Duration: 4:09


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Hi @lighteye ... I rarely comment on political posts even though I follow the political landscape. (Only because it effects/affects/infects our world)

Trump is destroying UN and International Law just as Hitler and Mussolini did it

I'm not so sure that 'UN and International law' has worked very well for our people over the last few decades, as 'supposedly' intended when it has not served for the betterment of the people. Do not the hidden and public figures who enslave the masses, ignore those rules anyway?

As far as treaties go...each side always seem to secretly circumvent the agreement, snickering at the other...

I am an advocate for 'peace'...NOT...war...The anger over the atrocities of the past like what occurred in the former Yugoslavia tugs at my heart to this day. In those years, I had many friends here of Serbian, Croatian, and from Kosovo etc., descent with loved ones there.

Anyway...I can certainly understand your anger over recent developments. My intent is not to diminish your concerns. Regards.

I'm not so sure that 'UN and International law' has worked very well for our people over the last few decades, as 'supposedly' intended when it has not served for the betterment of the people. Do not the hidden and public figures who enslave the masses, ignore those rules anyway?

As a retired lawyer I am perfectly aware that International law is functioning only in the frames of geopolitical interests in certain periods of time, @angryman. And I am also perfectly aware that UN is functioning only as a debate club. But while you have a dialogue at the debate club, you don’t have a war. Trump started to destroy all the dialogue points. Do you see where it leads?

BTW, “inefficiency” of the League of Nations was the exact justification that Axis powers used to destroy its influence. You have a famous story: During the Second Italo-Abyssinian War, when the League accused Italian soldiers of targeting Red Cross medical tents, Benito Mussolini responded that "the League is very well when sparrows shout, but no good at all when eagles fall out."

As far as treaties go...each side always seem to secretly circumvent the agreement, snickering at the other...

Yes, but you do not accuse the other side without naming concrete example of non-compliance. We didn’t hear a single argument to accusations in withdrawal from ABM or INF. Nothing. Or, for example, Iranian Nuclear Deal. It was a multilateral agreement, all other signatory states said Iran is in compliance, all the missions in Iran have confirmed Iran is strictly in compliance, and Trump destroyed it in spite of everything.

Paris agreement on climate change? Not a single argument, but Trump refused it despite his Administration in a report has confirmed climate changes!

I am an advocate for 'peace'...NOT...war...

I know, my dear @angryman. Nobody in a sane mind would advocate war.

Anyway...I can certainly understand your anger over recent developments. My intent is not to diminish your concerns. Regards.

It’s not an anger. I’m simply listing the events which are telling me what is going to come. Every generation in the Balkans has its own war. I know what I have to do and warning everybody else to the developments. Unfortunately, mindlessness at the top of the Western countries has taken over.

It’s not an anger. I’m simply listing the events

My mistake in judging your tone...It is difficult sometimes to determine ones emotional state 'not' being able to hear the 'voice'; another frustrating thing about blogs and text messages for me at times.


When the financial system is about to break there is much posturing & historically war. Central bankers want to keep that control, no amount of human life is more important to them than that control. Hopefully this time will be different but sure seems like they’re creating a lot of potential for more war.

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