Virtual Currency Girls: Unique Girlband from Japan

in zzan5 years ago


Bitcoin users in Japan can be at a higher level than bitcoin users in other countries. Not only are they spoiled by various facilities and traders who accept payments with bitcoin, now they also have an idol called the Virtual Currency Girl.

What is this idol group like? Let us refer to the review in the following post.

The Moon, Cryptocurrency, and Me

The 8-member idol group debuted for the first time in early 2018 with a debut single titled The Moon, Cryptocurrency, and Me. The idol group member wears a mask and wears a French maid outfit. These eight members represent a variety of crypto currencies.
On February 1, 2018, the idol group held their first concert in Tokyo, which was visited by 20 crypto currency fans. These Virtual Currency Girls concert tickets can be purchased with bitcoin. Even reportedly the salaries of these idol members are paid in the form of bitcoin.

Appear at the Right Time?

Crypto currency fans might be pleased with the emergence of this Virtual Currency Girls, but there are also those who argue that the Virtual Currency Girls debuted at the wrong time because in early 2018, the value of bitcoin dropped steadily. In fact, the Japanese blockchain company, Mt. Gox was also hacked to the point of causing harm to bitcoin users throughout the world.

What do you think? Does this Virtual Currency Girls really appear at the wrong time, or does it appear at the very right time? For bitcoin lovers, this Virtual Currency Girls may actually appear as an entertainer when bitcoin is sluggish.

Like the song lyrics in the debut single, The Moon, Cryptocurrency, and Me, Virtual Currency Girls reminds us to take good care of our passwords, not to use the same password for various accounts.
Curious as to what the song? Let's take a peek at YouTube.


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