[Weekly Update] Steemit Reputation Score Report - Oct 15 | [每周更新] Steemit 信用分统计报告 10-15

in #stats8 years ago (edited)

Steemit Reputation Score Report | Steemit 信用分统计报告

  • Time Range / 统计区间: 2016-10-15 06:09 UTC ~ 2016-10-16 06:09 UTC
  • Total users / 总用户: 105,141
  • New Users / 新用户: The users that created within 24 hours. 24 小时内注册的用户。
  • Active Users / 活动用户: The users that submitted a post or voting within 24 hours, except the new users. 24 小时内有发贴或投票动作的用户。不包含新用户。
Rate %Active Users
Rate %
61+ 4240.40%3148.95%

May I offer a suggestion?

Add a few new categories up to 25:
a) -99 to zero,
b) 1 to 24
c) 25 separately

Category a) shows those who are auto-hidden due to excessive flagging
Category b) shows those who have a negative behavior, but are not excessively flagged
Category c) shows those who remain with the (25) as the default.

I also think the stats have a bug. There were definitely people posting above 61 (including me).

Right, and some other numbers look suspiciously low as well. Are there only 96 users with rep 41~45? I'd expect several times more

Yes, it's more, it's a bug.
BTW, your bot is pretty good.

But... it was me who wrote this comment! :)

I mean your voting robot is pretty cool.

Thanks for the suggestion, i will do that, and i noticed that bug as well.

Are these stats real? Alot less active user since a week ago with rep 51+

Are Steemit having a hard time be course of the price drop?

also there are less users with rep 51+, then there was last week, how is that even possible, people cannot delete accounts can they?? And its unrealistic that so many acounts was deleted in one week ?

This stat confuse me, please answer....

or it can be that more people with rep 52+ have been flagged to a lower rep, becourse the overall number of accounts did go up a little...

maybe its the whales/steemcleaners that have cleened up steemit?

@craig-grant is rep 68 and he is active, posted in the last 24 hours. The stats says that there are 0 in rep 61+. This stats is not real. @laoni please take down this stat, I have personally used this stat in videos, and now it turns out that its not real.

Thumbs down.

Sorry for the mistake, I have corrected it.
I moved my node to a new place, and forgot to replay the blockchain.
So the reputation scores are a few month old.

Ok, now it looks right.

Thank you for the great service of providing us all with these statistics. I will make a video about this one soon I think.

MANY thumbs up.

Thanks for sharing these stats!

Good to see the users count. Thanks for sharing @laonie

Thank you for the information @laonie!

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