"The future of AI" what will happen to the money ?.

in #ai5 years ago

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"The future of AI" what will happen to the money ?.

I recently had the opportunity to read a publication by @varioso “Elon Musk: AI will make jobs “pointless”, so focus on people and art” in the same publication there is a link to a video of an interview that they did to Elon Musk accompanied by Jack Ma

In this discussion they dealt with some very important issues, however, what caught my attention was the statement where they say that:

Elon Musk: AI will make jobs "useless", so you have to focus on people and art. Interview Link

...That statement awoke in me something very questionably, which in the future can be considered as another possible reality.

We all know the scope that AI currently has and we know that in the not too distant future that AI will generate many pattern changes that have remained the same for centuries, as we say in a thesis of form and substance, the forms have changed but basically everything remains the same.

A job that a person does is always with a goal, to obtain a monetary consideration or a consideration of some good or service, which basically that good or service ends up having a monetary cost.

For a very simple example, all of us who are in steemit, no matter how much we like to read and write, will always be with an end, to get something in return, right? Or for small fish like Me or others that do not have the monetary power that whales have, we are only pursuing some money, all the time invested translates into gaining good recognition, that they can know you, and that they see your work to achieve finally money

Now if all the jobs are to make money and with that money earned we can buy, pay and recreate ourselves at the end of the day to feel happiness.
They say that money does not buy happiness.
That is questionable and is even reasonable, but although he does not buy happiness I think it helps a lot to have a little of it, taking into account that for each one happiness is relative.
What makes some happy, it is possible that others do not.

Of course, money and happiness is flour from another sack, possibly touching in another publication.

Now I return to the main topic and taking into account the title of my publication "The future of AI" what will happen to the money ?. The money question is related to the interview.

According to Tesla CEO Elon Musk, AI will make the work meaningless, so it is time to consider what is next for humanity.

And that is the question that follows for humanity by not having a job that supports money, how are we going to be able to have money? What will money be for? If we don't have work, it's a true loop.

In that loop of questions I remembered the history of humanity and where the word salary comes from, which became a form of payment for doing a job.


Salary derives from the Latin salarium, which means 'payment of salt' or 'for salt'. The term comes from the ancient Roman Empire, where many times payments were made to soldiers with salt, which was worth its weight in gold, since salt in ancient times was one of the few ways to preserve meat, it is say, putting it on salting. Source


Since there is no availability of work for humans since everyone will be occupied by AI then we will do, study "engineering, physics, art or work in an area that involves human interaction." - As proposed by Elon Musk.

If the AI seizes the work I doubt that they will be paid for that. A movie also came up where the robot that owned AI.
Its owner, managed to open an account in a bank in the movie and so in this way he was paid for his inventions, I think someone could see that movie, is called the "Bicentennial Man". It is based on the homonymous story of Isaac Asimov and the novel based on it The positronic man. a futurist not far from our current reality.

If Millions of people are left without jobs mainly in developed countries and I think that this situation can happen before, given that they are the first to pursue complete automation in their companies without employees, which means that they no longer have to pay salaries.
You can see where I want to go with my question, again I fall into the subject, without work there is no money.

Then as the human in that future will subsist.
If you need to meet some basic needs to live like food, clothing, housing, health, education that until today can be obtained through the exchange of time, physical and mental effort dedicated to a job for a certain time to receive a payment, salary . Between the employer and the employee there is a feedback where win-win is sought, that is, companies seek to obtain benefits and the higher the better, seeing their success through their gains achieved so far with the human factor.

For now I wonder, if companies start working only with artificial intelligence, they would not have payroll because there will be no employee, what would they earn? more money? to what extent would it be profit, what could they do with that money with the replacement of man by AI.

I ask:

What will happen to the money if there will be no one to pay?

I would like to know your opinion about it.

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This is a very thought-provoking piece. I love the conversations about such hypothetical future with my friends when we do talk about it.

I think the day when most of our work are taken over by AI, humans would already be doing some other work that we cannot even imagine right now. For example, before the industrial revolution, not many would have imagine the jobs of mechanical and electrical engineers. Before the mass adoption on internet and social media, no one would ever imagine YouTubers and Instagrammers as full time jobs.

As technology evolves, human's skills evolve as well and so far, we have been able to harness technology to make us more productive as a whole. With AI, I think it is going to be the same. Jobs such has "AI trainer" and "Data scientists" will probably be the norm, and there will certainly be other new jobs created.

So my personal take is that there won't be a case where jobs are 100% displaced by AI. Hence, people still need to work and get paid in the future.

Hi @culgin

As technology evolves, human's skills evolve as well and so far,

Good point friend. In fact I believe that despite the artificial intelligence itself in constant learning, it is very important that the human brain is even more capable of solving future problems.

and I agree with you in that hypothetical future, the human will always go with one foot in front of those circumstances..

And it is just as you mentioned, I do not believe that AI displaces 100% human work.

This was the dynamic that I wanted to create.

I am very pleased with your comment. Thanks for visiting my publication


Hi Lanzo, thanks for this brilliant piece of work. For me, I believe that AI cannot eliminate money. It's true that work will reduce but money will always have its value, although it could take different forms.

Howdy dear friend @lanzjoseg.

This is a post apocalyptic scenario. I almost imagined a planet without humans where machines would be present in all areas that correspond to people.

In the supposed case that the machines develop all the work of humans, we would face a monopolized market where the money would go to the owners of these machines.
Yes there would be economic exchange but this would be done among very few protagonists.
Therefore, the labor force would be seriously displaced.

Thanks for sharing.

Your friend, Juan.

Hey @lanzjoseg,

I actually prepared a reply to the publication by @varioso but the reply became so lengthy that I decided to convert the whole reply to an article and posted it just yesterday.

You can read the article here. It answers some of your questions.

I think people tend to simplify matters and exaggerate what could happen by saying such things as ALL (or most) jobs will be lost and so forth. Nothing is going to happen to jobs. Jobs will always be there and there will always be money in some form or another.

We need to remember that even Elon Musk and Jack Ma could talk nonsense. If what they said was uttered by someone who is a nobody we won't be having this conversation!

Indeed @devann. Elon and Jack do talk so much nonsense. It's hard to listen to them sometimes

Hello dear professor @lanzjoseg, once you have a great publication, as always, congratulations.

Now, it is a great dilemma that you raise and very difficult to answer your question (At least for me), the first thing I can tell you is that I wish this does not come soon, I mean that many people in undeveloped countries are not yet aware of the impact that AI can and is causing in terms of jobs, and we need more people around the world to assimilate the situation and make predictions about this

It is said that more than 800 million people are hungry around the world, efforts are made to combat poverty, but if employment is equal to salary and salary is equal to bread on the table, what you propose then means that these numbers will increase and The world would become a real chaos.

Hopefully, governments and companies that invest in AI can offer alternatives for people who would eventually lose their jobs in a scenario like this.

Thank you brother, great article, keep moving forward that Venezuela advances with you.


Hi friend @fucho80

Thank you for your comment, my publication as in some others are just questioning what I do of a hypothetical future ..

However, we must follow closely these advances in the real world we face.


If AI works there is money and we all get a basic income. If you live with 10 in one house you have more money together. If you are single you might have a problem and find a way to earn extra (hand crafts, home made food, own vegetable garden, etc). No social security payments, health insurance, taxes needed.

"Money" has been around for thousands of years and nothing has changed. Mankind still seeks for power and those in power let others slaughter their enemies in the name of something either holy or honourable. As long as we as the animals we are do not change our destiny, we will never get rid of these stupid monetary systems.

However, I do believe Crypto IS the future!!!

Hi @jmehta
Certain money has always existed, but it has also changed its form, and that will be so forever. It is one of the things we always look for in order to exchange it for other goods and services.
but to get money you have to earn it honestly.

@lanzjoseg, In my opinion one thing is for sure and that is many will lose their jobs because Artificial Intelligence, Robots and BOTS will perform work on behalf of human beings and requirement for human effort will lessen but let's hope that dark side of the thoughts will not become the reality. Stay blessed.

future does look quite scary and gloomy, doesnt it @chireerocks ?

Absolutely it is scary. But masses have power to change it, but it needs the process of Mass Awakening.

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Yes, friend @chireerocks is very right and that worries me a lot. Above all I would not like to be in someone's shoes that can be displaced by the AI.


Let's see what picture is coming ahead.

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