The family, the basis of a healthy society, let's work together for a society

The family nucleus is commonly constituted by a group of individuals united by bonds of consanguinity centered in the beginning by a father, mother and children but with the passing of the years they have been changing.

I am referring to the types of families today, formed also by grandparents when we live with them, uncles, cousins, in-laws and even by affinity we also call family even a friend. And where it prevails in the first place the support, the respect, the union and all a set of values that will form the newborn like a man of good with the moral in high prepared to form part of the development of a society, being, the family the fundamental foundation to obtain it.

Sources of the combined images image 1, image 2

Throughout our lives we receive a lot of education, but it is at home where we learn our first lessons and if our parents or the elders with whom we live are responsible to teach us by example, being a pattern and model to follow is a fundamental role of every family.

It is necessary to clarify at this point that the education received in the family has nothing to do with race or social classes, or having more or less money, no, here is no point of comparison because teaching values does not have an economic cost, in no way is just a matter of assuming each one's responsibility. That teaching received since childhood is not forgotten when we are told: "Say please and thank you ", " Permission ", * "Excuse me "*, "Good morning Mr., Mrs., Teacher " so simply to respect and I say with propriety because I am the father of two girls who since they are months old a boy learns to identify a "Yes " and a "No " even if they do not pronounce words yet.

The values in a family are a fundamental pillar, if they are ignored are wrong and not only its members but will bring consequences to society. If you are not taught to respect, responsibility, honesty, humility, gratitude, friendship and love because when you grow up loved you are a human being more kind, understanding, kind. But parents, adults or guardians should be congruent with what they say and do, should not forget that we are a model to follow, for example if I'm teaching my daughter the value of punctuality as I'm going to take her to school late, what am I doing when I say "no matter if you do not want to do the homework" and responsibility where I stay?

When we let the child raise his voice and worse still his hand, what are we doing wrong in the upbringing? when we allow him to speak badly of the teacher for example; that's why we have to review and understand the main thing of home schooling.
A very repetitive common case is also to correct a child when he takes or grabs something foreign, because this little boy is innocent so today is a pencil and in the future robs a bank. There is nothing worse than to know that you are on the wrong path and continue in it, so it is better to correct in time.

The "time" now that I come to this point, time is today's main excuse for not being responsible for the acts of our children. The era, changes, work, divorces, single mothers, the environment, music, clothes and globalization. Education is now in the hands of schools and directed tasks, of the older brother or in the worst case alone.

It's true mom now works, it's the era of professional women with complicated schedules; so the point is that with both parents working at home with the children, it's not an easy subject because in no way I dare to criticize the issue of both working and less in these countries like Venezuela where the economy suffocates us, in fact my wife is a professional and also has a job, the truth is I don't know if she is a superhero because she is extraordinary as a professional, wife and a super mom because I still can't do a thousand things at once like her.

To have children comes with it the responsibility to take care of them and the time it is necessary to look for it there is no other, it is not an option if you want or not, it is that they need us. I am going to allow myself to say that if it is necessary the presence of both, it says a lot is the mother that must occupy, the man is man and only must work, if she is a girl she must be attended by the mother, by God the children are of both and educate them and form them their priority.

Single mothers who for some reason are left alone with their children, is unfortunate but I think they are not exempt from raising good men and women, because although they have to face very strong things in life, must teach the good and the bad. Today we have cases of single fathers also and I think the same thing that they have to throw a truck of desire to take out their children ahead because to want is to be able.

That common phrase that "love can do it all " I believe is true in the following way: children are the greatest love we have so if we love them we must find the quality time they deserve, It does not apply to those degenerates who abandon them or do not take care of them. I need to clarify that I speak of time Not of gifts, I speak of hugs, of affection, of attention to listen, we need to give them moments, memories, leave a trace.

Children need attention and time. Television now along with other electronic devices are replacing communications in the home where they only eat and sleep, Lunch watching television or worse with the phones on the table is today, being a valuable time to talk and is wasted, an example of how you are wasting time.

Much attention is being paid to other aspects of life leaving aside the sacred family. When the family environment is damaged immediately suffers the consequences society starting to combat violence, the destruction of the family is a serious problem and global today.

A home full of violence forms violent men, without love and frivolous without feelings and without values without respect for anything or anyone. Governments should also be involved in fostering family unity, with social programs that encourage and promote good customs, together enforcing the laws of children's rights and duties and that they are complied with, that parents assume the role that corresponds to them, that birth control can be carried out guiding people when they are going to bring children into the world, that it is with responsibility.

An indisputably healthy society is achieved from within the family, with education, respect and a sense of belonging. I do my bit every day by being a good citizen, respecting the spaces and rights of others, not dirtying my city, teaching my daughters by example and with the opportunity that life gave me to do so by educating at the university.

image 1

Let's work together for a healthy society.

Sources of the combined images image 1, image 2

Together with my family, we are building a healthy society.

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A man without family is the poorest of all; a man with a loving family is the richest beyond measure.

You are absolutely right, my friend @thecryptodrive in what you say.
I can tell you with all following property, despite the cricunstacias and adbersidades of my country.

I am a man with a loving family. I am the richest beyond measure.

That you are my friend!

It's very necessary what you say.

Doing a review of the families that surround me here in Venezuela.

I can see that education is left in the hands of television, telephones and computers. In other words, all those electronic devices come to replace the role of a nanny.

For the same reason you mention, homes where mom and dad must go out to work. Supervision is not effective, in some cases it is not carried out. Perhaps thinking that it does not affect the education of our children.

Most Venezuelan children spend more than 4 hours in school, where they capture the behavior of their peers. If we add to this the carelessness after arriving home. The result will be a child who has no basis in the education of the parents.

There are several factors that can be mentioned, so it is necessary to encourage these discussions. I believe that globalisation is necessary, but we must be aware of the danger it entails if we do not know how to handle it in a good way.

Hi @yonnathang

Yes, but in spite of everything I say and reinforcing what you mention, the same way we parents have the duty to pay attention to children so that they are a better person in the future, it is difficult but I know that it can be achieved.

Better quality of family is better quality of humans and society.

Yes! It is a subject that can be approached from many perspectives.

In total agreement. The attention of our children is of relevance. Yes, it can be achieved.

Venezuela seems to have a horrible problem with most of your youth thinking Child Modelling is all that is available to them as a way to succeed in life, or even survive.

These are difficult times for us!

It is a question of strengthening the conscience.

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@lanzjoseg, With what values we raise children will going to effect whole society in good way or bad way because today or tomorrow children will going to grow and they will express themselves in society.

Posted using Partiko Android

If friend @chireerocks for that reason make this publication. We are the only ones guilty of being a child when he grows up as will his behavior and integration into society.

~Smartsteem Curation Team

Hi @smartsteem Thanks for the support.

Hello dear professor @lanzjoseg, great article once again.

The family must always be first, parents are obliged to be responsible not only for the provision of the home, but also for education, an education based on strong values, honesty, respect and love for others.

Many authors, parents and students of sociology agree that the loss of values in a decadent society originates in the increasing sum of dysfunctional homes where parents do not fulfill their responsibility or simply are not, this hurts us a lot as a society in set.

Friend, you definitely have to strengthen the family, it is the remedy for one to have a more just society, with strong and admirable values and principles.

Thank you friend @fucho80 for your right comment,

A big hug and blessing to my nephews ..

Imaging a duality coin. I can be used for corporate, small business, entrepreneurial ventures and or families. Most people are on their phones way too much. What if duality coin enabled children to pursue their passions while simultaneously contributing to the family and earning their allowance. Just a thought you inspired here :)

Hi @machnbirdsparo

Monetize the natural behavior of children, who currently only use equipment whether cell phones or computers.
That same loneliness that we generate by not being aware of them.

Ok it is questionable however it can be like that, and do not doubt that it is already happening.

Allowance Coin :)

Timely article. Friend made a recent podcast about this same topic and how the role of the parents has been given up to the Internet and online e-celebs.

Hi @aagabriel

Thanks for the very interesting link,

But as I say that is inevitable electronic devices. We just have to be very aware of our children that depends on their future in society.


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